So Little Time, So Much to Do

There is so much I can do right now, that I don't know exactly what to choose. Literally. I have math homework, chemisry homework, history notes, poli sci research, an essay... I could be chatting with people, writing poems, watching television (not that there's anything good on anyway), or just sitting there pondering matters in my life. What I'm doing now is blogging and watching television. I've never watched Bones before, though I've heard of it. It seems quite interesting. I'm just watching it in lack of better shows/programs.

I'll just talk about my day. The Deca teacher wasn't here again today, due to the flu. So I went to "sign in" and then went to hang out with some friends at "breakfast." It was a very nice morning. English was fun in that the last Caesar performance, Act V, was funny and enjoyable. Afterward... not much happened. In chemistry, we made ice cream. It was fun! Everybody was looking forward to it, and... yeah. So I was supposed to bring milk. Last night, I had poured the amount of milk needed into a cup thing with a lid. This morning, I put it in my backpack. It did occur to me that I might have to use a bag or something, but then I didn't have enough time to get one. On the bus, I lay my backpack on my lap, as always... Then when we got to school, the bottom of my backpack was WET. I touched it, and there appeared on my hand white substance, also known as milk. So, eww. But the point is, making the ice cream was fun, although my group and I took an especially long time and still couldn't get our mix to form into ice cream-mode. Or whatever. So, in the words of our teacher, our "ice cream" actually turned out to be more of a smoothie. Nonetheless, it was good. Kneading the liquid in the ice was hard, though, because it got extremely cold. The guys in my group are such wimps. Seriously. They could barely do it for ten seconds, and I just kept kneading for like, a minute or so at a time. Anyway... In math, I actually paid attention! And now I have three assignments to do over the weekend. Blech. And there's a quiz on Monday. Joy... In Spanish, we were to work with an assigned partner on two activities. And I was partnered with someone with whom I had never before spoken. But it was nice, because I got to know somebody new! Yay for new! In history, we went over the document-based question essay from spring break. I got a 6 out of 6. I wasn't too happy with it, because there were people who had more than that! But whatever. I did it the night before, so...oh well. After school today, I went to volunteer work. And there, I didn't really do anything (as usual, since there was nothing much to do).
Is it wrong to listen to somebody tell you their dilemmas with a person, and then be all nice to that other person afterward? Just wondering.
All in all, today was a good day :)
Ever notice that whenever I tell about my day at school, I literally run through all six periods? Oh, wait, I forgot PE. Then again, it doesn't count, so whatever.

I'm now watching Canterbury's Law. I realize that I enjoy watching mystery shows, but not reading mystery books. The latter scares me, in a way. So this guy on Duel just said, "Well, I walked in here with nothing, so I have nothing to lose." Such a good philosophy. Interesting shows tonight...!

I'm too engrossed in these shows to actually say anything important here. So I will write again tomorrow or the day after.


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