
Showing posts from March, 2008

April's Eve

Today is the last day of March. In some other faraway places in the world, "today" is already April 1st. Time sure flies. Frankly, I have nothing good to talk about today. I just thought I'd blog because it's the last day of the month. Hmm, so today in first period English, during our dress rehearsal, my goupmates were practically staring daggers at me because I'm basically the only person in the group who hasn't memorized her (LARGE and LONG!) lines. And...well, clearly, that's not good. Performances begin tomorrow. Go figure. As for my "dumb puppet", they hated it. I mean, I know it sucked, but they didn't have to express such blatant distaste toward it! Gosh. Appreciate some, you know? But I don't mind. Much. I have to memorize a whole bunch of lines tonight. And do history notes (which I did plan to start over the weekend and... [ fanfare ] did not.), which are due on Wednesday. Apparently, we're starting on World War I! Yay... I ...


Guess who that is. I mean, was. Anyway, this is, again, my second blog for the day, because I just had to say some stuff. Even though I'm not yet done with homework. I was planning on starting history notes...but oh well. I just need to make a dumb puppet for English...and memorize my lines as Brutus. So I called my cousin and asked her if I could borrow a children's toy for our new Spanish unit, Cuando eramos (accent over the "e") ninos (squiggly line over the latter "n")--when we were children. When I got there, she (in fifth grade) threw her second younger sister's Piglet toy at me. (Insert "lol.") Then I came home and thought, oh, heck, why not. I might as well get the baby photo now, too. Even though it's not due til Wednesday. So I obviously just gave away the answer to my initial question. I spent a few minutes looking through the photo album I was holding and then some more time sorting through yet another envelopful among many oth...

Sometimes I Wish write letters to people. And tell them what I think of them for the day. Or tell them how they've affected me or made my day good or bad, how they've made my life different, in however which way. Sometimes I wish I could simply tell everybody how I feel about them or whatever, say everything that I want to say to them. In words. And not have any of it read by anybody. I've seriously considered starting a new journal just for that sake. Starting out every entry with "Dear (insert name here)..." Then pour my heart out with a black pen and a composition book. (I'm very specific when it comes to these things.) Anyway, if only I had the time and patience for all that. It's due to my lack or shortage of patience that I go for poetry instead of short stories, blogging in lieu of journaling ( Wendynary just made "journal" a verb.) To thoroughly comprehend old English is not a simple task. It takes time and, as my history teacher always emphasizes,...

Twice in a Day

I haven't done this in a long time. In fact, there seems to be a lot of things that I haven't done in a long time. Such as...making dumplings. Not the frozen kind. I mean the actual homemade ones. The last time I did that was about a whole decade ago, probably longer than that, even. I remember way back then, my sister and I used to stay up later than usual to make dumplings and such with our dad. ( sigh ) That was a very long time ago... And today, we're making dumplings. I think. My dad's out buying stuff, so...we'll see how it turns out. If it does turn out to turn out, that is. I think I'll start my homework after I do this, seeing as how I don't have much to do anyway. I mean, I could always pay that visit to my actual journal... Now that I just mentioned it, I probably will. Write with a pen, I mean. And not just for homework. (Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike writing with pencil? Oh, wait, I have. In that one entry in which I complained about ...

Have You Ever

Approximately thirteen and a half hours later, I am here again, blogging. I couldn't get myself to sleep past ten. It must be some automatic thing or something. I woke up against my own will at 9:49, thinking it was past eleven. When I saw the actual time, I tried to go back to the blissful state of sleep. But no... I just couldn't do so. So I just lied there, thinking about... Okay, fine, I wasn't really thinking. I was still attempting to fall back asleep. Which, obviously, did not work, or else I would be sleeping right now. Anyway, I've been so used to sleeping at midnight or past that last night at 10:40-something, I didn't feel like sleeping yet, so I called someone and talked on the phone until...11-something. My sleeping patterns are interesting, are they not? This weekend, I have math homework, history homework, and...oh, right, English. We're "performing" The Tragedy of Julius Caesar next week, and my group and I have Act III. Monday's o...

What do you mean?

That seems to be my question of the night. I've asked that over AIM three or four times already. So is it just me, or is it everyone else and their bad ways of asking questions and/or making statements? I'm thinking it's the latter... I had so much I wanted to write about two nights ago, but I also had a lot of homework to do, so I wasn't able to blog here. And now I'm thinking that I have nothing to do (yet) because there's no class tomorrow. I think I'll go in chronological order, from today to whatever past days. So today, I stayed after school, because... Well, I wanted to. This was the first Friday that I've stayed. I'd expected it to be fun, and it was, so that was nice. I mean, at first, it was rather boring because nothing was happening, but eventually the tennis game started, and things started picking up, I guess I can say. Now, today, I actually allocated my time with everybody...if that makes any sense at all to you. I won't elaborate...

Go On and Go

Over the course of Spring Break, I have discovered some things on YouTube that, apparently, are worthy of my time. Or else I wouldn't have spent almost the entire week parking (and double parking) my butt here at the computer seat, mindlessly watching (or just looking at) a computer monitor. Suffice to say, I left the majority of my homework assignments to do on the last day. Saturday, I worked for about five hours and then went to my friend's birthday party/barbecue. At which I should not have stayed so long. But anyway, on yesterday, I got up at the ungodly hour of 6:15 a.m. just to do homework. Yet, by midnight, I was still not done! And I hadn't studied for the math quiz, either! Which was, obviously, not good, seeing as how I didn't know what in the evil world I was doing on the homework several hours earlier. So I went to sleep at 12:30 last night and woke up at 5:48, five minutes later than usual. I'd thought that I was running late, but...Well, I'm alway...

Too Late to Apologize

is the song I am currently listening to. ...And it's ending. Now to "I Wanted You." I still have done only ONE out of the MANY assignments that I have. Go figure. Honestly, I've just been wasting all this time thrown my way. I've thrown away time thrown my way. Huh. But really, I'm horrible at utilizing and allocating my time. Just plain horrible. But I figure you've long since figured that out. My AIM away message currently says that "I've got a long, long checklist of stuff to do", and apparently, this is on that checklist. Not really. I never make checklists. I make...lists. I made one with all the assignments I have to do, and it's been taped to the computer desk right here. And, ahem, I see only two slashes of pink highlighter indicating my "done" tasks. How wonderful... I have three days left. I always say that I don't want to do anything on the last day, but just you see, I will be cramming everything into that night...

Spring Break

I was holding out for something better But then I met you And you stopped me from looking further Because I thought I knew That the best can't be beat And the best was you... I would have loved to continue that, but I was kind of having writer's block. Oh, and as for the Fruit series, I think I'm done with it. I wrote one last stanza a few days ago. And I think that'll pretty much be it. I'll post it when I don't feel so lazy to get up and walk the several feet to my room to acquire my notebook in which I have written the poem. It seems I haven't written in a very long time. Actually, I'd tried to write twice before this, but then I never got to finish either of them. Then again, it's not like I have much to say anyway, seeing as how it's spring break and nothing the least bit interesting has happened or will happen in my mundane life. Oh, how could I forget? I do have something interesting! HOMEWORK! Yeah, and a ton of it, too. It's been p...

The Things You Do Light Up the Sky

That's a few days old, but I haven't forgotten! Subliminal messages . The image to the right is a little something I did while sitting in history class, "listening" to lecture. I take such wonderful notes, wouldn't you agree? It's probably a little difficult to read, but in case you can't tell from the bright colors (highlighters!), it's a "fruit business" thing. Which reminds me, I haven't even attempted or thought about the Fruit series for a week or two... But if...I mean, when , I do come up with more, I will most definitely post them. And one day, hopefully soon, I will make a compilation of all my Fruit stuff and use the now above illustration as my "cover" image. Hmm, that'd be cool. I'd call it... Fruit Business . Or something along that line. Wow, just thinking this has made me a bit excited. Seeing as how I haven't updated, almost a week, I have so much to talk about, yet nothing really seems tha...

Ah, Bliss

I'm here at school (not school, school, but college school), in the library after class. And I am famished. Since I'm not going to be going home for another hour or so, I decided to log on and blog. Yay... I love this. Even though the keyboard is somewhat dysfunctional. Okay, it's not dysfunctional, but it isn't very...smooth like the ones next to this station are. Hmm, so today. I woke up half an hour after the time that I set my alarm for. I can't help but notice that lots of people use Myspace on these computers... But I can't say that I'm surprised. Shallow people these days. Can't they see that there is a lot more to life than Myspace and online crap stuff? Blogging isn't a part of that, okay? Well, at least not my blogging. Unlike some people, I actually talk about meaningful stuff. I don't know if you've gotten the feeling already, but I don't really have anything worthy to say at the moment. But I can't emphasize enough how m...


I'm just another mark on your checklist Another thing to do, another thing you've finished I was your point, your goal Then my heart you stole Away from me, you grabbed what was mine Once and again, you fooled me so many times I'd thought you actually cared That you weren't like anyone else out there But you've proved me wrong After having been oblivious for so long It's still hard to believe that you used me So recklessly only to up your own pride and dignity Luckily, though, now I clearly see Your true intentions and your fallacies At least in the future I'll know what to watch out for: being on a checklist and nothing more. I am currently lacking all types of mannerisms by slouching way low in the chair and donning an expressionless look on my face. And stuff. Anyway, it took me a little while to get that poem out; I got stuck after "I'd thought you actually cared", went and took a shower, and came back to finish it up. So it seems I don...

Updated FRUIT Series

(So, a series. Just like I had "promised" a few days ago.) Greetings, everyone. So, here is my up to date Fruit series: I. (3.3.08) Call us kooks But my friend and I are in love with fruits Pineapples, watermelons, and bananas are our favorites We like how they look and how they taste But things are a'changing around here Pineapples and watermelons I realize I can live without As for bananas, They're not for me to talk about Pineapples are ostensibly bland They need sugar and spice Watermelons go hand in hand With a paper bowl of tasty white rice As for bananas, They're not for me to talk about Pineapples I used to like Watermelons used to easily entice Now neither can hardly suffice As for bananas They're not for me to talk about. Oh, ponder thy thoughts Beware, for this thought will make thy heart drop Now letting go of bananas because they cause her stress She's beginning to like them less and less She saw through the bright yellow skin And the demean...


I feel so down in the sewers today. It must be that I had too good of a day yesterday, and today, it plummeted following the skyrocket. ( sigh ) My left eye was bothering me from fifth through sixth periods, and even volleyball couldn't help me get over my state of...down-ness. On the bus, though, I did sleep, which is extremely rare, because I haven't been able to sleep on the bus (in the morning or afternoon) for a long time. Probably since last year. Hmm. Last year... good times. Kind of. I really don't feel like doing anything right now. In fact, I don't even feel like doing this. But I figured, since I'm probably not going to do anything useful anyway, why not alleviate my own burdens and amuse you at the same time? See? Two birds with one stone. Whoever came up with that phrase is a bit violent, don't you think? There's a math test tomorrow. And I found out about it TODAY. Well, okay, fine. It's not like I would have studied in advance anyway. But ...


Well, okay, by now, it's all been gone. But I was having so much fun prior to dinner accompanied by an unhappy mother! Um, exclamation to the fun part, not the dinner with mother part. Anyway, surprisingly, I did get to discussing the giving a hug or hugging matter with some people. And apparently, GUYS JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND. Every guy that we've asked initially (and some still ) thought that they're both the same. But they're not. Then again, none of us girls could come up with a viable explanation of the difference(s). It was one of those things that one inherently understands but cannot coherently describe. Especially to a guy. But! I did successfully come up with a good explanation (although it's based on more of a physical understanding rather than the emotional one I was looking for) at one point: Hugging is when they, well, hug you out of "nowhere". (I quote nowhere because nothing comes out of nowhere. Duh.) Giving a hug is extending your arms...

More Fruits

I've been having quite a fruity couple of days... Here's a revision of pineapples, watermelons, and bananas (Notice the lack of proper capitalization for a title. This is because I haven't decided on the title yet.) : Call us kooks But my friend and I are in love with fruits Pineapples, watermelons, and bananas are our favorites We like how they look and how they taste But things are a'changing around here Pineapples and watermelons I realize I can live without As for bananas, They're not for me to talk about Pineapples are ostensibly bland They need sugar and spice Watermelons go hand in hand With a paper bowl of tasty white rice As for bananas, They're not for me to talk about Pineapples I used to like Watermelons used to easily entice Now neither can hardly suffice As for bananas They're not for me to talk about. Oh, ponder thy thoughts Beware, for this thought will make thy heart drop Now letting go of bananas because they cause her stress She's begi...

A Bit More

I just had stuff on my mind, so I thought I'd write again. Heck, I always think to write when I had stuff on my mind, whether it be bad or good. Two posts ago, I mentioned pineapples, watermelons, and bananas ; as I was showering at first, I thought of a little something something: Pineapples and watermelons I realize I can live without As for bananas, They're not for me to talk about Pineapples are bland They need spice Watermelons go hand in hand With tasty white rice As for bananas, They're not for me to talk about Pineapples I used to like Watermelons used to easily entice Now they're both boring like bland white rice As for bananas They're not for me to talk about. Okay, there it is. I'll admit, it isn't that good, but it was off the top of my head. Agh...again, I had so much to say at first, but I've forgotten. I find it amazing that I can talk in a variety of ways at the same time: phone, blogging, AIM... Okay, not so amazing... But anyway. This i...


I did it! I'm done! Well, admittedly, I didn't do that well. Heck, I practiced better in one of those small, private practice rooms than I played for the judge, who was extremely nice, by the way. Um, I think I'll skip the intricate details (although usually, that's what makes a story good). The point here is that I'm done, and I'm glad to have done and be done with it. In the very beginning, the judge said that it's a very "pleasant experience". I replied, "Well, I hope so." And he said, "It will be" quite confidently. So, those five songs. Up until that moment, I still hadn't memorized one of the songs, and my brilliant plan was to play my four good ones first, then play the bad, unmemorized one last, so that I feign that I "forgot" after having played four songs. But no... Nice as he was, he just had to go and ruin my plan! I played the third one (which was most likely the best), then he closed the book and went...