To Vent

is to talk about the frustration on one's mind.

And there is a lot on my mind right now. Or, well, a lot more pressing matters about an hour ago than now, since I've emailed one of my friends and vented some there. Most of it, actually. But I really do not mind reiterating everything and more.

So, as I mentioned the last time I blogged, I'm running for Junior Class President. The girl I'm running against, or who's running against me... Well, let's just say that it seems she's not very popular among the sophomore class. And last week, at first, I was a bit concerned, but then for a few days, I was good. Friday was the first day we could start campaigning, and that day, I put up only a few flyers because I had assumed she would not have any. But wrong was I. And then over the weekend, she made two posters! I had been considering doing that too, but then I'd assumed, however wrongly again, that she wouldn't, and that I needn't. As I was walking outside during passing period after one class, I saw her flyers and her two posters everywhere! They were pervasive!! I got irritated every time I saw one of them. And it's not like any of them were ever posted alone, either! By the end of the day, I became concerned again. And that was Tuesday, since there was no school on Monday due to Memorial Day. Yesterday was the first day of elections. The whole time, I had thought that all the Chinatown people would vote for me, because... Well, that's just an inherent, assumably (if that wasn't a word before, it shall be now) automatic assumption! Yesterday, though, not really anyone voted. At least, not for me. Apparently, though, my political contender (it is [student] government, and we are running against each other) had brought up throngs of people with her to vote! For her! Whereas not that many went for me! Or, if there were, then they were rather unnoticed, since nobody ever mentioned a crowd for me. The people who I know did go yesterday were those who I least expected to go on the first day, but that was a good thing. What wasn't so good, though, was that the people I expected to vote yesterday didn't go today, either! Well, no thanks to you people! I was depending on them, you know? I think that all in all, more Chatsworth than Chinatown people voted for me. That was a stunning surprise. We'll see how it turns out. But I was extremely pissed off today, because they seemed so indifferent about it. And I mean, come on. It's really not hard! All I'm asking is that you take a minute or two from the half hour that you have for lunch (fifteen during which you obtain and eat your lunch, and then the other fifteen during which you just plain sit or stand there) and go fill in one stupid space (number 13!). And it's not like I ever ask you for anything anyway, so if I'm doing this today, then it MUST mean that much to me, right? Geez! And! People today apparently do not realize the importance of carrying an identification card. Lazy, ignorant people. Geez. So pissed off.
Every time I told somebody about this today, I was on the verge of tears. More of irritation and pissed-off-ness than of sadness. When I got to fourth period, I felt like talking to my teacher about it, because she knows I'm running. But then I was just sitting there, absorbed in my work, as usual. At the end of the period, when I went to turn it in, she asked me about elections, and then I told her, and...yeah, I felt a bit better after I talked to her. And this guy...Well, he said something and when I asked him about that something, he told me more about that something, and that kind of ruined my day, too. Not that it wasn't already ruined.
Then after school on the bus! Well, it's too explicit for me to talk about here. I'm trying to find a way to make this more ambiguous, but still clear. And, um, it's not quite working. Let's just say that I was easily maddened today, yes? Not that I wasn't already mad.!
I didn't know which punctuation mark was more appropriate there, so I just put both, which I know is grammatically incorrect and could expel me from a college acceptance opporunity... But, yeah. I'm moody here, so I think it's excusable. Not moody, though. I hate that word. It sounds like a name for a pink pig. Emotional is better. But it doesn't go quite right with how I felt today. Anyway... Enough about me. How was your day?
Oh, wait, I don't care. Golly gee, why did I even ask?

I was just kidding. Of course I care. More than people who don't bring their student IDs on such an important day, anyway!
Well, now that I mentioned care. It seems like all the people who I thought didn't care as much voted for me, whereas the people who I thought would care (or SHOULD, anyway) didn't.
I've seen, heard, and said the word "vote" so many times now that it's getting to be a pet peeve.

Well, I don't want to seem like an angry, unappreciative, incompassionate competitor here, because I'm not. I'm just really mad and disappointed about it. But thank (as a noun!) and appreciation do go out to those who voted (agh..."vote") for me, because it matters just that much more to me now, now that I realize... Yeah, just...thank you.

I'm kind of annoying myself with all this "emotional" crapstuff. So I'll stop.

Oh, today I left my bag of candy to sell in chemistry class, which is second period. I didn't even realize until I was walking out of the door at the end of third period! I thought that I was missing something from my hands (even though I was holding a book), and when I looked at my desk, it hit me! Well, the desk didn't hit me. But like, the thought. That I had left the candy in second period, that is. So after I went and voted for myself (thank you, self!) I went to the classroom and saw the bag still intact, still there. Thank you, whoever sits there third period, for being so oblivious! Okay, now I'm thanking too much.
But that's not necessarily a bad thing, because I honestly do not think that people give enough thanks on a regular basis. I mean, why is it only on Thanksgiving Day when we specially sit down and say what where're thankful for? We have something new to be thankful for everyday! Or, you know, at least a few times a week... Once a month? You know what I mean. Why only one day of the year, when there are three-hundred sixty-five? (Make it three-hundred sixty-six, in this year's case.) We never thank others for the smallest things that could end up meaning the most. Shallow as we are as a society, we thank only for the biggest things that could end up meaning the least. Or, if you're truly that ignorant, then I guess it could still mean that much to you after depreciation. But still. Be thankful for all that you have, because while some things could be a lot better, others could always be a lot worse.

We wrote an essay in English today; it was supposed to be based on two short stories we chose to read from our literature book (darn, I love those books) about Unsung Heroes. I love that title. Every time I hear or see the word "unsung", I think of that one poem by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. I'm not sure if that first name is correct, though. I suppose I could check. Or, wait... Haha. The name is right, but the poem I'm thinking of by Dunbar is called "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings". 'Unsung' was referring to another poem from what we actually studied for Deca last season. Year, whatever. Well, I checked, and it's not on the USAD (United States Academic Decathlon) website anymore, so never mind. You know what? It might actually be Dunbar! Oh, gosh. This is going to bother me very much until I find my answer. Oh, goodness gracious. I just went to my room and moved a whole bunch of binders among binders full of study material and print-outs. Geez! It's called "The Unsung Heroes" by none other than Mr. Paul Lawrence Dunbar himself. I could totally allude to that for the second draft of the essay. And I will.

Yesterday when I got home, I did a whole lot of nothing. I was online, as usual, and as I am now, and one of my friends sent me a link. It showed a sweater he wanted to have... Then I ended up looking at clothes online for the next hour or two. I love the stuff at Forever 21. They have all these environmental t-shirts; I also found one that I really like and even added that page on my Favorites. Call it obsession, if you will. It was...whimsical! First time using that word. I don't really like it, though. It sounds so...unpleasantly sharp. I mean, if I knew that that was a noun (which it most certainly is not), I would NOT want to be poked with it.
I hate it when people poke me, by the way. It's gayy. I's just unpleasant. I mean, come on. This isn't grade school. Don't poke! Hit!
Oh, wait. Haha, I'm just kidding. Um...yeah, just don't poke me, all right?
Did you know that "alright" isn't a word? Or, well, it's not good enough to make it into the dictionary, anyway. It's just colloquial, I guess.

And I feel much better now. I suppose I won't have to cry myself to sleep later anymore. Which reminds me...I'm supposed to be napping right now! But while watching television, I got sidetracked, so I had to do this after it was turned off.

And who knows? Maybe things will turn out much better than I'm assuming so.

We Wear the Mask, by Paul Lawrence Dunbar

We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes--
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile
And mouth with myriad subtleties.

Why should the world be over-wise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us while
We wear the mask.

That was just two of the three stanzas, but I feel it's sufficient enough. Go look it up yourself if you want to know how it "ends". The title and poet are right there.

Last night, after I watched and listened to all those David Cook (videos), while I was talking to one of my friends who is now very familiar with my thing for him, I said:
i LOVE david cook!
he asked his interviewer out to dinner the day that he won.
dagnabbit him.
cheating on me before our relationship even began.

Those were my exact words. Really, though! He thinks that just 'cause he won American Idol (though, as Paula said, she doesn't believe that it's a winning thing), he can get any girl he wants now. Well, okay, fine, that's practically 100% truth. Still.

Oh, we got all our Deca study stuff today. Well, they were distributed to each of us today. Not really, actually. They were just spread out, and we each went and piled ourselves with paper among paper among paper about Latin America and some more. I realized during fifth period that that stack of paper is thicker than my calc book. And that's not even the half of it! We still have a lot more paper and study guides incoming! Or, so I'm expecting.

We're now watching Bourne Identity in European History class. We have literally been doing nothing at all in that class for the past almost three weeks. As of tomorrow, it will be our third-week anniversary of doing nothing in that class. Or, well, since the test. The movie is good. I mean, even though I can't see anything...
I want to watch The Strangers. It's rated-R, though... I'm going to ask my lovely junior friends if they want to go. Haha, just kidding. But I do want to watch it, though. I'd love a horror movie to watch right now. Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe a tragic story would be better. So I could just cry out everything. About the movie... about today, whatever.

I think Larissa Kelly lost on Jeopardy yesterday... Dagnabbit. That just goes to show that all good things come to an end. Well, ALL things come to an end, really.

Including this.


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