Still Here (For You)

It's 9:28 in the evening at the moment, and I am already sleepy. Gosh, sleepiness and I sure have it going together these days.
Today was a good, fun day. It was a shortened day! Which means we got out an hour and four minutes earlier than usual. Although it really did not feel like much of a difference in every class. They were still just as long. But for some reason, today felt like...Well, sort of like the Friday before a break or something. Although it's just a plain, 2-day weekend, most likely filled with loads of (fun) homework for most people. I spent four and a half extra hours at school today, two of which were used to help set up the auditorium for Spring Fling, an event I had orgininally planned to attend but at almost last moment was not allowed to. Gee, parental control. Anyway, honestly, it isn't anything big. I mean, there were sixty-three names on the eligibility list... And Chancellor Hall's not that small, in case you haven't been in there. The theme is City of Lights; thus, it was decorated with...none other than Christmas lights. And ONLY Christmas lights. I wish I could say that that was an understatement, but it truly isn't. Oh well. Watching tennis and volleyball was fun today. I was going in and out for the volleyball and tennis games, respectively. When it was time, I didn't want to leave, but then again, I didn't want to be left! The bus driver was somewhat unhappy with all of us because supposedly, she had honked the horn already, but nobody came, and when most of us did come, she still had to wait for others to arrive. On the way home, I was asleep for most of the time. But I did catch that contradictory little Wedding/Divorce chapel on Normandie. I think it might be...Normandie and Clinton? I'm not sure, but seeing that place always brings a smile to my face. And that place called Ethical Drugs, too. Hahaha.

So this weekend, I have to focus on AP European History. The exam is in THREE WEEKS!!! I had never even thought about it that way! That's horrible!! I seriously need to schtudyschtudyschtudy. I don't like calculus. It's terribly confusing.
Hmm, I wonder how hot it's going to get this summer... I was listening to some news on the radio this morning, and the person said that last year was the dryest year ever, lowest humidity, whatever. I'm no meterologist, nor do I plan to ever be one.
I would have been at Spring Fling right now...

Today is...the 18th. Lock and Key comes out in FOUR days! Oh, my. Everything is coming up so frighteningly soon. AP exams, CSTs, finals... Goodness gracious. You know, I don't understand the point of standardized tests. They're vastly overrated (alluding to Disney's "Halloweentown", when the grandmother was talking to the mother about not telling the daughter about their...history). I mean, really. A stupid multiple-choice question test cannot and does not measure one's intelligence or knowledge. One could just be guessing on everything and score high! That's just wrong.

Today in history, our teacher actually said something that I easily agreed with. I'd never thought about it before, which, you know, in itself was what fascinated me in the very beginning. He was telling us that the AP Human Geography teacher was going to come and talk to us about his class, and then we got to talking about human race and diversity (or lack thereof). He pointed out that we dedicate one month each year to a specific race. I mean, every month is a different race. And there are all these groups and clubs for different races. So how in the world is that supposed to reduce racism?! That's only supporting it! So, there you go. So much for diversity. And, yeah. He got really worked up about it, but it was interesting.

Let's see. What good do I have to talk about now? It's been all boring stuff so far, I know, and I apologize for that. I have nothing better going on in my life right now.
In case you didn't pick it up, I was being sarcastic.

Oh, so Deca is officially going to be sixth period instead of zero period next year. I found out on Wednesday, and I told my teacher I'm okay with it even though it bothered me because I'm going to be taking Journalism for sure next year, and those two classes would conflict with each other. But she said that it could still be a seventh period thing for me and something about "independent study." After that, I got somewhat apprehensive/frustrated because I don't want to work my butt off for no credit/grade! But today I talked to her and she said that it would still appear on my report card and stuff. I'd still be going to afterschool meetings and such. So, it's all good. I was very relieved. It'll be like a two-fer for me! I actually used that term the other day while talking to one of my friends, and he laughed. Haha.
So, yeah, I can't wait. I'm really excited to take Journalism. Even though half of the people who are in it seem to dislike it. Or the teacher. Whatever.

Apparently, the average unweighted grade point average (GPA) for freshmen at UC Berkeley is 3.85, and the average weighted is 4.25. I'm somewhere between there for both categories. At the moment. According to my calcuations, they accept about twenty-five percent of all applicants. I mean, from each category. Just visit their website at if you want to know more. Oh, I was searching just for the sake of it. No special reason, you know.

I am truly a very lazy person...

I think it's quite sad (but not in the tearful kind of way) that I have so many close friends from ONCE UPON A TIME with whom I never keep in touch anymore. As so bluntly but meaningfully put by one of my closest companions yesterday, "It's weird how you got so close to [that person] all of a sudden." It is weird, indeed, how quickly two people can make a connection, go along (with) it, then so easily let distance tear apart that connection. Has it ever occurred to you that distance (and I mean that in the literal sense) is one of the main factors of a relationship? (By the way, I dislike that the term "relationship" has come to generally refer to two people who are dating.) Typically, if you're close to somebody (map-wise), you're more likely to remain friends with him or her. It's a matter of convenience, too! Distance and convenience. And, as I've said in one past blog, mutual need. Yep...friendships come along with conditions. Sadly, 'tis true.

Strangely, my left arm is getting sore from typing! Last time, it was my right arm! Huh.

Here's another thing to add to my "Things to Do Before I Die" list from...a while ago:
-Go to Disneyland.
I love Disneyland. I used to go there quite often when I was much younger. It was wonder-freaking-ful. My parents won't let me go anymore because I'm "too old" to be going to that place. There's never an age too old to be to go to Disneyland!

When I retire... I wonder what I will be doing. Most likely reading (if I'm not blind by then...), writing (if I'm not horribly arthritic by then...), or... um, well, I think that that's basically all that I want to be doing when I grow too old to do anything else. Well, besides being with family and enjoying life and whatnot. I would like to take a day to simply observe nature. Possibly go to a botanical garden and walk around...without being bitten by various kinds of flying insects and crawling bugs alike. Oh, and the nature thing, I'd like to do whenever, not only when I grow old.
Why on earth am I talking about this, anyway?

It's now 10:02, and I have decided to go and do something a bit more productive than (but not quite as "fun" as) this.


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