Inside Looking Out

(as opposed to "outside looking in")
That reminds me of a poem in one of our English books, called "Small Portions" by Julia Alvarez. I won't type it into here, because it's not what one would call short. In that same book yesterday, I found a poem that very vividly and accurately describes the relationship between somebody and I. "Fireworks" by Amy Lowell:
You hate me and I hate you
And we are so polite, we two!
But whenever I see you, I burst apart
And scatter the sky with my blazing heart.
It spits and sparkles in stars and balls,
Buds into roses--and flares and falls.
Scarlet buttons, and pale green disks,
Silver sprials and asterisks,
Shoot and tremble in a mist
Peppered with mauve and amethyst.
I shine in the windows and light up the trees,
And all because I hate you, if you please.
And when you meet me, you rend asunder
And go up in a flaming wonder
Of saffron cubes, and crimson moons,
And wheels all amaranths and maroons.
Golden lozenges and spades,
Arrows of malachites and jades,
Patens of copper, azure sheaves.
As you mount, you flash in the glossy leaves.
Such fireworks we make, we two!
Because you hate me and I hate you.

Gee, that took a while to type. But I enjoy this poem very much, not only because it somewhat accurately describes something that I myself can relate to. Actually, scratch that. The insightful context of it...that's not right. But what's just there is right. I mean, don't look too deep into it, and that's our friendship there. I'm confusing you, aren't I?

American Idol is about to begin. It's down to three contestants now: David Archuleta, David Cook (!), and Syesha Mercado. I don't know who to root for! Actually, I do. David Cook :)
Speaking of television shows, I actually watched Gossip Girl yesterday! Although I missed the first twenty minutes or so of it. And all the previous episodes. But yesterday's was good...suspense, malevolence, vendetta! Georgina (alias, "Sarah") is so evil! She stole Dan away from Serena! So much for "friends." She's an evil, evil witch. Seriously.

Oh, goodness gracious! David Archuleta just sang "So It Goes"...It was beautiful!!! Beautiful beautiful beautiful!!! I'm inwardly screaming with joy.

I was talking to an acquaintance yesterday. And he told me that he has liked the same girl for almost four years now. I gave him an incredulous look and kept asking, "Really?!" And then there was this girl on Wheel of Fortune at first who mentioned her boyfriend of four years. Four years! That's probably as long as my longest-lasting marriage will last! So I just found it fascinating in an unbelievable for myself way that...(ARCHULETA IS SINGING "With You"!!!) could like somebody for so long, even if he or she knows that the counterpart does not feel the same way. I'm just being my cynical, doubtful self.

The top three are so good. I really really wonder who will get voted off this week... We'll see tomorrow, I guess.

Hmm, I seem to have returned to my habit of (almost) daily 5:00 naps... I came home and watched television for an hour and a half (such is yet another horrible habit now) and then decided to fall asleep at 5:00, when Reba ended, and proceeded to wake up at 6:50-ish. It was nice.

I'm really lagging here, what with Idol on and some online conversations... Geez, I think I've found a new obsession. I mean, at least until the season ends. Which should be soon, I presume.

There was quite a bit more I wanted to talk about, but I don't really feel like it at the moment because 1) the show, 2) shower, 3) homework.

Next time!


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