From Where You Are

Another month is coming to a close again. It's amazing how quickly time passes by. Amazing in both a "Wow, I can't believe it" way as well as a "Geez! So fast?!" way. Or maybe this isn't the case for some people. But I'm presuming that for most, it is.

AP exams begin next week! I just can't grasp the fact that it's going to be May on...Thursday. I love the month of May, though, for some reason. There are eighteen chapters in the AP Achiever book for European History. And I haven't even finished chapter 4! That's horrendously horrible. I have terrible procrastination habits. Terrible! But now that I've completed all my other homework, I shall dedicate the next two to three hours to that marvelous book of a...test prep book. There's a math quiz tomorrow, and I do not plan on studying until...well, tomorrow. Not like it'd be the first time, anyway. Haha, we still haven't gotten back our chapter test from last Friday. People are rather anxious about it, I'd say it seems.

Today at one moment during lunch, I had the beginning of a poem in my head. I thought, "Hmm, I'll write it later." Then I come home, only to have forgotten that line! Dagnabbit.

Forever I wish you could be here
Forever I wish you could stay
If only you could see the tears
That I cry when you walk away
Maybe if I let them show
You'd take steps back and you'd know
That tomorrow's going to be hard with you gone

Hmm, so today was a pretty nice day. I find summer mornings very pleasant. Just not the afternoons, during which the sun is ruthlessly blazing its scorching hot rays, nor the nights, during which the heat has pervaded to even the moon, making it difficult for one to comfortably sleep. Oh, wait. It's not even summer yet! Oh, my.

So the Lakers won the Nuggets yesterday. Again. I was kind of upset that I didn't get to watch the entire game. I caught only the last two minutes of it. But according to my sources, it was a close game the whole time! Geez, yesterday was a bad day to show all the good shows: Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, the basketball game... Anyway, I ought not be complaining about this now, when I have to focus on "Euro".

I really like Lifehouse.

At this moment, I'm wondering how two people can get and remain married for so many years. And I don't even know why I'm thinking this. But, yeah. I used to think about having such conversations with the adults in my life, but so far, it hasn't really happened. Oh well. I guess I'll find out eventually. After the AP exam! May is such a stressful month. Or, well, it's going to be. What with AP exams, state standardized tests (which I detest, especially the bubbling in the answer sheet part!)...

Gosh, I thought I had stuff to talk about today. I guess not, though.
This probably wasn't one of those good wastes of time, huh?


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