Why some, and not others?

If possible, it's even hotter now in the evening, brink of nighttime, than it was in the afternoon. This is the kind of weather during which I feel like nothing and feel like doing nothing. Well, not necessarily the former, but most definitely the latter. Miraculously (This is for sure the only time I have used that word here), I haven't even eaten anything since...five hours ago. With the exception of the mint I am chewing on (yes, chewing) now. I've been reading My Sister's Keeper since after lunch. I am now a bit past halfway done with the book, and I'm telling you, it's getting better and better. Unlike many other books when a reader gets to this point, one cannot predict what happens next. There are so many possibilities, so many unexpectancies.

I really should study math, considering that I barely remember any trigonometry from one year ago, let alone geometry from the eighth grade. That was TWO years ago! Hmm, two... Here I was braced for it to be even longer than that. Middle school was the good times, in case I haven't emphasized that enough previously.

Admittedly, I suck at piano now. I'm sure I can pick it up again with practice, but I don't like practicing anymore... (I'm pretty sure I never did like it, actually.) I tend to just plop myself onto the piano bench when I feel like it and stumble my way through a couple of old songs, play them a few more times if I feel up to it, and then stop when I come to a bar or measure I can't get past. Bar or measure...that reminds me of a poem I wrote a few weeks after my middle school commencement. (Remind me again...is "commence" the ending, or the beginning? I mean the former, for the record.) It was about orchestra. More of the people in it rather than it in itself, really.

While I was at the school library today, after I logged off the computer, I went upstairs and browsed around. All those books...They were incredible. I mean, I saw books that I've read about in history textbooks! Such as Wealth of Nations in the economics section. A lot of books on King Louis XIV by Voltaire, I think it was. Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws... It was amazing. Don't get me wrong, I've been up there before and browsed around. But today, I actually got a good look at the entire entity of the library. Just plain fantastic. And I sincerely mean it.

The next book I'm planning on reading (other than a textbook) is Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya (I spelled it right!) for Deca. It occurs to me that I haven't mentioned anything of this topic for a while. That's because nothing has been happening for a while. I mean, we started the candy-fundraising thing (We're "seeking donations"...) on Thursday, but that's hardly anything interesting about which to blog. It's so lame that we're doing this now, though, in the midst of this INSANELY OUTRAGEOUS HEAT, when chocolate bars so vulnerably melt under the evil, ruthless wrath of the egotistically large star that long-ago smart-aleck astronomers called the sun.

Anyway. I just captured the previously liberated remote control and am currently listening, not watching (yet), Hitch on ABC. Oh, look, it's a romance comedy. My favorite movie genre. In case that sounded sarcastic, it wasn't. I'm going to switch to Law and Order in about half an hour, though. Not that I dislike this movie. I just so happen to have found an interest in criminal justice/administration, whatever it's called. Ah, I love Will Smith movies. Such as this. Not that I'm in love with this movie or anything. Yet. Since I'm not really watching at the moment.

Hmm. I've been contemplating going with my sister to her piano lesson tomorrow so I can "visit" her. The teacher, not my sister. Heck, there is no such thing as visiting my sister, seeing as how I see her every single day anyway. Then again, I suppose it's possible to visit her during school time...which I obviously never do. Because I'm not like some people who always take the hall pass and go out to meet friends or whatever the heck it is those delinquint hooligans these days do. Huh. Did I spell "delinquint" right...? You (whoever you are) probably wouldn't tell me anyway. So I'll just disregard that.
Oh, oops. Back to the point. I would like to see my piano teacher. I kind of miss going to her home on a weekly basis, although I most certainly do not miss the dread of having to go to lesson and then not being able to play the same song for her after so many months. Yeah, maybe I'll go tomorrow.

Hahaha, so this guy trying to pick up this girl says something to her, followed by, "You look a lot like my next girlfriend." That was a good one. I'm referring to the movie, by the way. Oh, and she turned him down. Numerous times, because he kept persisting. And then her friend (with whom she was supposed to meet anyway) comes to her rescue (although I'm sure she didn't and wouldn't need any rescue anyhow) and asks how her "meeting" (with Persistent Stranger Boy) was, and she replies with, "Well, there was a beginning, a middle, and an end," signifying that the persistent guy leave. So he left. Um, yeah. I just found that amusing. Although I probably killed the punch line for you. Oh well.

Such an ordinary day, with the horrific exception of the weather.
That was an exaggeration, but you get the point.

To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.


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