Lame Games

There's a Lakers game going on right now, but unfortunately, I am not able to watch it on television because I don't happen to have the dumb channel so called TNT. Gosh... But the last time I asked and received an answer, the Lakers are losing by 8 points. I want to watch!!

Today was the last day of state standardized testing. Hallelujah. I felt apprehensively unsettled before I started bubbling in those stupid, confined bubbles, for some reason. Probably due to the fact that I had been planning to study but didn't do any of it. Surprising (and unsurprisingly, at the same time), though, the test really wasn't that hard. The tests we take in class are so much more complicated than that. I think that this year's standardized test was the easiest since however long ago there was such a straightforwardly simple one. I hope I did not just "jinx" myself... I tend to do that a lot, although I never use that word. I go for "ruin it for myself", whatever "it" may be at the time being. The three classes I went to today were pretty laid-back. In chemistry, we actually did nothing! I mean, besides relaxing. I played cards with a couple of people. At first, we played "BS"...and I ended up with practically the whole deck. The upside? Nobody could lie to me! Hahaha. Then we played Spoons, which was fun. It's so fast-paced! It resembles a conveyor belt. A dysfunctional one, at that. After that were two rounds of Egyptian War... Interesting, interesting card games these days. In Spanish, I worked independently, as usual. But it was cool. PE was just like usual. Except that I jumped rope! It was fun... :)

Apparently, I've lost my student I.D. It was probably while I was crossing the street... Geez, I thought I heard something small drop, but I didn't bother to check behind me. How fanfreakingtastic. I mean, yeah, it was a bad picture, but still! It's a student ID!! It's important! Especially since I don't even have an official identification card yet. I'm going to go obtain one soon, though. For more reasons than one. To be revealed as the future unfolds...

So there's this really nice version/rendition of "I Wanna Love You", originally by Akon, but this one's by The Maine. I love that name. It's so...unsensible (If that wasn't a word before, it is now!) that it's fascinating. Oh. Nonsensical. There you go. It just came to me all of a sudden.

Speaking of words... Yesterday in homeroom, I finished the test early... I had an hour and a half left and nothing at all to do. So I decided trek to the massive, high bookshelf and... Yeah, I just sauntered over to the mediocre bookshelf and grabbed a dictionary. The first thing I did once I obtained it was open to the page with all the publisher information stuff. It was published in 1981! Almost THREE DECADES ago! So I went to "A".. There were SO MANY definitions for "a". I read up to page five, got bored, then flipped to the opposite end of the spectrum (the letter "z"). Now there was a number of words I could handle... When I first got the dictionary, someone asked me what the last word in the dictionary is, and I told him I hadn't started yet, but when I got there, I called him over and said, "The last word in the dictionary is 'zymurgy'." It's a branch of chemistry that involves fermentation processes, by the way. I looked through X, Y, and Z... and seemingly, most of those words are scientific! Though, I'm not really all that surprised, seeing as how scientific terms are so obscure and unknown... and those letters of the alphabet just so happen to be almost completely neglected by the ignorant general public.
My favorite words were aberrant and abysmal. Fabulous words, I tell you.

Ironically, it was during these past two weeks, during which testing took place, when I felt so relaxed. There has been relatively less homework. But tomorrow, everything is going to go back to normal. As normal as stressing over a wagon plus a truck load of homework every night can be, anyway.

OH, MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS GOSH! DAVID COOK WON!!! He prevailed over Archuleta! I always had faith in him! Oh, gosh. I'm SO excited! So very, unbelievably elatedly ecstatic! This is just fantastic! Fabulous! Superb! Marvelous, darling! OH, GOSH. I LOVEEEEE DAVID COOK. And I rarely ever spell/emphasize like that. When my friend first asked me about the David-David showdown I was so avid about yesterday, I didn't really think anything of it. Then I mentioned about my newfound development of sort of a thing for bartenders (long story)...and he asked, "Didn't he win?" I replied immediately with, "Really?!!" So I went on Yahoo!, like he said, and read it. DAVID COOK WON!!! Yeah, David Cook!!! There you go, all you Archuleta fans! Wait, I'm a fan of his, too. But I'm just more tipped toward the Cook side of the balance. And, apparently, so are many other people! Yeah!!
And the Lakers are...up by two? They're so going to win. Now up by four, and they've got the ball. Yes! THINGS ARE GOOD! I love today. I so sincerely do.
Yeah, and they won. My, oh my. I haven't been this excited/elated since a long long time ago.

Yuck, I smell cigarette smoke. Mixed with some bathroom odor... Eww.

Oh, geez. TODAY IS A WONDERFUL DAY TO BE ALIVE. Or should I say was? Oh well, no matter, so long as you get the point. I was so happy a few minutes ago that I was hysterical. I typed extremely quickly and kept saying, "hahahaha". I think I creeped out some people. Again, OH WELL! It's all good!

Five more minutes until American Idol finale... Or whatever it's called. I probably won't be allowed to watch it, though, under this confining restraint from television imposed by a certain her majesty of the home. Well, it's not exactly a restraint. But it might as well be!

Ahh... So my "heroes" at the moment are:
-Pau Gasol, even though I didn't get to watch today's game. I still love him anyway :) Along with Walton! (Don't worry, I didn't forget about you!)
-David Cook. My, oh my oh my. You won!!! I LOVE DAVID COOK!! He's freaking fantastically awesomeawesome.
-Larissa Kelly. Over two days on Jeopardy, she has won over $80,000. But it's not only the figure that's impressive. What I love about her is that she's so humble and modest! And she's so extremely smart! I've never called anybody on the show smart before, so that definitely counts big time. So back to the modesty. Even though she knows the answer, and I know she knows the answer, she won't put down a large wager! Even though we all know she knows she knows the answer and that she should put down a much bigger figure to earn a much bigger prize. She's awesome.

So I was getting a bit carried away there. Maybe, just maybe. What can I say? I'm elated! Ecstatic! Yay!

One of my friends just notified me of a good essay prompt he has from a list of however many prompts:
You wrote a 300-page autobiography. Now tell us page 217.
That's awesome!! I love that prompt. Just like I love a) Gasol, b) Cook, and c) Kelly. In no specific order!

Okay, so I think I'm going to wrap up my blabbing for tonight.
I still can't get over all this greatness!!

David Cook!<3333


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