Catastrophic Seconds and Disappearance


I had just been blogging for over an hour, and now EVERYTHING IS GONE! I had so much written, too! And I absolutely refuse to rewrite everything, because that took so very much time and effort, and now I shall just talk about what an even crappier day I've had since that just occurred! What the fugly stupid! I am seriously about to have a heart attack or something. Really. See, I accidentally selected everything, then pressed the arrow key, for some reason, and it just so happened that had to auto-save at that very moment! What the stupid fugly!! Oh, my goodness. I am now officially obsessively pissed off! Oh, gosh. I do not think that anybody should communicate with me now. Or else they're in for some seriously ranting!

I had said so much meaningful stuff, too! Why?! See, the title for that one was simply "Catastrophic Seconds", but after several attempts to restore that, I added the second part. Oh, goodness gracious me! Why?!! I hate my "luck". Now you see why I do not believe in luck? Such stupid superstitions. And now I can't even spell. Gosh. There is seriously something wrong with today! Oh, my freaking goodness gracious what the fugly.

This sucks. So very much.

I cannot even begin to recover and retype what I said earlier!
And I wasn't even the least bit inarticulate at first, either! Of course, it would only be sensible to expect that I am now a bit less articulate, after WHAT JUST STUPID HAPPENED!
But okay, fine. It was my own fault. But for now, I still hate for saving at that very moment! Geez! I should like, file a complaint or something. I remember one time, the auto-save actually saved me and I was glad about it. But today... No way.

I am currently debating whether or not I should even go over what I went over earlier, because truly, it was A LOT. One of the longest that I have done in a while. One of the longest but most articulate rants you will ever in your lifetime have the opportunity to read! Thank for its disappearance.
I am unhealthily displacing my blame and projecting my "anger" on a fixed object. And yes, I am completely aware that I am making it seem like I am bipolar or something along that line, but because of my awareness, I am not!
I'm simply displaying my emotions, which, ultimately, is a very helpful and healthy thing. Know that.

So I guess I'll try to recall what I said earlier. Gosh darn auto-save for today.
Let's talk "displaying emotions" first, then. So one of my friends and I hadn't been talking for a week or two, and that was uncharacteristic, because we usually talk so much online. At one point, it did occur to me that something may have been wrong, because she usually IMs me first, so yesterday I finally decided to IM her and then I proceeded to ask what was wrong after she gave me two very evasive replies to my two non-evasive questions. Turns out, something was bothering her, and yes, it was me (if you really think about it literally). So after a while, we got to sorting everything out, and afterward, I was so relieved and happy, and so was she, I guess. And, yeah, things are all good now, between she and I (but most certainly not between and I!) and I am glad of it. Point is, if you have a dilemma or get the vibe that something is wrong in your relationship with another person, whatever "ship" it is you may be on, then you're most likely right! So go ahead and ask a simple question; try to sort it out, and more likely than not, you will reach reconciliation, which admit it or not, is ultimately what you desire anyway, right? So what is the harm, really? Unless you're incompassionately coldhearted and uncaringly indifferent about such fragile things as relationships, then okay. Whatever sinks your "ship." It's your life, live it your way. Don't let me hinder you from doing so!

Geez, I really wonder how long this will take. I am going to step away from the computer for a few minutes. NOW auto-save, why don't you?

I have been experiencing (emotional) highs and lows today. Add physical to that, too. Seriously. In the A.M. and early P.M. I kept craving for something that I couldn't get my finger on until we went to Starbucks later on and I got the stawberry and creme drink. I had a high (in a meaning that you most likely are not accustomed to, so go ahead and assume!) afterward, and now a low due to WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I just finished binging on beautiful green grapes during those minutes that I was gone. And now I shall go obtain another fruit.

We've had a lot of plum in the fridge lately... One can infer, then, that I have been consuming an abundant amount of plums. Slash pluots. Both just as good. And, needless to say, unless you truly are that clueless, I just consumed yet another plum. Third one for the day! Eh, I think I'm too full from fruits for dinner now. I don't even like dinner anymore. My favorite meal of the day is breakfast... Just 'cause the food is usually cool. As in...not hot. Or whatever. I dislike lunch because sometimes it's just so hard to choose what I want to eat! Either that, or there's nothing to eat... Nonetheless, I am not abstemious. Rather far from it, really.

Today was such a horrible day, if you take into consideration just the horrible things that have happened. Goodness. I mean, really. Such adversity!
So I woke up to my alarm at 6:04 this morning, and immediately felt a kind of sleepiness and lethargy that I hadn't felt in such a long time. And, to add to that, it was so uncharacteristically hot for the morningtime! I felt so very...uncomforatble, in lack of a better adjective. I don't know, it just felt kind of off, for me. Oh, another factor of off-ness was when my cousin actually arrived early! Usually my sister and I leave and then we have to call him while we're just standing there to make sure that he comes; it's usually 6:51 at this time. But today, he yelled through our window, "Are you guys ready yet?" at 6:46! What the heck! The sky must have dropped sometime last night or something. Speaking of which, it was so hot last night while I was just sitting here doing nothing but chatting here at the computer. I actually perspired, for some reason! It was that hot! Well, I guess that was the reason. So I am hypothesizing that maybe the world, took a turn for the worse last night. Yeah, I'm being dramatic, but I'm also being serious. This is so weird. But, um, on with the story of my day, as I have so hardworkingly worked on earlier but was destroyed by auto-save just when it mattered most. Goodness. Anyway, when we got to school, I had absolutely nothing to do and no class to go to because the anthro teacher wasn't here today (yeah, again, but hey, I'm not complaining; I tend to nod off in the class practically everyday anyway), so I decided to go sit and wait with my cousin for his teacher, and when she arrived at 7:49 (yeah, I like exact time), I went over to my sister's classroom. At :52, I said, "You know what? I'll just purposely take eight minutes to walk to PE," and what do you know? At that very moment, SOMEbody called me, and then... half an hour or so later, we went to PE. Due to my utter lethargy as well as the fact that it's MONDAY (seemingly people tend to blame all bad things that happen on Mondays on MONDAYS... if that made any sense), I couldn't stay at one station or do any one thing for more than five minutes. But I did do a hundred sit-ups! Or whatever they're called. It was fun; the highlight of my day, I guess... After about an hour there, we left for the library, where we tended to unproductive studying by productively socializing, followed by visiting the lunch truck for yet another unintended session of productive socializing, and lastly, heading back to our repsective classes for (un)productive learning. That totally lacked parallel structure, but hey, I had it done perfectly once, and I should not try to hard to make it so the second annoying time around. Let's see. So, around half past noon, a man came into our econ classroom and said something about everyone having to leave school because "the restrooms aren't working". I was flabbergasted at such a ridiculous reason for everybody having to leave the school. It irked me, too, because I had wanted to go exercise despite my then lethargy! Anyway, it was yet another "evacuation", and when my sister, her friend, and I got off campus and to the bus stop, we decided to just go get something to eat or drink because there were so many people who obviously wanted to get onto that bus there. But it was expected, because I mean, come on. Who in their right mind would not want to go home ASAP and get on with their lives, huh? But we, with me being supposedly claustrophobic and all of us having nothing to rush back to, decided to go to Starbucks. And, blah blah blah. As we were exiting, I saw a bus out of the corner of my eye, and what do you know? It's the 770. But we didn't rush for it. When my sister and I got to the stop, though, another bus arrived, and we got on. After about twenty minutes, we got off a stop earlier than usual because we needed to go to Union Station for bus tokens/ a pass. I was quite apprehensive, though, because we had never gone in that way, and it is so easy to get lost because it's such a big place! But my sister, who was leading the way (because it was her idea to go in that way), found an escalator and she pointed out the large line of people downstairs. I didn't really care at first, but once we got down there and I saw that that was the line for what we needed, I freaked out. Well, not quite. But seriously, I despise lines (and traffic). We ended up having to wait an hour (if not longer, goodness) until we finally got our tokens (for just the bus and nothing else, unfortunately). Um...yeah, then we left. I walked a lot quicker than usual because I still felt so annoyed (because of the line and that we couldn't get a particular pass just because they keep asking for so much information...I mean, really, who brings a report card or a bank statement with them to buy bus stuff anyway?!); plus, it was hot, and since it's going to be hot either way, why not walk faster to avoid longer exposure to the skin-cancer-causing sunlight? (This was SO MUCH BETTER put the first time.) As we approached home, my mom called and told me to get ready to go out because I had to go and get the life sucked out of me. Again! Geez, how much blood do they need from me? Surprisingly, though, it didn't take long; there wasn't even a waiting line, and they did not take that much blood. But still, my arm hurts; either that, or it's just sore. So I came home, and I started blogging while listening to (not watching) the television. After about an hour and a half of typing my heart out of all its burdens, IT GETS DELETED. And needless to say, I started freaking out, as you may have noticed at the very beginning of this post. And then I proceeded to talk about yesterday.

But I shall take a much-needed commercial break and eat dinner while watching "Jeopardy"'s Tournament of Champions.

Now twenty past eight. I did the above-mentioned of dinner and a show, and then showered, which is why... Well, actually, you're reading this all at the same time anyway, so never mind.

Um, yeah, as I was showering, for some reason, I got kind of frightened. I thought I heard clattering or something outside, and then when I turned off the water, I didn't hear anything anymore. Gosh, I'm getting paranoid... Seriously, I keep thinking that the lights are going to turn off on me. I'll get over it, eventually. Tomorrow. Ha, Eventually Tomorrow.

So I'm now sort of watching the Teen Choice Awards, just because my sister has it on, and apparently, Blake Lively is very well-liked! And so is the show "Gossip Girl." Huh. Not surprising. Chace Crawford is hot! Haha. Not that I'm the least bit nearly obsessed with him.
Oh, wow, they have such beautiful people there! I want to be there! Chris Brown, Zac Efron, Jesse McCartney. Jesse McCartney! Okay, I was not this shallow in the original one.

Let's see. What else did I say in that? You know, it feels so unnaturally wrong to be trying to recall it, because this is supposed to be real-time thought, you know? Ha, this is so gay... I started and ended the same sentence with the same phrase. I'm being totally redundant.

I forget if I've mentioned this already, but I cannot wait until the season premiere of "Gossip Girl" and "One Tree Hill." Speaking of which...the latter is on right now. But it's an old episode, one I've watched probably twice already. Hmm, yeah, I love this one part from the previews, where Blair says, "Damn that mother chucker!", obviously an insult directed at none other than Chuck Bass. And from that day thereafter, I have to catch all missed episodes online. Oh! "General Hospital"! Eh, who cares?

I still have that zoo assignment to complete...
You know what? I'm just going to stop trying to remember everything I said earlier. It's way too hard. I'll just watch the Teen Choice Awards while doing the zoo packet and eating a fruit or two.

The goodness of the true pun is in the direct ratio of its intolerability.
-Edgar Allen Poe

Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and yet one that we are culturally cut off from understanding and enjoying. The consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in having things, and has failed to teach us the happiness of not having things.
-Elise Boulding


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