Once upon a hot Saturday afternoon,

a blog is being updated.

Today we got out of class early again. It was only the quiz, and then everybody was dismissed. And the quiz ended up being a take-home quiz, too! That's a good thing, though, because the chapter we were being tested on wasn't even in my book! For about an hour and a half or so, I got to study the AP Achiever book for Euro. I read several pages about the Renaissance. And I shall continue to read that book after this. I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep earlier. It'll probably happen later, though, because there's no extremely bright lighting or any nice breeze to keep me awake here at home.

Seriously, these persistent allergy-like symptoms are so annoying. Well, not so much annoying as despicable. My nose is starting to hurt from all the tissue-using. And my eyes get teary! In some cases, that could be a plus. But I haven't found any situations in which I might need to pretend to be crying, so scratch that plus.

Lock and Key!

Speaking of books, I'm going to have to go to the library a little later to pick up some books... I'm really not excited about it, because they're educational books. Math test prep books, to be precise.

Ah, it's 2:30! Lakers game! I need to find a way to retrieve that remote control from my mother's hands...

Very short paragraphs today.
Oh, you know what? I'm going to wear my retainers right now. I haven't worn them in the daytime since who knows when. Even though I'm really supposed to.

So, if you could pick: on which day of the week would you like to die?
Quite randomly, the question came to mind yesterday as I was walking from sixth period physical education class to the procession of yellow school buses. (Is it not "busses"? As the case with "traveled" or "travelled"?)

My eyes get so tired so easily these days. I think I'm getting old. Then again, each and every one of us is.
That reminds me that I have to work on my speech for Deca. Not impromptu, but the prepared speech. Agh.

Hmm, I ought to start practicing piano again. I mean, just because I don't have lessons anymore doesn't mean I should stop playing, right? Actually, I'm afraid that I'll somehow forget how to play, and then I'll lose that one part of myself. I used to have a hard time even thinking about quitting piano, because it had been a part of me for so long already, and it was one of the things that I identified myself as: a piano player. Not necessarily a pianist, but still. And now... Well, I constantly forget that I used to play. I was doing something like a resume (accent mark over the latter "e") the other day, and it wasn't until after I sealed the envelope (or is there that last "e"?) that I realized I forgot to put down piano as one of my skills. Quite sad, really. It's been almost two months since my exam. Almost two months since I actually played.

Anyway, my mother's now distracted, so I shall go change the channel and entertain the sports part of myself. Or whatever.

I'm tired.


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