April's Eve
Today is the last day of March. In some other faraway places in the world, "today" is already April 1st. Time sure flies. Frankly, I have nothing good to talk about today. I just thought I'd blog because it's the last day of the month. Hmm, so today in first period English, during our dress rehearsal, my goupmates were practically staring daggers at me because I'm basically the only person in the group who hasn't memorized her (LARGE and LONG!) lines. And...well, clearly, that's not good. Performances begin tomorrow. Go figure. As for my "dumb puppet", they hated it. I mean, I know it sucked, but they didn't have to express such blatant distaste toward it! Gosh. Appreciate some, you know? But I don't mind. Much. I have to memorize a whole bunch of lines tonight. And do history notes (which I did plan to start over the weekend and... [ fanfare ] did not.), which are due on Wednesday. Apparently, we're starting on World War I! Yay... I ...