Global warming has made a comeback!

It was so extremely hot yesterday. Fortunately, it's cooling down (however incrementally and gradually) this weekend and next week. I'm here at the school library again, because we got out of class early again, because we had a test again. I don't really feel like I have anything legitimately interesting to talk about at the moment, because honestly I don't feel l ike writing, but I'm doing this because I am in utter lack of anything better to do. Besides go to a table and sleep. But how much more fun can that possibly be? (If you were or still are questioning the presence of sarcasm in my tone right now... Well, usually I would be blunt with a yes or no, but right now I myself do not even know.)

So American Idol. It is now up to (I guess you could say "down to", as well) the two Davids, as expected by many viewers, according to the Yahoo! article I read on Wednesday night. I think it'd be nice if the one who comes first in alphabetical order wins. Oh wait. I meant second. I forgot the other David's last name there. Haha.

My progress with My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult is very slow even though there has been a lot less homework to do the past two weeks. I am about one-third way through with the book. Hopefully I'll finish by the end of the month...
Standardized state testing began on Thursday. Thursday was life science for tenth grade. Sophomores are the only ones who have to test on each of the five testing days! Oh well. We're all sophomores at some point. That day's test was actually quite easy, even though I've been learning chemistry all year. But then again, we have been reviewing biological material for a week or two, so that helped, too. Yesterday was a different story, though. It was on world history, which I learned last year. A WHOLE YEAR AGO. How could I possibly remember anything from that long ago when I barely remember European history from this year? I was supposed to study for it the night before, but as usual, I didn't. Fortunately, though, the test was mostly European history as opposed to questions about prehistoric times. And, as expected, there were plenty of questions about World Wars I and II, neither of which I really studied, even in European history. I think I did okay, though... at least proficiently. Monday is English language arts (maybe I'll indulge myself in flipping through a dictionary), Tuesday is math (That requires DEFINITE studying...), and Wednesday, the last day, is science (REVIEW!). And a few weeks thereafter shall be finals... Oh, joy. I'm not too worried about it right now, though.

The Lakers won yesterday :)
I was watching the game in silence... As in, the television was on mute. But I never really listen anyway, so it didn't make much of a difference. I was actually worried for a minute during that last minute, because they were ahead by only three points, and the adrenaline was ubiquitous! I didn't want to jump up and down like usual, though, because it was so freaking hot even just sitting there. Or standing. Sometimes, during a very close game, I feel like attacking the television... but I am aware that it could be detrimentally hazardous.

Yeah, I honestly don't feel like writing anymore right now, so I'm going to head upstairs (to the second floor of the library) and find myself a book among the thousands available... And then fall asleep with the book to my head so that I may absorb the story without even reading. (Just kidding about that part.)

"Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, 'Something is out of tune.'"
-Carl Jung, (dead) psychologist


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