Call Me Crazy

So I'm almost over the unmentionable topic that I was so upset about yesterday. I mean, I'm still somewhat upset when I talk about it, but at least I don't have an urge to tear up.
I do have a sore throat, though, that I've been complaining to more persons than one about for the past ten minutes or so. I woke up with it, then proceeded to eat cereal. How very smart of me, right? Geez, I need to get cough drops or throat lozenges or whatever they are termed by those snooty manufacturers. Just kidding about the manufacturers thing.

I love Jordin Sparks songs. Most of the one that I've heard, anyway. See my side, and I'll see you better. I would like to tell that to everybody I know. Or, at least, everybody I know who I actually care about. Not to say that I don't care about everybody I know, because honestly, I think that sometimes, to the detriment of my own well-being, I care more for/about others than I do for/about myself. Hmm. Let's go with "for" in lieu of "about".

A movie or book right now would be nice, even though I know that I have a lot to study and learn over the next week.
Next week, I am going to be stressed, but in a different way than that from this week. This week was about the unmentionable thing that starts with the fifth letter of the alphabet (I can say the alphabet backwards!), and next week is just a lot of things to do:
Monday: doctor's appointment; I absolutely despise waiting for the doctor, although it's only once every three months, and it's for my own good, so fine, I'll be okay with it.
Wednesday: Deca speech/interview final; which reminds me, I have to memorize my lame "What Winners Do to Win" speech! Maybe I should do one that completely contrasts with that: "What Losers Do to Lose".
Saturday: SAT II for Math Level 2! I've forgotten everything from geometry and trigonometry! And those topics make up the bulk of the test!

I think finals are about two weeks away. The ones I'm most worried about, as always, are chem and math. For chemistry, I have forgotten everything. Actually, I've forgotten everything from every class. And math... Gosh, I hate math tests. They're so tedious! And anxiety-causing!

My mom suggested earlier that we go out and look at homes tomorrow. In Riverside... Apparently, Roosevelt High School is in Riverside. I never knew that; I'd always thought it's in Los Angeles. Oh well. I do want to go see, though. The house, I mean. It's been a long-time dream of my mother's to own her own home, and I guess now that the prices are decreasing incrementally and that in the future, they will skyrocket again, she's really considering purchasing. I don't know if that economic statement was correct; I'm just reiterating what my mother said, and she's usually right. We probably won't buy any anytime soon, though. But it'd be fun to just see what's out there. Or, you know, in the house... Whatever.

Today is actually a very nice day that does not involve any crazy, unexplainable weather. Somebody in charge must be in a good mood.
Not that I believe in deities or any other higher form of being or higher power.

I had so much I wanted to talk about today left over from last night! Before I fell asleep, I kept thinking of all the things I still had on my mind, and now, unsurprisingly, I've forgotten.
Oh, so my mother is watching a Chinese movie...and I just turned around because I heard a cell phone ring (in the movie), and I think that I've fallen in love! Pft, yeah, right. I simply am inferring that it has captured my attention.

Oh, goodness gracious me! Frankie J has a new song!! When did this happen?! I just clicked on something on Youtube so I could listen to this person's songs, and I saw FRANKIE J!!! I used to be completely, insanely obsessed with Frankie J. Still am now, apparently. Just not as avid as before. Ah, I LOVE Frankie J. He resides in SandyEggo; was born in Tijuana in December in 198-something. Early 80's. That sounds so long ago, when I say just the abbreviated form. Hmm. So his full name is Francisco Javier Bautista. He's frantastic.

Forget the movie. Somebody just killed somebody with a knife. Too bloody for me. I really want to go watch "The Strangers", though. Oh, wait, I've already mentioned that. My bad.

I guess I'm perfectly fine today, too, since I'm not using my defense mechanism and not blabbing like I did yesterday. Ah, I love today's weather.

So I suppose I'll blog more later on in the day if I ever remember what I wanted to talk about yesterday.
I am going to go on an expedition to hunt food. I'm a hunter-gatherer/ australopithicen (I am quite certain I spelled that wrong)/ homo-habilus. Hahaha, I always crack up when they say "Neanderthal" on television.


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