Sunny Saturday

Today, I woke up at 8:38 a.m. and couldn't fall back asleep because my blood sugar was too low and because I was afraid that if I did, I wouldn't wake up to my 9:00 alarm. I slept at almost 1:30 a.m., too. Anyway, I gave up at 8:48 and slowly got ready for my interview.
My appointment time was ten, and I arrived at 9:53, waited seven minutes, then went in and was greeted by one of Castelar's fifth grade teachers, Ms. D. She said hi to me and said, "You were never my student!" But she remembered me anyway. I was very well-liked by teachers then...and still am now! :)
The fifteen-minute process felt like exactly what it was: fifteen minutes--and short. I really like interviews, but today, not so much, because I hesitated so much more than I usually do. I could have done a lot better, but it's all been said and done, so it's all good.
I went to 617 and packed stuff (mostly books) into boxes for about an hour, carried said boxes down the stairs, and then came back to 3410 to rest a bit, then went to 911 to eat lunch. And from there, we went to the Renaissance theater on Main Street in Alhambra and watched "Letters to Juliet". Oh, but before that, I bought two tickets for $18...and when the cashier asked me if I wanted to donate a dollar to some children's cause, I said okay. Then she gave me a star to write my name on! It felt good. :)
The movie started off okay, then it progressed to fantastic. It's such a good movie, and I actually cried. I love movies that make me laugh and/ or cry, and this one made me do both! Talk about a romantic comedy at its best. And it also helped that the Romeo of the movie is exceptionally pleasing to the eyes! On top of that...honestly, I initially thought that Amanda Seyfield (that's her name, right?) wasn't that good of an actress, but she has clearly improved since "Dear John". What a wonderful movie! N, you know I'm right!
Then to Starbucks for three $2.27 venti frappuccinos and a butter croissant...all to a grand total of $8something. So many people were there. I love Starbucks happy hour! Too bad it ends tomorrow at 5 p.m.
Finally, I came back here to 3410 to learn that we are going out to dinner at Ichiban in Glendale. I love that restaurant. I hope we can stop by Old Navy, too, to return the two pairs of girls' jeans I bought at the Citadel two months ago, haha.

My stomach is behaving strangely now, since I drank that strawberry and creme frap so quickly earlier... And the Master Chef dinner last night caused me an almost sore throat. In addition to that, my left ear hurts whenever I swallow. I hope the pain will go away with a good night's sleep tonight. I don't think I need to wake up early for anything tomorrow. I hope I don't need to wake up early for anything tomorrow. As far as I can remember (not very far), I haven't slept past nine in a while.

Yesterday in journalism, Mr. L told us about an amazing story from the front page of the sports section of the LA Times.
Read the article and watch the video. You won't regret it.

At ROCK, the topic of the night was worries. I talked to one of the counselors about it for a while, and one of things he said was that worrying doesn't give you an extra hour. I love attending ROCK to listen to other people's thoughts and to share my own. And to have fun, of course. It's one of the best things in my life as of now, really. With that said, I am excited for summer retreat time. Just a little over two months! But before that, we have luau dinner night or whatever two Fridays from now, so that's also something to look forward to.

I should start reading something again. And organize the clothes in my closet. And prepare to finally move all my stuff from one place to the other and not vice versa again and again. By the end of this month, hopefully.

Upcoming events:
5/17-21: senior week
5/19: interview results
5/24: UCLA field trip (haha)
5/28: ROCK luau night
6/1: I don't remember what, but I know for sure there's something.
6/2-3: Pacific of the Aquarium sleepover
6/5: prom
6/9: senior awards night

Someone please remind me to sign up for gym. :(

With all that said...

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.
~Leo Buscaglia


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