Teardrops on My Guitar

Blogging is a rare leisure for me these days. I'm doing so now because I don't really have any homework today because tonight's Open House at school. It's actually fun helping teachers set up for Open House. I find it quite amusing that they never do anything with their classrooms until the morning/afternoon before the event, and they have students help for extra credit. But hey, I'm not complaining. I'd planned on staying for it tonight, but then I had a feeling it was going to be very boring and wanted to sleep because I've been sleeping for only five hours each night this week. So I came home. And now I'm watching Wheel of Fortune. Seriously, I'd love to go on that show one day and win some easy money.

(a long, long break)

I've just finished my English homework, which I am very proud of. If I didn't want to go through the effort and hard work, I'd have finished it in less than half an hour. But I did. And I used about an hour for it. Not that I have much homework left to do that's due tomorrow anyway. Which is a fabulous thing.
It's now 10:10 p.m., by the way. And I'm getting sleepy already. I must be getting old or something. Then again, who isn't?

New episodes of Gossip Girl start on Monday! Yay! I'll probably have to watch reruns, though, because I don't necessarily have the time to watch tv at that time. (Because it's usually around 7:30 or 8 when I begin my homework.)

So the title of this blog is actually the name of a song. I hadn't listened to it in a long time, but on the way home a couple of hours ago, I heard a wonderfully spectacular pop version of it on the but radio, and I was so wonderfully reminded of what a wonderful song it is! Especially this pop version. It's...well, awesome.
I remember in seventh grade (again with seventh!), "awesome" was THE word to describe everything. At first, I was annoyed with it, then I started using it myself. And now, well, it's just...old. I mean, it's so hackneyed that one might be confused about whether or not what the word is truly implying. It's scary.
Just kidding about the scary part.
This song is making my fingers go hyper on the computer keyboard.
Speaking of keyboard, I haven't played the piano since the exam back in March. This isn't good. Even though I'd expected this, I didn't plan it! I seriously need to practice a new song or something. I fear that someday soon, I will completely forget how to play the piano. And trust me, it is so not like "riding a bike." It's hard to pick it back up.

On Tuesday while our class was walking, my friend and I were...talking. Well, we were walking AND talking! (That was an allusion to one of many Lizzie McGuire episodes. It was something Ethan was saying.) To my pleasant surprise, she, seemingly "out of nowhere", said something along the line of, "So if life had a wasteland [which it most certainly does, considering all the waste we produce], would wasted time be in there?" I pondered that for a few seconds, and I commended her on what a meaningful, splendid question that was. Later, I exclaimed, "I'm going to write about that in my blog!" And whadda ya know? I'm writing about it now. I was afraid I'd forget it, but thankfully, it's great enough for me to remember it among so many other things two days later.

AP exams!! Well, I have only one. But still. I really need to start studying... Hmm.

Anyway, it's about 10:20 now; I'm tired, so I'm going to leave some more writing for tomorrow or Saturday, whenever my next opportunity to lavish myself shall occur.
Til then,

"You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it's all right."
--Maya Angelou


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