Triple Eights

It wasn't until a few moments ago when I realized that today is...was, 08/08/08, not that it matters much to me, because such "beliefs" are so far beyond reality for me.
I like to call myself a cynical optimist. Or simply a realist.

The Olympics began today, I guess. Or yesterday, whichever. I don't understand what is so good about watching it today. I mean, really. Nothing is going on! All that's happening right now is different countries' athletes walking around, waving and whatnot. (I am not watching it; I just so happened to have glanced at it once or twice in the last five minutes.) I can't wait until the swimming part... And I think we all know why! Ha, just kidding. Kind of. But really. I like watching gymnastics, as well. It's so interesting how flexible they can be! I'm flexible, as well...with my words. From time to time. sigh

So much has happened today, even though it feels like nothing in particular happened at all. Or perhaps it's just all the small things added together that makes one big piece. Well, isn't that the case for most happenings anyway? I don't even really feel like talking about my day. I was so sleepy today that I fell asleep while watching a DVD borrowed from the library. Granted, I didn't feel like watching anything to begin with. But after about twenty minutes worth of a naptime, I woke up and called and bored somebody for an hour and a half. Ha. Park in the morning, sushi for lunch, home and nap inflicted by movie, a long phone call, park in the late afternoon/evening, taken-away phone, and now here is what would usually be a long story, abridged. I simply feel so exhausted, so very exhausted. I guess a lot has happened today, some good, some bad. Mostly good, I guess. I like the yellow flower(s) I picked. Of course, they always look the same, but...yeah. I actually gave it to someone...who killed it. Gee.

Um, so I finished the book I Heart You, You Haunt Me about twenty minutes ago. Sadly, this is the only book that I have read for pleasure this entire summer. And the only reason I borrowed it to begin with is that it's short. Everything is written in verse, so it's quite easy to say that I can read, say fifty pages in fifteen minutes. I seriously need to begin my summer assignments. Next week, after summer session ends, about which I will be very sad because...yeah. I don't miss high school at all, let's just say. It's so freaking pretentious; it's a place where so many people care so much more about their status than their education, as one pointedly pointed out to me yesterday. If I could, I would undoubtedly attend school there for freaking...ever? Nah, but just to finish high school. Oh, wait. I could. Go figure.

Princeton. I really want to go there... I think I'm setting myself up for disappointment yet again. And it's so far-fetched. Oh, there I go being pessimistic. Here I am being optimistic: I can do it! Ha.

An hour or two ago, I recieved a call from a friend with whom I had not talked in quite a while, and we talked for about forty minutes, about usual stuff. I love having conversations in which "conversating" doesn't cease. It doesn't really matter what it's about, because ultimately, the talking in general is what matters, because communication is so important. That is, unless one is intentionally avoiding another. But, yeah.

Also earlier today, I realized that when I "grow up," I would not want to come home to nothing. As in, with no family. I mean, one can have all the money in the world, thousands of friends on Myspace, hundreds of contacts in the phonebook...and just not be happy. Because what makes home home is the presence of somebody else there. Or you can plural-ize that. If that even made sense at all. I guess what I'm trying to get to here is that maybe I'm getting over the mentality that I will either never get married or have a family, or get married many time and still never have a family. Of my own, that is. I don't even know how that mentality came about. But it's been there. I mean, here. Here, there, wherever; whatever.

Hmm. I just saw a "commercial" for the Olympics, and I must admit that I am now intrigued. I am so looking forward to watching Kerry Walsh and Misty May Treanor play volleyball. They're my heroes. Kind of. In the way that fans admire their...object of admiration. But not quite. Ah, I don't even know what I'm saying.

"Angel of Mine"

I haven't listened to music since...yesterday. And I miss it! Oh, right, I haven't played music since last night, either. Goodness. And I'm using the laptop right now, so I can't Youtube anything either because it makes it lag so terribly. I despise slowness. Even though I myself am slow... Taking half an hour to get out of the house. But today wasn't my fault! I was ready a long time before we were "due" to depart for the park.

Hmm, fourteen-year-old diver Tom Baley (however it's spelled) is a European diver. He reminds me of David Archuleta, the way he smiles. David Cook...

It's now five til half past ten, and I shall go read myself to sleep or something. Read myself. Ha. I'll probably just end up writing in my journal, with which I am deeply in love...because all I write about are me, myself, and I. And all three of their lives.

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh!" he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."
-A.A. Milne

Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky.
-R.M. Rilke


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