What I Didn't Realize

until about twenty minutes ago was what a fantastic finale David Cook made American Idol last week. I just saw the video on the side, and it was beautiful. Well, in case the video has changed, it's the one in which he is announced the "winner" and then he sings "Time of My Life." Ah, wonderful.

So in case I haven't mentioned this, I'm running for Junior Class President. And boy, have I got a lot to say, but I won't say it here. Actually, forget I even mentioned it. I'll mention it (again) later on... After some time.

Since American Idol has ended, there's a new show on at 8 P.M. now on Tuesdays--The Moment of Truth. It's so...terrible! That show is the epitome of the saying TRUTH HURTS. Seriously, what do those producers want, anyway?! They're intentionally destroying relationships by asking all these questions. And who are they to ask such personal questions anyway, huh? Go dig a hole for yourself, why don't you. Needless to say, watching that show somewhat infuriated me. There's also blame on the "contestant", too! Just for money, you would let all heck break loose? What kind of a person does that? Well, greedy persons, yes. Then again, considering that every question can be answered with either yes or no, if the "lie detector" detects a lie... Well, then, people would know the "truth" either way. I do not believe in lie detectors. I seriously do not. Who came up with that idea, anyhow? Geez. The things people do these days. And the extent to which they will go.

Hmm. David Cook :)

We had yet another dreadful math quiz today. It was three problems--three graphs. In about thirty-four minutes. I stayed in for almost fifteen minutes after the bell rang. Do you know how time-consuming graphing functions is? Especially during a test/quiz. It's stressful... Especially when you know that your faltering B+ is depending on it. I need to review graphing, because during the quiz, I kept thinking, "Oh, no. I forgot how to graph these!" Afortunadamente, I was able to connect the dots (literally) and make legitimate (although not necessarily accurate...) graphs.
Oh, today in English, I learned that for sentences inside parentheses, you don't capitalize the first word unless it's a proper noun, and you don't use punctuation unless it's an exclamation or question. So now I know for sure. And, as my eighth grade English teacher used to say, grammar is great!

My sister was reading her horoscope for today earlier. Personally, I don't believe in horoscopes. They're so general and vague that one who believes can be easily sucked into thinking that and then intentionally, though subliminally, twisting situations to make them seem relative to what they read. Neither do I believe in luck, even when I do say "Good luck". It's just one of those things that you inherently say. Like "Bless you." Which reminds me...

We received all our Deca study material the other day, and today they passed out Art. Now, there's an art reproductions booklet, in which all eighteen art pieces are shown in color, with information below each image. What really irritates me is that I never got that last year, and now again, I don't get it! Again, I'm stuck with a CD. And pft, I mean, really, who would put in a CD to look at old art? Even I, who reads the dictionary in my spare time, would not! Gosh! It really really frustrates me. What a rip-off! And I bet for the music CD, I'm going to get a copy again, too. It's not fair, seeing as how everyone else gets the originals, and I, a "veteran", get a copy. Seriously. Not to say that I'm the only one, 'cause then I'd be REALLY peeved. Along with what we received came ten copies of everything, and it just so happens that we have sixteen people in the class, although, if you ask me, some don't even deserve... Yeah, never mind. There I go cutting myself off again. You were probably on the right track about what I was going to say, but then...yeah. Gosh. I'm very inarticulate today.

Okay, now I feel bothered.
I'm going to listen to some David Cook.


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