
I have finally returned. I've actually returned twice before now, but I just didn't know what to say those times. Now, I have nine minutes to say what is on my mind--what I don't mind sharing, anyway--because "Vampire Diaries" will be on at eight.
Actually, disregard that. I'll just go back and forth between television and computer.

It looks like I'll be eating dinner very late tonight, since my mother isn't home from home yet and there's not even any food to cook. Oh, no. I just realized that I'm a bit hungry... I suppose the show will have to suffice. After all, it is the season finale.

Let me just point out how ridiculous lit has been. You would think that after the AP exam, the class is over. Most AP classes function that way. But no... not lit. If anything, she's working us even harder now than the few weeks before the test. Blasphemy, I tell you. But I honestly do not give a slightest darn about any of my classes anymore. Sure, I'll do the work--with minimal effort and desire--but I go to class just to go to class nowadays. I know how bad that must sound, but I also know that I'm not the only person with that attitude. So whatever.

I like to write when I'm unhappy. But I don't like to blog when I'm unhappy. However, blogging is essentially the only out-of-school writing I do anymore--I must get back to my journal. I don't like blogging when I'm unhappy because it's not fair. Most things I say tend to come out negatively, if they're not just straight-up negative. I don't like being negative to the public, because attitude spreads, and if I have a bad attitude, so might you from reading this. But I try my best to keep it contained. The other side of that is that as a blogger/ writer, I should be comfortable or at least okay with expressing my thoughts and emotions through thoughts. It's also not fair for you to read only the happy stuff and assume that I am fine and dandy--which I am, most of the time--when sometimes, things go badly for me, too. So those are my two sides on blogging with a bad mood.
Just a reminder: Shared joy is double a joy. Shared sorrow is half a sorrow.

"Vampire Diaries" now beginning.
Seems interesting so far. And my mom just got home. That means it's almost time for dinner. Yay.

For Spanish, we have to sing a song for a grade. It's actually a romance poem... with a melody. And that will take place next week. Somebody from last year said that we can do that in groups, and I sure hope that's true, or else I will have to apologize for my lack of skills before I begin.

So I last said that I would talk about my AP exams, but by now, I don't even care to try to recall anymore, so... Sorry about that.

Lately, every morning I wake up, the first complete thought that makes it way across my mind is, "Do I HAVE to go to school today?" I answer no, definitely not, yet I get up anyway and go to school. Gosh, I can't wait until I don't have to do that anymore.

So, um, it's been about two--maybe three--hours since I typed that last sentence. I'll do this again another time... :(


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