Friday the Eleventh

I decided I'd name the day due to an apparent lack of creativity in me at the moment.

While on the late bus home today, I randomly realized that, considering all that's going on, or isn't going on, in my life right now, I'm happy. However, that most certainly does not imply that I don't have "low moments". Everybody has those. (As if you yourself didn't know that.) Perhaps I thought that only because I had a good day today. But I'll just say that I'm happy with (my) life.
I still complain a lot, though... But not as much as some others do. Sometimes I admire those who never complain about anything. Then again, that could be a bad thing, because who doesn't like the way things work from time to time? Not mentioning it could very probably lead to build-up of emotional tension and internal conflict caused by very external factors. I have a strong feeling that that did not make sense, but I will not bother to read back on it.

At 11 on Monday night, I sought a new speech topic, because the one(s) I was working on just did not cohere well. So, as always, I went to Google and typed in "speech topics" in the search box. On the very first thing that I clicked on, I found several good topics, three of the most attention-grabbing (in my case, anyway) were: "Selling... the game of life!", "What winners do to win", and "Rules of life". I chose to do my speech on the second topic, because I didn't need any "research" or "deep thought" on it. But I decided to Google "rules of life" just for the heck of it. Good thing I did, because I found a spectacular website with a whole list of rules of life. I printed it out and shared it with a few people. My favorite was, and still is,
Happily ever after is not for real life. Your stories do not end when the book does.

I love that!
Back to the speech thing. So after I printed out the rules, I went to bed. And for about half an hour until 11:50, I wrote out an outline of the speech that I was to give and a half hours later! For some reason, I was called first to give my speech, and seeing as how I had barely written my outline (which was supposed to be due a few weeks ago) the night before, my overall speech was not that good. Needless to say, I hesitated a lot, said "um..." often, and all that. But at least I had gotten a good introduction and conclusion. Because who remembers what's in the middle anyway, right?
Yeah, I just thought I'd talk about my speech because I'd mentioned it so many times prior to today, and for all I know (or don't know), you might have been wondering about how it's going!

This week has been absolutely, insanely crazy. I am telling you, teachers are conspirators! I had a test every day of this week! Except yesterday. But that's only because the history test that was supposed to take place yesterday occurred today. Along with chemistry and math. On Monday was a math quiz; apparently, albeit the apparent simplicity of the problems, a lot of people who usually do well did not do well. In other words, over half the class scored a D or below...which ought to be telling the teacher something meaningful! Geez! Tuesday was an English grammar test, which was unsurprisingly easy. Wednesday was yet another English test, but on The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. One hundred multiple-choice questions. I didn't study for it. And there were a lot of old-English words in the last part... Oh well. Yesterday I began to study fifteen minutes after I got home. I hadn't been that prompt to begin homework or study since a long time ago! I first worked on chemistry for...well, until 7:30. Then I did math at 9, after dinner and shower. Now, if everybody failed the quiz on lesson 3, how can one expect students to learn and so quickly grasp the concepts in lesson 4? In other words, I still did not understand any of that stuff after one and a half hours of sleepy frustration. Granted, I had some work to catch up on because I'd been lagging behind on the week's assignment. But still. One stupid "chain rule" really should not bring about forty students' worth of confusion! And unfortunately, that was not even an overstatement. By 11:30, I was tired. Just plain lethargic. And because I've learned the hard way that one cannot retain information while "learning" during a state of sleepiness, I decided to go to sleep and simply not study for history at all. Hmm. I'll skip the rest of the details and just say that I was confident about the chemistry test. The math test was unsurprisingly And the history test was just like usual: I knew most of half of it (the first chapter) and obviously not enough of the other half (the second chapter). After the test, the teacher asked me, "How'd you do?" or something like that. And I said, "Well, I know I got at least 50!" As in percent. Already knowing that I did not study, the guys around me laughed. And...well, I didn't really pay attention to the asker's reaction. That just goes to show how good of a "listener" I can be.

Anyway, that's basically my day. Oh, wait, it isn't... That was my week, not including the full story of today. But I'll summarize today up to: it was nice. Well, it must have been, since I came to conclude that I'm happy with (my) life. I mean, one with logic would have asked, "Why today of all days?"

This may seem strange, but...
There are times when I find somebody with whom I can easily connect and talk. And because I find it so easy and fun to talk to them, I talk to them a lot at a time for a certain period of time. Then, at one point during that subsequent short period of time, I "fear" that we may be over-talking, and that soon, we will have nothing to talk about anymore. So before I know it, I stop talking to that person! Not entirely, but just a whole lot less than at the beginning. It's truly not as if I want to stop talking to them! But it's like... I don't even know how to explain it! It's so frustrating sometimes. All the time. When it happens, I mean. Like, I'm so obsessed with talking to them, then I talk to them A LOT, then I fear that we will run out of things to talk about, then I just stop talking, and then there's literally nothing to talk about except how long it's been since we last talked and that's it! That was a horribly horrible sentence, but it was the only way I could get it out. It really bothers me. Yes, my own ways bother me. That's a problem. The talking-overtalking-not talking situation, I mean. I think that it is abnormally unhealthy. Maybe I should consult a psychologist. Or one of my AP psychology friends. Hmm. I shall politely decline the latter. Not that anybody offered.
Speaking of psychologist,
"Two years of therapy is equivalent to an hour talk with the right dog."
Courtesy of the list that I printed the other night. That's not implying that I like dogs, though. Or that I'd talk to them. Granted, if I one day decided to enjoy the company of a dog, I would talk to it. But I don't plan on that happening anytime soon.

I've been typing for an hour and I am getting very sleepy.

Let's see. What is going to go on tomorrow? School... then "TBA", or to be arranged/announced. I use the former. Speaking of "the former," one of my friends told me sometime this week that "this kid" (referring to Machiavelli, who wrote The Prince) writes like me in that he uses "on the former"/ "on the latter" very often. I found that comment very amusing.
Speaking of books, I finished Prey on Tuesday. I wasted two hours reading a book that I did not even enjoy. Two hours! I could have like, studied for chemistry or done math homework! Ugh. All of Lurlene McDaniel's other books are really good. But this one was just disturbing. And unenjoyable. I wonder what types of reviews it received...

I still have a lot more on my mind, but I shall continue it another time. That just rhymed!


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