Como me haces falta tu

I'm not exactly sure what that translates to, though I do know each individual meaning. Tell me if you can decode that!

I'm currently consuming a cough drop. Sugar-free honey lemon... Yum. Usually it'd take me about ten minutes to finish one, but this one takes so much longer, not because it's so much bigger, but because it's that much...not as good to eat. Haha. But it's helping. I just finished it!
I've been using a lot of contractions... There I went again. You know, one of my friends told me that if you get a "C" for contractions in a certain English class under the dictatorship of a certain teacher. Not dictatorship, though. Lead? Yeah, que-ever. I still don't know how to say whatever en espanol (squiggly line over the "n").

At about 3:02 P.M., I decided to go take a nap. My sister had been sleeping for almost four hours by the time, so I thought, "Well, she's sleeping. Why shouldn't I? I'm sleepy!" I woke up at 7:56. For some reason, I just laughed to myself at that. Weird... Well, I had a very weird dream. I don't know whether I should distinguish it as good-weird or bad-weird... Maybe just plain weird-weird. Yeah, let's go with that.

I remembered at one point today during which I was just walking and thinking nothing that one of my friends yesterday told me that his first impression of me was "weird". Haha, how odd. I just used that word several times in a row. I asked why he chose that to describe me, and he told me that before he knew me, he knew my name, as I his. He always saw me "sauntering" around like I had "all the time in the world". Add to that a constant smile while walking by myself. Hahaha. He makes me sound SO WEIRD, which I am not. At least, not while walking by myself! I mean, there are some times when I'm walking, and all of a sudden I think of something very funny, so I start laughing to myself, but then make a weird smile by trying to suppress the laugh. I love having random outbursts of laughter, though. Just to creep people out. But not while walking, you know? Hahaha. My "explanation" probably made you agree all the more with the guy, huh?

Needless to say, between school, blogging, and sleeping, I didn't do anything productive today. By productive, I mean homework and studying. I brought my math book here to the computer, thinking that I would finish up the few problems left of the latest assignment, but unsurprisingly, I have not even opened it yet. I need to study!!! Gosh. I am so not looking forward to that SAT II test... Fifty questions in an hour. I cannot do that!

I suppose that one of the reasons why I lost was because at some points, I thought I knew that I was going to lose because I wasn't trying as hard as I knew I should have. That, or that I honestly did not care THAT much, or, you know, as much as I should have. Everything's about "should" or "supposed to". Does that matter as much as "do", though? You know, what happens, and what if? I don't even want to think what-if right now. It'll just depress me again. Well, I never was depressed--just extremely upset. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you (whoever you are), whether you care or not, that that was basically what killed it for me: the negative or careless mentality. Every time I think "mentality", I hear John saying to his friend with whom he often argues, "Yeah, keep that mentality." Geez. That guy. I ought to blame him if I didn't mind him.

Yesterday I told somebody something and when they didn't quite understand my meaning, I said to read between the lines... Oh, I think I remember what now. It has to do with the above paragraph. I told J (not John), "Let's just say that you're going to hate Steering Committee next year." He kept asking why, so I just told him that. And...yeah.
I think that I'm going to be all the more cynical and skeptical from now on. Either that, or I'm going to be constantly degrading myself. Okay, not the latter. I don't degrade myself. I degrade others! Just kidding.
I do like to insult others for fun, though. There are people who I can easily and carefreely insult because I know that they know that I'm like that--witty (in that way) and cynical. There are others, though, who I can easily insult in my head but can't make myself actually say them. People call me mean... SHE tells people that I'm "REALLY nice". Psh, how would she know? We never even talk. Oh, wait. Hahaha, that's probably why. Not that I'm agreeing to the thought that I am mean. I mean, I most certainly can be very much so. But usually, I'm just fine, thank you.

Oh, yeah, it's all coming back to me now.
I would like to thank all of you who did vote for me, because the ones who didn't and who could definitely have made a difference in the outcome just made you matter all the more. Even if, you know, it didn't turn out the desired way. But you know, whatever. "Well, have you ever thought that things happen for a reason?" asked my Spanish teacher when I started crying to her... Okay, let's not start that again. Anyway. Thanks.
And, pertaining to what I wrote about Thanksgiving Day and actual year-round thanksgiving (or lack thereof), I am thankful for what I have. 'cause, you know, there's always somebody worse off, and there's always something worse that could happen, that you could have. So...yeah.

Where the heck is Law and Order?!
Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego. I used to love playing that game, albeit the constant nagging thought in the back of my head: it's weird. I think maybe I thought it was weird only because it was so hard for me. Haha.

I'm getting sleepy again.

Dagnabbit. They no longer are posting Gossip Girl online. So I have to watch all the reruns from the first season on television... And wait until they get to the "recent" ones. That's just gay.
I used to use that word a lot more often that I do now, by the way. It's kind of a rarity these days, actually. Except when I'm talking to somebody.

Which reminds me, I need to make a phone call. It's now 10:43... I'm sure the person I am planning on calling won't mind if I call an hour later.

Oh, so I forgot to work on my straight, stoic face for next week. But I think I've got it down. Yesterday, one of my amigas told me that I have a good straight face. So they can't tell whether I'm "lying" or not at any point. Unless I pointedly start smiling or laughing because it's just so hilarious how gullible the counterpart is.

Oh, and just for the record, I didn't cry myself to sleep yesterday. Did I mention that earlier today already? Huh. Well, saying/reading it again won't hurt.

We're going out tomorrow! As a family! All together! Yay... We haven't done that in quite a long time, what with school for the daughters and work for the parents. And school for one of them, too. But, yeah. I'm rather excited for it. I don't get why some people pointedly despise spending time with their families. It's one of the best things to live for. Then again, I guess it depends on the family itself.
I love getting to know people.
It's one of the most fun things ever. Really.

I don't know exactly when I started acquiring my sense of sarcasm. But I like it. Although few people don't... Oh well!
Have I ever mentioned that I really think that one day in the future when I grow old, I'm going to end up like my trig teacher from last year? Frail and old, extremely cynical, meanly sarcastic, and sarcastically mean? It'll be very interesting, really. I can't wait to see how I turn out in the future. If I do. Not that I'm expecting to die like, tomorrow, but you just never know what happens, right? But it's not like I'm trying to forsee the future, because really, there's nothing you can do about it once something totally unexpected happens.

From time to time, I tell myself that I should tap back into effective communication with my potential intelligence and smart-ness. I used to be so smart! Whenever people told me that, I would agree. But now, I kind of disagree. But whatever! I get pretty good grades, and for me, for now, that's good enough.

I get over things quickly. In some cases, that's good. In others, especially ones to do with living, breathing organisms, that's bad. Oh, by the living breathing organisms, I meant people. Haha.
I think it's lame that I always laugh at my own jokes before others do.
But oh well :)

I just posted about half a minute ago, and I realized I forgot to mention...


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