12:08 p.m.

Good...afternoon, all! Less than twelve hours later, here I am, blogging again, simply because I don't feel like doing the heavy duty lifting and moving yet. Okay, piles of paper and notebooks and small electronics aren't exactly heavy duty. But still, going up and down the staircase gets exhausting after a while, you know.

Oh, how pleasant fresh laundry smells. This means I will have to fold it later. But that's okay, I actually like folding laundry. However, that does not mean that I will take over household chores and become a (desperate) housewife. Never, ever shall I do that. I absolutely refuse. Yesterday at the luau, I offered to throw A's trash away because I was getting up to throw mine away, and he would not let me do it! He insisted that he do it himself and even offered to take mine for me, but I had already gotten up and started walking toward the trash can anyway, so that didn't bode too well for his offer, haha. But I like that he did not let me take his trash and even said he would do it for me! How gentlemanly.

Oh, right. I woke up at 11:54 today (earlier)! If my mother hadn't kept yelling out "WENDY CHAN!" I would have continued sleeping, probably until way past noon. Darn it.

So the graduation speech tryout is on Tuesday, and I have yet to accomplish anything with it. Maybe I just won't do it. Years ago, I would have all these great epiphanies and ideas for possible graduation speech topics/ lines, but I never took the time--or wisdom--to write them down, and now I have absolutely no idea what I want to say. What a shame. That, A, is one of the reasons why writers write things down--to save ideas for next time. And okay, that does have something to do with memory...or lack thereof, as the case may be.

Stupid barbecue. Now we have to finish cleaning and putting everything away today!

Oh, no! The Hell project is due on Friday! And the EnviroFair project is due soon thereafter! And the aquarium sleepover is on Wednesday/ Thursday! I need a sleeping bag. Ahh, I totally forgot about the sleepover. Now I have to obtain $35.

I am hungry. I should drink some water. Or better yet, I should go back to sleep! I could so easily lie down on this couch and fall back asleep within minutes. I remember years ago, I often had trouble falling asleep. I would go to bed around ten or eleven and not fall asleep until one or two. It hurt to know that I was just lying in bed, not falling asleep and thereby wasting time, literally doing absolutely nothing. Except maybe some thinking. Thinking does not help me fall asleep. Or anybody else, for that matter, I would assume. Oh, and "counting sheep" NEVER worked for me. What the heck is that, anyway?! When you count, you think! And you concentrate on getting the next number, not on falling asleep! Gosh. Anyway, fortunately, the semi-insomniac trend has long since stopped for me. Hopefully I did not just jinx myself.

Four-day weekends are beautiful. I don't believe we've ever had a four-day weekend before, besides Thanksgiving break. So thank you, furlough days, and thank you, LAUSD, for spending your money so unwisely.

Anxiously, I am anticipating "Toy Story 3": June 18!


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