
The dashboard page thing looks so different today. That is because it is! But why? I like it better the way it was before. It has been three days since I last wrote anything here, and surprisingly, I did not miss this at all. I suppose that given certain circumstances, I just do not feel the need to anymore. But oh, well. I told myself that I would not neglect this blog, that this is another thing on my "Commitment(s)" list. Deca was the very first one on that list. Now instead of just one item, I have...more :)
I honestly do not know how, when, or why I became commitment-phobic, so to speak. That sounds very extreme, so I guess I will tone it down and say that I used to be afraid of commitment. Strange. Actually, it is not even that I was ever truly afraid. Curiosity, infatuation, impatience. Over and over. There you go. But hopefully I will grow out of that, as I have with the repetitive marriage-divorce thing. Haha.

At the moment, I am talking to a friend with whom I have not conversed in such a long time! In ninth grade, we had only Spanish and PE together, but we talked so very much. This year, rarely ever. And now we are discussing...current events in our lives. Quite interesting.
I am also listening to "songs." Special songs.

Oh, I think that I have lost The Scarlet Letter. I remember I read a few pages the other day, but I forget where I left it. I looked for it for a few minutes last night before we went out to eat dinner, but I could not find it. And when we returned, I could not find it again! Darn. Now I will have to go hunting or something. Where is a book detector when I need one?

I went to sleep uncharacteristically early last night. At 10:30 or so... Or, well, I was ready to sleep by that time. I had been sleeping at midnight or so and then waking up around six everyday, and I was so extremely sleepy. Anyway, I probably fell asleep at 11:40 and then at 7:02, my phone vibrated. It was my cousin calling me to go jogging because I had promised her last night I would go with her. So around eight, we finally went jogging around the blocks around the vicinity of our homes. It was actually productive jogging this time, too! Because every other time I have gone with her, we just walked. It felt so good to run, though, because I had not done so in quite a long time, and now that I do not have the fitness center place to go to four days of the week anymore, doing that will do me some good. Perhaps I will "commit" and actually do it every day of the week now. But not at 7 A.M. though. That is way too insanely early. Maybe eight, haha.

Since I have not done much lately except go to school and all that stuff (among other..."stuff"), I have nothing much more interesting to say. Except that I found a great big music book for piano at the library yesterday... And I will probably just end up returning it in two weeks. Or later, since I always return everything late anyway.
And I have nothing more to say. Really.

Let's not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and we obey them without realizing it.
-Vincent Van Gogh

The feeling is often the deeper truth, the opinion the more superficial one.
-Augustus William and Julius Charles Hare


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