Lock and Key

I'm nearly done! Just...a tiny fraction of the four hundred-something pages left. Then tomorrow I can considerately return it to its rightful owner. I mean...borrower of the borrower of the owner. What I like about being so far down on the chain is that I can't possibly be held responsible for any damage inflicted on the book! If any, that is... Not saying that I've done anything to it or anything. 'Cause, you know, it's a book. I wouldn't (intentionally) harm a book.

If I say okay just accept it as is
It's nothing less but a lot more than what I want to say
Because really, what else is there but leftover words
that I could easily babble and let you believe
No, I don't want to use them because they're not true
But no, I don't want to elaborate because my life
doesn't involve you

So I've been doing nothing at all today but read. Read, read, read. It's remarkable. I haven't had such an opportunity (Yes, I call reading an opportunity, okay?) in a long time. I love it. Then later, after lunch, I'm going to write. Write, write, write. In addition to this, that is. I'm going to actually pick up the black pen I use exclusively for my journal and write about stuff. Yeah, stuff. How ambiguous, I know. Who knows, I might even write a new composition or two. As in, short ones. Also known to a lazy me as poems. Haha.
Oh, yeah, and I have to finish that book :)

Let's see. I had a few things on my mind when I woke up this morning.
Oh, so...I was still sleeping, until I kept hearing this annoying voice in the near background. As it turns out, and it was no surprise, it was my sister talking on the phone. I'd assumed it was past 10. But after a while of miserably, not to mention unsuccessfully, trying to fall back into the blissfully ignorant state of unconsciousness, I got up, looked at the time... And it was only 9:07! Oh, gooodness me. My sister had already taken the book away and was reading at the same time she was blabbing over the phone. So I told her to hand me my eighth grade yearbook. I don't know, for some reason, I just wanted to flip through it and read what my friends wrote to me at the end of middle school. Or, well, some of them, anyway. So I did flip through it, while lying in the oddest positions and feeling uncomfortable. But, yeah, it was nice. Some of what I read made me smile, others were just...Well, I felt indifferently about them, that's all.

(a few hours later)

So I just finished Lock and Key. I LOVE it. No surprise, really, since I've always enjoyed Sarah Dessen's books. Well, "enjoy" may just be the understatement of the week. But you get the point. If not... HOW DENSE ARE YOU?
Just kidding.

Anyway... Ah, I feel so good now. Today is like, the perfect day to do nothing but the things you find great pleasure in. For me, it's reading, and then writing after this.

There's a Lakers game in a few hours... Unfortunately, I will not be able to watch it on television. I don't know if I'm even in the mood to watch television anymore today, seeing as how technology always seems to find a way to put a half to my good days. With the exception of this, of course.


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