Because It's You and Me

'cause it's you and me and all of the people
with nothing to do
nothing to lose
and it's you and me and all of the people
and I don't know why
I can't keep my eyes off of you

I haven't listened to that in a long time, but for some reason, the lyrics just occurred to me. Currently 4:23 in the afternoon and watching "Reba," an old episode, very old. Do they ever have new episodes anymore? Speaking of which, I was informed today that there will no longer be any new episodes of "Friends!" I was freaking out about it, but then the informer said that there'd still be reruns, so...that's okay, I suppose.
My throat really hurts, for some reason. It's not like I screamed or anything, either! Gee. I need water. I need to go to the library, too, to return a math book that I borrowed over a month ago but never ever used. I guess I'll just have to borrow it again when the time in, when I decide that I really do seriously need to start the calc summer assignment. I haven't done anything! Deca! Oh, goodness gracious! So very procrastinatingly behind.

Next week is the last week of school! Yay! I have four tests next week, though... I'll somehow manange in the midst of this utter procrastination and...ha, television. Park tomorrow! Tennis, finally. Goodness, the many times we've made plans to go play never happened, but tomorrow most definitely shall. It's going to be cool. And then (another) park again later in the afternoon! My throat hurts.

Orientation for school is in a few weeks. And...nothing else on that topic.

I dislike dumb commercials... There's this one health insurance one that starts out with, "Are you one of the 47 million Americans who have no health insurance?" HAVE! It's supposed to be "has"! It gets to me every single time. And it's not like they have anything nice to pull attention away from the voice--it's just simple white text against a purple background! Contrastingly, though, Verizon Wireless's "Dare you to touch one" commercial is pretty cool. If you're watching it for the first time, you have no idea what that girl's trying to do. I mean, she is walking along a ledge...outside the window of a building, making it look like she's in danger of falling off or something. And, yeah. Huh.

I suppose I'll go to the park and library now. Library and park. To return the math book and then to do whatever else, I guess.

Now 5:53. The library these days is so boring! There's nothing to do there anymore, except to check out books, many of which I have either already read or are the type that I am no longer interested in because the stories are so predictable. And the DVDs... They suck, as well. Except just now, my sister borrowed two, neither of which I take the least bit of interest in. But both of which I most likely will watch anyway, just because she is going to watch them. I think that we might be going to watch "Sisterhood 2" this weekend! Hopefully. I cannot wait! So looking forward to that. "High School Musical 3", however, is not something to look forward to, at least not in my book. Again with the predictability. Sigh. You know, someday, I might just give up on all these kinds of movies and books and go for like, nonemotional ones. ("High School Musical" is emotional at some points, you know! After all, music is what feelings sound like.)

Haha, there's a George Bush look-alike on "Family Feud." Oh, I am also looking forward to watching tonight's "Jeopardy!"...though Craig Westphal lost! Dagnabbit. Where is Larissa Kelly and why is she not in the tournament of champions?! Where is Aaron Schroeder?! Eh, oh well. I guess they don't like the BIG winners to be there, to give other "winners" a chance. If that even made any sense at all...

It's funny how life can take new meaning
You cannot change what I believe in
The world on the outside's trying to pull me in
But they can't touch me
'cause I've got you

Yeah, I don't really have much I want to say today, surprisingly, so I'll just go do something else now. Shower, watch television, eat, watch television, play piano or guitar, study... Um, phone? That is highly questionable. If it doesn't happen and I can't fall asleep, I know who to blame! Just kidding.

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch it to be sure.
-Murphy's Law

It's always been and always will be the same in the world: The horse does the work and the coachman is tipped.
-somebody ambiguous

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
-Will Rogers


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