Photo Printing

Here I am, another Monday afternoon, printing more photos for AP Studio Art portfolio and listening to songs on YouTube. I actually enjoyed this Monday because it was (relatively) warm in the morning. I like (relatively) warm mornings. This means that it's really spring now! And summer is approaching. Yay.

I can't wait to have tomorrow over with. Then I can focus on lit and bio... mostly bio. Not that I've been focusing that much on Spanish either, haha. Gosh, I really suck at studying and staying on task. But I know I'm not alone in that one, so it's okay. But really, though, I shall be so relieved after the Spanish exam tomorrow. I don't know if I'm even going to pass, but who does anyway? Nobody!

Hmm, this shall be all for today. Or, for now.

And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


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