
Yeah, it is rather cold right now... Even though I just took a warm shower. Well, I did just eat a cold yogurt, too. Oh, my, the Yoplait light strawberry orange sunrise is so good! The vanilla is nasty, though. Never purchase that. Do the strawberry orange sunrise. Even the name is exotically tempting! Yum... I'm going to get that again next time. I don't know why I hated yogurt before. Oh, right, because it was nasty. Perhaps I have traded in my like for milk for yogurt. They're both milk, essentially... I used to love cheese, too! Now I just hate it. Talk about change of tastes/ preferences.
I miss summer school. Good times. Aside from those gay econ tests. Which were...yeah, gay. Haha. I really miss it. Ah, physical education was so blissful.

I paused for about an hour because I have been chatting on AIM. I'm having six conversations! Now there's something that hasn't happened in a rather long time. It's fun to be talking to that many people (or more) at the same time, though at some points it does get confusing and rather hectic. But oh, well.
These are pretty nice conversations. For such a nice day. I'm not cold anymore! Though my feet still kind of are.

I just realized that I never got to watch Sisterhood! What the cindy! (That's our new phrase for the time being, because we always make fun of our cousin Cindy, for some reasons not appropriate of mentioning here.) I saw "The Notebook" at the library yesterday, and I really wanted to borrow it (again; because I never finished watching it the first time), but I didn't want the librarian telling me that I have a fine, so I just didn't get it. That and because I knew that I wouldn't have time to watch it anyway. It'd be nice to, though. Someday, if I'm lucky. Haha.

The computer is still being gay, so I don't like turning it on, which means that I am using the laptop, which means that I cannot listen to songs here! Ah, I miss the music.

I actually get to watch "General Hospital" all week long this week! It is so not an old lady show! It's a good show. And unlike what the general public assumes, the setting is not a hospital. It's plenty of places... I do wonder about the title from time to time, though.

Yesterday I actually got through set one of the calc assignment. Granted, it was only thirty problems or so. So much shorter than I had expected! Which, of course, is a good thing. Set three, though, is horrendously long! Over a hundred problems. But at least it's not that long for all three sets, or else... Well, anyway. I am planning on finishing math this week, doing chem for three or four days next week, then English for the rest of the days. And for Deca... Well, we'll see. That probably won't happen, no matter how many times I have said that I want to do better this upcoming season.

So, yeah. I haven't had anything good to say lately. That I can say here, anyway. But I will, sooner or later. Most likely when school starts. I realized just today that registration is next Tuesday! Why so soon...?! Ugh.

I'll be the air that you breathe
I'll give the strength that you need
I'll be the light in your eyes
When hope becomes hard to see
I'll be your shining star
To guide you wherever you are
And I promise that I'll be by your side...


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