Newfound Object of Obsession

I'll just be blunt about this: I love David Cook! For those of you who don't know, David Cook is a twenty-five-year-old bartender/musician from Blue Springs, Missouri currently in the top six in American Idol. I used to think that it was a dumb show, but I started watching it last week just because there was nothing better to watch. And I "fell in love" with not necessarily the show, but just with the people's singing. I think that I would hate to watch the initial auditions, but THIS, the top-less-than-ten, is way good. I also think that at this point, or according to yesterday's performances, the three guys are doing a lot better than the three girls. But hey, I'm just one viewer of millions of others saying this. Although I'm sure that many other people out there would agree with that opinion. David Cook!! Yay, David Cook! There's another David, last name Archuleta. He's seventeen! I support the both of them :)
So David Cook is my "newfound object of obsession," in case you haven't already come to that conclusion. I keep watching videos of his performances! (On YouTube. There's also a sidebar there with some of them. So in case you're interested...)

This week and last week, I have been extremely exhausted. Last week, I went to sleep at midnight every day, and this week isn't much better. I feel so sick. Not sick as in cough-vomit-fever kind of way, but just...I-feel-so-tired-I-might-as-well-be-sick way. And the thing is, I can't even say that I've had THAT much homework. I've simply been putting it all off until after dinner almost every day. That's obviously not good.

Today was yet another earlier-dreaded-but-now-glad-to-have-it-over-with European history test. I had been planning on studying yesterday because it was a shortened day, but when I got home, I started reading. And that reading had absolutely nothing to do with school. Anyway, I suppose that in a perverse way, it was worth it. I had checked out the book from the library on Saturday, read twelve pages of it on Sunday, and picked it back up yesterday. I read from almost 2:30 to 4:30. I LOVED that book!! It made me cry, which is a good thing, because I love books (and movies) that make me cry. It's called Sharing Sam by Katherine Applegate, by the way. And unfortunately, she has no other (YA) book written. All others are an alien series, and anyone who knows me knows that I am not into sci-fi. Or whatever genre aliens fits into. Oh, yeah, Lock and Key came out yesterday! I would love to go to Borders or something this weekend. Anyway, so the history test. I did not study for it at all. Until this morning when I got to school. I think that I did pretty well on the test, though... Unlike when I do study at least half of the material at home. Today I studied for a few minutes in Deca and then for about half an hour in Spanish. Actually, for the last several minutes in that class, I studied with somebody, and that turned out to have really helped me! I don't know why, but hearing somebody ask somebody else a question and then listening to a correct answer to a wrong answer is a highly effective way for me to learn! (So, in a way, I learn from others' mistakes instead of my own?)

On Friday, I have a math test. TEST, not quiz. I can just sense the horribility (probably not a work) of it! In this chaper, there are six lessons. I understand only some of the concepts from...hmm, two and a half of the lessons. And there are word problems! Word problems are...not nice. Even though I'm an English-oriented person. Seriously! Who cares at what rate a ladder is being moved?! Except maybe a contractor. But who even thinks about that?! (deep breath)

I didn't get to watch Gossip Girl on Monday. Darn it. Sometimes I think about how pretentious and seemingly unrealistic that show is, and I kind of telepathically chide the director(s) for making it so. I don't really blame the writer of the books, though. Besides, what is shown on screen is always so much different from what is written on paper. I prefer the latter.

Programming for next semester is going to take place tomorrow (for me, anyway). I feel so...unsettled about it. I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do over the summer, not to mention what classes I'm going to take next semester. (It doesn't feel right saying "next year" when September is less than five months away. Five months!) And the "small learning communities" thing still bothers me. Humanities! Why?! Okay, fine, so I put that as my second choice. But still! Why not arts and media? Could they not have fit one more person into there? Not that I've tried to talk to a counselor about it, but still. Oh well, then. Whatever. If I get the classes I want (about which I'm still uncertain), I'll just leave it as is. Haha, I'm probably going to go to my counselor so many times in the next few months, trying to set next year's schedule and whatnot.

The AP exam is in less than three weeks!! Needless to say, I STILL haven't begun studying. This is horrible! Es muy, muy horrible!

Hmm, really nothing meaningful to say today. Maybe I'll have some thoughts after I work on math. Or, at least, make an attempt to.

David Cook! :)


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