
Twelve hours from now, I will be working on the multiple choice section of the AP English Literature and Composition exam. And I just realized that I haven't practiced multiple choice in months and months... Not good. Nonetheless, I'm just going to continue with Sparknotes on a few more literary works so I can write my way through the essays and so be it!
After I shower.

I just wanted to mention what Ms. G said in Spanish today, the day after the test. I'll talk about all my AP exams later on. So, she asked who is interested or who plans to take AP Spanish Literature next year, and she tried to encourage more people to take it because it's important for college and the future. Before I knew it, she went over--in Spanish, of course--the course of life and time:
When you're five years old, you think about what you will do five minutes from now. When you're ten years old, you think about what you will do tomorrow. When you're twelve, you think about the weekend. When you're fifteen, you think about summer break. Come age eighteen, you're thinking about five years from now. When you're twenty-five, you think about the next fifteen years. When you're forty or so, you think about what you will do when you're sixty or at retirement age.
I didn't quite follow what she said thereafter, but that was the most meaningful thing I have heard (understood) her say all year, not that everything else she says isn't important, because it really is.
Anyway, once she started talking about age fifteen, I realized how true it all is. We're always thinking about what we will do in the future! Which, from what I can devise from her speech, is not necessarily a bad thing.

Time to shower!


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