
It's been about a week now, and I still have a cough. Darn coughs.

Earlier, I opened this up, thinking of all the things I could write about. Now, a few hours thereafter, I have no idea what to say. But I do have plenty of ideas regarding what I could and/or should be doing instead of blogging. Oh, well.

On Sunday (yesterday), two moving men came and, for two and a half hours, moved all the big stuff from 617 (e.g. piano, television, shelves) into their truck to bring to 3410. I was so very scared when they were transporting the piano--my precious, darling piano--down the 17 steps of the staircase. But whew, they got it down and here fine. Now it just needs some tuning. Okay, a lot of tuning. So 617 is pretty much void of furniture and now full of old stuff, including a plethora of paper that I do not look forward to sorting through for the rest of this week. To make an even longer story (paragraph) short, "home" will be 3410 only from now on, and 617 will be a memory. Wow, that's the first time I've actually said/ written that... And I don't quite know how I feel about it.

I'm stuck. I don't know what to say. Something really feels off, though, and I don't like that feeling!

More details on the moving next time. Until then, behave yourselves!


Anonymous said…
what kind of piano do you have?
how many keys?

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