It's finally over!

Not that I feel much of a relief. The AP European History test was today...from about 12:30 until 4:30. Four excruciating hours of silence and filling in confined bubbles and writing meaningless essays! Surprisingly, I didn't even fall asleep! And the whole time, I always said I feared falling asleep in the middle of the test. But yay...I didn't. Anyway...I didn't study this whole week, although I should have, obviously. Hmm, I probably studied a maximum of ten hours total for this test. We'll see how it turns out. I shall reaccount my story of the test. People keep asking! But I keep saying I don't want to talk about it, so that I'll have something "fun" to talk about here. Gosh. How fun could a four-hour history test be anyway? So everybody didn't go to fourth period today, but instead went to our history class. And we were there for half an hour, our teacher trying to make up happy and stuff. It was kind of fun(ny) and somewhat convincingly relaxing at the same time. But I was freaking out a bit, 'cause I didn't know anything. Or so I thought. Everybody lined up outside of the building, and the A-H line was half the length of the rest of the alphabet line. Haha. Anyway, that doesn't matter. So the test. For the first half of it, I thought, "Wow, this is easy. I don't know why I was worrying so much." Then come the second half, I thought, "Oh. This is why!" I guessed on a lot of the questions... And there's penalty for guessing! I left only two blank. I worked extremely slowly, and by the time the proctor called time, I had just finished bubbling in number 80 (the last question). Then I went back quickly and erased the spots that I filled in lightly. The second half was horrendous! Then we had a ten-minute break until 2:05. Everybody was hustle-bustle in the hallway. There was a huge line for the girls' restroom (like always). When it was time, people went back to the library or oral arts room. And began the essays... For the DBQ (document based question), we had a 15-minute reading period (starting at 2:15). At 2:30, the proctor told us we could open our booklet and start writing. I had trouble grouping the documents and such... I didn't actually start writing until 2:45 or so. Then half an hour later, she said that it's time to start the first FRQ (free-response question). Although, the time that they give is only a suggestion. So I was working on the DBQ until 3:50! I didn't flip to the next pages to see the essay topics because I was afraid that I didn't know anything (as I had been telling everyone plus myself the whole time). But no! I flipped the page and read the topics for the first essay and realized that I knew the topics! Well, one of them. But still! If I had known that I'd known the topics, then I wouldn't have spent so much stupid time on the DBQ! So I wrote that first essay quite hastily. I had an okay introduction and first support paragraph, then the rest of it was just plain lame. By the time I finished that essay, I had only ten minutes left. I looked at the topics. And, it should seem no surprise that I actually knew how to write on one of them! GRR! So I wrote a terrible introduction and outlined the ideas for my three body paragraphs, then ended it horrifically with an extremely crappy conclusion. And then time was up at 4:25. It was weird, because before the test, I obsessive anxiety. Afterward, I felt nervous. I really wanted to feel relieved, but the whole time (not just today), I knew I wouldn't feel that feeling that everybody else seemed to have, because I knew that with my lack of studying I wouldn't do satisfactorily well. Anyway... I'm kind of indifferent about it. People have taken it, failed it, and retaken it. Not that I wish to retake it. Because it doesn't look good on records... So yeah, that was my test day.

It's been ten days since I last posted. I didn't even get to do it the last day of April! Nor the first of May! Oh, my. I just realized that CSTs start next Thursday. I find it lamely bogus (Nobody uses that word anymore, huh?) that they make the state standardized tests take place during AP exams. Don't people think anymore?! What happened to childcare, huh? Welfare? Are children not the...whatever of our future? We're children! We go to school! We need sleep! Sleep!! Geez, what do they expect from us, anyway? Whoever is in charge of all this shouldn't have such high expectations, in a world of such catastrophe, although that may not be very conspicuous to many people.

Hmm. So I'm still thinking about my schedule for...the summer, which will greatly impact my schedule for next semester. Gosh, it's all about school. But I guess it's only right. I mean, kids have school, adults have work, old people have...time. Haha. I was thinking yesterday about how I want to "grow up" already, and have a job and whatnot, live the adult life. And one of my friends today (with whom I hadn't talked in a long time) said that she wants to be an adult already. And I laughed and told her what I thought about yesterday, and we both laughed some more. Ha. Ha. One of the things that I enjoy most is talking for a long time to people with whom I haven't spoken in a long time. Time time time. It's just a matter of time. I find that very true for almost every single situation that happens in life. It's about life. Sure, it is! What else would life be about?! The italicized lines were lyrics. Correction...abridged lyrics. As in, I cut off the other parts of the same line. But so long as it pertains to my point, right?

Agh, math homework. I currently have an 89.5% in math. I need only half a percent!! I mean, if I wanted that feeling of security and stability, I'd need at least five percent. But that's going to take a while. And we have only...what, five weeks left? FIVE WEEKS! Perhaps six. But still. I first experienced the ultra speed of time in the fifth grade. I don't know how, but I guess maybe when you know that one of the most important stages in your life is going to culminate, time just seems to pass by so much quicker.

I have no one to talk to on AIM right now... Everyone's gone on their Friday night ventures! While I'm here at home, on the computer, blogging like a nerd. Not that I mind at all. Oh, guess what?! Now I can finally read a fictional book in peace without feeling guilty about European history! Yay! I'm about fifty pages into My Sister's Keeper Picoult. Jodie, possibly. You (whoever you may be) should read it. I've heard some very good reviews on it.

Speaking of reviews, I'm reminded of critics. Speaking of critics, I'm reminded of Simon Cowell. Speaking of Simon Cowell, I'm OBVIOUSLY reminded of American Idol. Jason's gone! I mean, he did kind of...suck. I mean, he didn't do as well as he'd done before last week, so it was not surprise that he got the boot. Or was it this week? I forget. Anyway...the two Davids!! I'd want Cook to win, because Archuleta's young and he's still got plenty of time ahead of him. His enormous base of teenage girl fans will support him all the way to the Red Carpet! Huh. That made more sense in my head. So, yes...David Cook! :)

The Lakers lost today. By FIVE points! They broke their winning streak! That saddens me... I love Luke Walton, although according to SOMEbody, he's a "joke". Hmph. WELL. Haha.

So why is it so easy for me to say that I "love" somebody far-fetched and far out of my league (such as David Cook... Luke Walton... more of the former because he's a musician, not that I'm biased) and so difficult to say so to the people who truly matter? was something of a rhetorical question, by the way. I'm just wondering myself...about myself... Huh. What a concept.

I'm considering getting a haircut. But I don't want to cut it short after all this time of leaving it long. I was also considering leaving it longer so I could "donate" it. The idea occurred just because my mom joked about it to the salon haircutter person lady a few weeks ago while she was getting her haircut and I was just standing there looking at my hair (insert "lol") and contemplating one myself. Then that same friend from today told me that she wants to donate her hair too! So I said that we could do it together! Yay! It'd be nice, though. Donating hair...together. Donating hair. That sounds so...odd. But people do it all the time. I never thought I'd do it. Okay, that was a slight fabrication. I used to imagine growing my hair really long and then cutting it off for donation. But that was about...six years ago or something. When I had short hair. It's just hair, though.

Apparently, some guys do ask others if they're fat. I mean...they themselves ask, "Am I fat?" or something along that line. I find it highly...inappropriate. That's supposed to be a girl question! Even I, as a girl, don't ask that! I hate when people ask that. Because really, what is one supposed to reply with? If that person is fat, and you say no, then it'd be a lie, and lies are not good. And if you say yes, then he or she (most likely she, 'cause usually guys don't ask. Usually.) will get upset! This is one of those very tricky questions that girls ask guys. Not that I've ever asked any. Like I said.

Hmm. So I was feeling pretty poetic a few hours ago. I lost it over dinner and the Lakers game. Hahaha, I wonder if anyone ever feels poetic about a basketball game...

If I knew that certain people don't read this, then I'd feel more free to write about certain topics. But I don't know that, so I'm going to have to implement censorship on myself. Gosh, that is so oppressing. Self-oppressing! Peasants revolts in the Germans states in 1524-1526. Psh.

How can one stop something that's been going on for quite a long time without damaging anything? Or anyone? Feelings makes life so complicated... But I guess it's what drives life. I think I would like to go to the library tomorrow. Or maybe just stay home and do a whole bunch of nothing! Not that I haven't been doing enough of that already.

I grab a napkin and I wrote down our song

I want to write something! Where is my eloquence and articulation when I need it?!

It's 9:33 now, so I'm going to go shower and do something not productive afterward. Probably read. Or write... If my articulation will come back!


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