
I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that sometimes I wish certain situations could just blow over or at least fade away. Certainty of such occurrences would provide much relief in one's daily life. Yeah, if only it worked that way.
I guess that this just means that one has to be willing to let go of something in order to gain something else. As in economics, marginal rate of substitution, or the law of. But is it so hard to ask for both things, especially when they both are good, one that used to be, and one that has been? Reallocation is necessary here, but unfortunately I do not have sufficient funds that will allow flexibility of my budget line. My indifference curve is way below where I find would be ideal, yet in more ways than one, I'm satisfied enough. Some days, I find myself at optimal utility, at equilibrium point; other days, well, I just don't care so much. Nonetheless, I am satisfied with the latter "one."

At this moment in time, I am very sleepy. I thought I would blog something here simply because it feels like I haven't done so in such a long time, although apparently it's been only two days. Two days makes the most tremendous difference, under particular circumstances. Everything always depends on what the situation is, in case you have not noticed so.

Summer school ends in two days. You would think that a teenager would be overly excited that summer school is over. You would think wrongly. I don't want this to end! Five weeks... Even though some felt so excruciatingly long, I would so much rather continue this than resume high school school. It's so overly pretentious. People are so into vanity that they forget the entire purpose of the place they're spending almost half of their day in. But really, I am going to miss this year's summer school. It has been so...happy-fying. At some points. Three weeks and one day until regular school begins again. If you haven't gotten the hint, I am not looking forward to it. Nor am I the least bit enthusiastic about the enormous pile of homework I must complete in a short period of two weeks, during which I am supposed to catch up on sleep.

Wow, I realized only a moment ago that for once, I am not doing anything but THIS. And listening to music, but that hardly requires any focus. No television, no chatting, no phone. It's a pretty nice feeling. For once, I am actually focused on just this one thing and one thing only.
Which reminds me that I have to study for economics... And write in my journal soon. And continue reading The Scarlet Letter. I started chapter 9 this morning, I think. So there's some progress there, at least. Thus, I can't say that I am a total failure.

These past few days, I don't feel like I have anything much to say anymore. Probably because I've been so "caught up" with everything else that has been going on, not implying that "everything else" is bad, because that would be a completely false inference in desperate need of correction. I'm probably not making sense again.

Michael Phelps is so cool. So cool that I did not need an exclamation mark to make such a statement. He keeps beating his own records! I mean, if he repeated beat somebody else's records, then big deal, you know? But they're his own! Seriously. What an awesome...swimmer. It's just that he's so good at what he does that I keep "complimenting"/commenting on him.

It takes so much effort to hide some things that sometimes it's just not worth it.
It takes so much effort to be mad at someone, so why be? You'll get over it sooner or later, so why not the former than the latter? Why not at least try to understand the situation or talk to the person first? You could give that person a chance, you know, because the likelihood of misinterpretation and misunderstanding is rather high. Some news can't be told in any other way but directly.

I have always given honesty a high rank on the list of essentials in a relationship (whatever that "ship" may be). But a few days ago I realized that perhaps I was wrong. Maybe one does not necessarily always have to be so frank about everything. What they don't know won't hurt them. I guess that's true. But really, everything is undoubtedly bound to reveal itself anyway. Oh, wait, I'm getting off topic here. My bad. My point here is that before then, I had thought that honesty could and is supposed to strengthen a relationship, not put a dent in it. Again, I suppose that it just depends (on what and how the relationship is). This sucks, even though I keep trying to convince myself that I am over it.

So many feelings that I've never felt before
Here they come again, down they pour
Everytime I think of you and me
I can't help but smile and think of what we've come to be

So many feelings that I've never felt before
Here they come again, down they pour
When I replay that message in my head
I can only remember how my heart plummeted at what I read

So many feelings that I've never felt before
Here they come again, down they pour
What's been happening, all these happenings
Happiness and hurt, so magical and curt
Suppose that's the way it has to be
At least there's you and me

I'm listening to a Ryan Cabrera song at the moment. I haven't listened to one in quite a while, but that's what makes it good.

Have I mentioned how interesting of a book The Scarlet Letter is? It's very interesting. How redundant, right? Oh, well. Right, I still need to purchase a lab notebook or whatever for chemistry. Amazon.com is out of stock, though!
This weeks' "Jeopardy!" is teen week! Yesterday some dude named Zia had $50,000 going into the final round, but then went down to $30something thousand after it. Nonetheless, he won and is going to go to the...either the semifinals or the finals. Pretty cool. I should go one day! (Ha, yeah right.)

And I'll taste every moment and live it out loud
I know this is the time, this is the time to be
More than a name or a face in the crowd
This is the time of my life

David Cook... What a singer.

So it's now 5:22. I don't know how long I've been blogging, but I do know that I've been sitting here at the computer desk for much too long when I should be studying or doing something, anything along that line. And this completely deviates from it.

Sometimes I have to think hard to make sure that this is real.


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