One Picture, Two Weeks

We began impromptu speeches yesterday in Deca. Actually, "impromptu" really isn't a legitimate word, because we got to choose our topic, and some people had time (a LOT of it, too) to think about it. Like me! I chose the topic: Discuss the following: One picture is worth a thousand words. I used about fifteen minutes while on the bus this morning, thinking about it. And I came up with a new poem, as well as the speech. I was about seven seconds short of the time required for the speech, but oh well. Here goes:
Whether it's a painting, photograph, or a real moment in time
When one sees a picture, a story comes to mind
A thousand words appear on the basis of that picture
Formulating to the viewer what seems to be the truth
One picture is worth a thousand words, this is what they say
But those words can most certainly be miscontrued.

I read it to...three people and recited to one. Oh, and about twelve others during Deca, of course. But I highly doubt it was the same as reading it to one person at a time. Hmm, so I finished watching this Monday's episode of One Tree Hill just a while ago. It was good, but I feel that it left the viewer with so many questions! This episode was kind of...ambiguous, to some extent. Then I tried to do Gossip Girl, but unfortunately, it's not on the website! I hope it'll be on there soon... Although, I really really really should be studying for the AP Euro exam, which is, as I was reminded today, TWO weekends away! TWO WEEKENDS!!!
I hadn't realized that! But don't worry, I'm not panicking. Much. Yet.

Oh, my. So it occurs to me that I won't be able to go to the bookstore this weekend, afterall. Tomorrow, I have class in the morning, a Lakers game to watch after that, then the library to help one of my friends with something at 2-ish. Then I have to study for Euro. Oh, my. Agh. Euro. I really don't want to think about it. Yet here I am, obsessing about it. Geez. So I was talking to somebody the other night about whether it's "a Lakers game" or "a Laker game." I go with the former because Lakers is the original team name! And even though it's a plural noun, it's a plural proper noun that acts as a unit! Like a collective noun! I said I'd ask my English teacher about it, but I forgot to. I still think it's "a Lakers game" as opposed to "a Laker game."

Hmm... So the picture worth a thousand words thing. I guess that that correlates to what I've been thinking about today. Truly, nothing is ever what it seems. And what anything seems isn't what it necessarily is. Yet, what one second-guesses about a situation can still be completely wrong. Agh, life's complicated. Simple in a complicated kind of way. It's a paradox, I know. But tis true. I sometimes wonder why or how people are the way they are... It's really very interesting, but perplexing at the same time. I used to think about that a lot more than I do now, but I guess what with the schoolwork, I haven't thought about it in a while. I'm very contradictory today, huh?

I like to say that one of my best qualities is my sense of humor. But sometimes I think that I don't take certain things as seriously as I should. It used to be that I took everything seriously. Until...I don't even know when. But I started taking things a lot more lightly. I suppose that's the most apparent reason for my broken record of A's... Agh, oh well.

Yesterday while I was on the late bus back home, I couldn't help but overhear (not eavesdrop, you see) the conversation occuring behind me. I heard the phrase "blinded by love" quite a number of times. Then I heard a series of stories pertaining to that theme. All about the same two people. We're talking high school seniors here, okay? So this girl asked this guy who likes this girl so much if he'd be happy marrying her right now. And he said yes. The girl asked the girl the same question about the guy and she said no. And obviously, the guy likes the girl a whole lot freaking more than the girl likes the guy. Actually, it's somewhat of simultaneously sad and provocative story. But...yeah. I was rather surprised that he'd said yes to that question, because he's still so young! I mean, personally, I don't know if I'm ever even going to get married. Not to mention answering such a question at such a tender age. I also got to thinking about what makes two people like each other. Or, in this case, one person like another. And I think you know what I mean by "like." It isn't the simple kind. Or, you know, perhaps it is. Simply "liking" another person seems easy enough, right? I mean, sure, if you know that the other party doesn't feel the same way, you feel discouraged. But that way, you can more easily move on. If it is mutual, however, could be good. But I'm pretty sure we all know that the good must come with bad. And bad is...not good. I don't know. I'm just being nonsensibly cynical right now. Agh. Teenagers. It's hard to be one.

The future. There are times when I feel somewhat uncomfortable thinking about it, so I just don't. And then there are times when I stress about it for hours at a time, tossing and turning in bed until I think that I have something figured out. Does this ever happen to you, too? (I don't even know who I'm speaking to.)

Yesterday in the locker room after PE, the girl behind me was telling her friend who was wearing a short dress for the first time to not care what other people think and said that she doesn't care what she wears or what others think about it. And I inwardly guffawed at that and thought, "Yeah, right. Sure, you don't care." The thing is, to a certain extent, everyone cares what s/he looks like and especially what others think. Denying caring what others think is so... Well, I used to think that it was "unique", but I can't say so anymore. It seems to me that people say that just to sound unique, but after having heard so many people say it, it's...well, old. Grr, I'm very inarticulate today. I apologize for my utter lack of eloquence.

I had some good laughs today. Apparently, one of my friends is very...animal-voice talented. At one point during the bus ride home (I actually went home right after school today), I asked him if he could do that meowing-sound-with-the-hand-paw-motion thing, and he did it so well! I was cracking up. Then I asked if he could do another animal noise, and he proceeded to do something that resembled a tiger...Then a wolf. Hahaha, I loved the wolf one. Then as we were walking home, I told him to do the dog, and he "barked" so loudly and it sounded so real that a lady across the street from us actually kind of jumped up from loading the car with another lady and furtively looked over to where we were. I laughed so hard I thought I couldn't walk anymore. The guy walking in front of us also looked back in surprise, as did the lady going down the stairs at the building to the right of us. It was hilarious!

There was a math chapter test today. It's been twelve weeks into the twenty-week semester, and we're still on chapter 2. Um, so I didn't study for the test, as usual. But I did stay after school yesterday for "math tutoring." For about an hour, I just did the homework by myself, then I finally asked my teacher a question, and we got to go over the chapter very briefly for a few minutes, and afterward, I felt more confident (CONFIDENT!) about the chapter. I think I'll stay after for math tutoring more often. In a way, it's comforting.

I've basically drained my brain of things to talk about.
Okay, that was a drastic overstatement, but hey, I do have more personal things that I don't share with just anybody, okay?

Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night!


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