April Fool?

Yeah, that saying has gotten very annoying. April's fool is more like it.
I keep thinking that today's the second of April, though... Hmm. So in English class this morning, I heard a classmate telling the teacher that somebody informed her that today was the 32nd of March. And she actually kept that in mind! Hahaha, that was amusing.

Today was a relatively wonderful day. Relatively wonderful, although nothing out of the ordinary happened... Oh, so it wonderfully turned out that we didn't have the Caesar performance today, after all! I started cramming only last night after 10, and by the time I slept at 10:58, I'd memorized about a third of all my lines. I'd been planning to "study" on the bus, but then I just talked with the person I was sitting with. I mean, it was a nice conversation and all, but I needed to study! Needless to say, I didn't. So in Deca, thankfully, interviews were still going on. I wisely used that time (for once!) to study my lines. I'd gotten two of the lines down, and then we were let out early, which was nice. By the time I got to English class and asked somebody not in my group whether the performances were today... Yeah, I was relieved. They start tomorrow, and since we're act III, we'll most likely go on on Thursday. Wonderful start of the day, with a bit of something else :)
And then...nothing much else happened. In chem, I found out that on the CST this year, 10th grade has to take World History (AGAIN?!) and life science. How wonderful... (Sarcastically this time.) It really is true that 10th grade is a very important school year! In other words, stressful. Hmm. In math, we watched a bit of Snow White... Our teacher claimed (I seem to claim that she "claims" a lot of things.) that there was a math thing in it. After having watched a music part, she told us the quotient rule for finding derivatives...or whatever, I don't know. Nobody understood how the movie related to what we were learning, and she replied, "Well, it was in the tune!" Ha. Ha. Ha. Okay, it was pretty funny. And...yeah. In Spanish, we "presented" our juguetes. The presentations that we do are pretty lame. I think that that class (and possibly all other high school Spanish/foreign language classes) is/are pathetically easy. Okay, I'll be nonbiased and refer to only my class. Seriously! It's...needless to think. Okay, fine, so I have a slight advantage, having taken some of Spanish II over the summer (and then dropping it about a third into the semester). Anyway. Geez, talking about it almost infuriates me. In history, we worked on our homework (the notes that I started yesterday), which is very rare; I appreciated the opportunity. The class was actually quiet, too! That's also rare, by the way. Even during a test, there's some talking going on, if not by the students, then by people who constantly randomly drop in and hang out. Haha, drop in and hang out. So, that's basically my whole day for you.
Except for right now.

I seem to be having a lot of misconceptions (That word was stuck in my head two days ago.) today. First, the date. And when I got home, I thought that I didn't have any homework. Huh. so two doesn't quite account for "a lot." But whatever.

Let's see... Today is Tuesday. Nothing's going to happen today. Not that anything much did. I have to check to see if my library hold is "ready for pickup" yet. If it has been and I owe a dollar, I will not be happy, because I haven't gotten any notices from the library system.

Oh, so some wonderful news to add to my "relatively wonderful" day. I'm not certain how old this news is, but it was most likely from yesterday. I passed the piano exam! (Remember way back when? Oh...it was exactly a month ago, now that I'm telling you this today.) Although, I'm not too sure by what "pass" means. It seems kind of vague, considering that at that level, one either goes to the next audition or doesn't... Oh well!

So I guess I'll leave you off with that bit of a happy note. Even though it doesn't exactly pertain to your life, I'm assuming.


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