
I came over to D's room to use her computer with the intention to blog. That was about an hour and a half ago. And I have just been on Facebook the whole time! And now that it's time to return to my abode about ten feet away (outdoors), I shall blog a quick blog just for the heck of it.

So I was feeling pretty down and stupid before I came over here. Well, before I came over here, I also listened to music on my YouTube playlist, so that made me feel a bit better already. Then I spoke on the phone with S, who told me she met Joseph Vincent! So that was quite exciting, even though I was not personally, physically there to experience the whole circumstance. Nonetheless, yay for S. And then... I kicked D off her own computer (ha) so I could go about my Facebook business. And now here I am, feeling hyper and hypoglycemic... I like the former more, though.

Some very stupid things happened today. And I would just like you all to know that I really don't appreciate being lied to, because I think I do enough good to deserve the truth from at least the people I care about. Also, I like for promises to be kept and not broken. Thanks.
There's your lesson about me for today! And for a while, probably, unless you learn something new about me through every post. Whatever sinks your ship.

Until next time, good night!


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