Firsthand Serenade

Essentially, I was at school all day today: from 8 to 10 for poli sci, then from 1 to 8:30 at school school. Contrary to what you may have assumed, I had fun. In some ways. I had an exam in the morning. You don't even have to ask-- I didn't bother to study. But I finished a lot earlier than usual. Probably because I knew I had to leave early, but anyway... I went to school school today for the Shakespeare Festival preview. Why so early? Because somebody had to arrive early for preparation stuff. But I'm not complaining. I stayed at the tennis courts the whole time, half the time attempting to read the AP Achiever book for history. It was excruciatingly boring! Top that with the fact that I was extremely sleepy. I got to page 34, then decided to put it away. Blahblah.
The preview was fun and funny. Even though I sat in the same seat for like, three hours. Then again, I'd already been sitting the whole day anyway. I realized during the show that some people are actually very good at singing. All the singing parts were really nice... the harmonies... It was wonderful. Of course, because most of the dialogue was in old English, I didn't quite fully comprehend everything of everything. But oh well! It was fun.

It is insanely hot today. I mean, it was insanely hot today. And dumbly hot right now, past 11 at night. It must be at least eighty degrees fahrenheit at the moment. Geez. Yesterday was hot too! I didn't do anything in PE, and it was still... Yeah. The point is, it's getting warmer day by day!

For the first time in four months, I'm going to the orthodontist for a check-up tomorrow. Dagnabbit. I haven't worn my retainers in the daytime for several weeks now... I hope nobody notices a difference. Heck, I hope there isn't a difference.

Seriously, it's very hot.

I'm sure it's all over the news channels right now that a plane crashed into a home earlier today. I just saw the headline, listened to about thirty seconds of the news, then switched to another channel. Which was, inevitably, talking about the same thing. I'm ignoring it. All I know is, it took place in Compton, near the Compton Airport. Prior to the crash, nobody had heard any plane noises. So they're assuming that the plane had stopped working before it crashed. The pilot did not give warning to the control center, which subsequently implies that something went terribly wrong. And...yeah. Check it out on some news website or something. I'm sure it'll be something fascinating to you violence-lovers.
I was somewhat kidding with that last line.

Speaking of kidding, I realize that sometimes people do take jokes or anything along that line seriously/personally. So one does have to be careful what one says, because the person that he or she is speaking to may be offended by it. My idea worded much more eloquently by another person:
"Misunderstood words can still hurt once understanding is achieved."
That was from the aforementioned rules of life list, by the way.

The weather has multi-personality disorder. Or something like that. It needs at least a consultant. Calling all meteorologists!
It's making me like, constantly sick-ish. I sneeze frequently, which isn't very nice.

Some songs remind me of people. (It's a good thing.) For example, the song "Going Crazy" by Natalie always makes me think of one particular person I knew (and still know, actually) in seventh grade. And recently, I have recognized that Chris Brown's "With You" reminds of somebody I know now.

Anyway, I despise the acrid smell of acetone. It's murderous. (Yet I'm still alive! Yay!)

I am in desperate need for another book to read. Lock and Key comes out on the 22nd, which is...TEN DAYS away. Which, if I'm lucky (I don't believe in luck, though.), means that I can obtain it within two weeks. If I don't have much homework that weekend. I don't even know what day of the week the 22nd is. I'd calculate it or simply move a bit to see the calendar on the wall about three feet away, but I'm feeling too lazy and tired to do so.

Here's another one of my "random" questions. This one is meaningful, just like the last one. Probably more so, though.
What is the best thing in your life right now?
I'm going to start asking people that soon. Possibly after I click "publish post" here.

It truly irks me when people don't return stuff to where they got it from. I mean, you took the effort and used the energy to go and get it, so why not equalize it by taking the effort and using the energy to go and return it? Sheesh!

Somebody just asked me to name some teen celebrities. I gave him a whole list. Even though Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana was one of the top on my list, I didn't give it until the end. Today, while I was at Walmart, Miley Cyrus and her alias were everywhere! Pictures of her all over the store were freaking ubiquitous like oxygen in the atmosphere! In my very personal, humble opinion, it was very disturbing. I mean, t-shirts, cameras, toys, games, CDs... Even shoes! Shoes! And I don't know if it's just me, but she sure does resemble Hilary Duff from back in the days when she was sweet, innocent Lizzie McGuire. I loved that show, by the way. It was funny. I'm digressing. Um...yeah. People are overly obsessed with Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. Get over it. I mean, her. Watch, it's just a matter of time before somebody even younger and "hipper" than her appears into the spotlight and dethrones her off her...uh, throne of teenage fame and fortune.
You know, I always used to wonder what "rich and famous" people do with all their money. I mean, they already have all the material things that they need or that the common people could possibly want but don't dare to ask for because they know they can't acquire such goods. (That was horrible sentence structure, but I'll disregard it.) And it's not as if money can buy happiness or friendship or anything abstract. And it's really not like they donate everything else to charity. I mean, really. "Donating to charity" doesn't even seem to mean much anymore. It's just three words that make you sound like a benevolent, compassionate person while you're trying to cover up something else. I'm being very skeptical, but hey, truth hurts. Of course, I'm only generalizing here. Some people do generously donate out of the kindness of their hearts. May they be blessed. Oh, and by "some people", I didn't mean only the rich.

Did you know that America isn't Democratic like the Constitution or whatever document states? It's a fallacy! The American government is a fallacy! Uh...just kidding. That may be considered libel or something, so... Well, yes, my point is that America is Democratic-Republic. The power is not always with or for the people. You know, I don't understand the point of citizens voting when in the end, the Electoral College gets the final say anyway. I say we get rid of the Electoral College. This is just me being over-analytical about something I'm not entirely knowledgeable about.

Well, it's a quarter to midnight, and I've been sleepy since about forty-five minutes ago. So...bon voyage!


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