Very Here and Extremely Bored

Currently 11:23 A.M., at the East Los Angeles Skills Center because I felt like coming here. Initially. I am never coming again! At least, not for a few weeeks. It's so boring; there's absolutely nothing interesting to do, no interesting people from last summer to reconnect with. Not really like I want to reconnect with them, though. Anyway, I've been helping the teacher with stuff for the past few hours, and now I am done. Been done for a while, really.
I am incredibly sleepy right now, because I fell asleep last night at 12:40 or so, and then I woke up at 4:20 and couldn't fall back asleep! Then I lay in bed awake for like, over an hour, thinking of all the things I need to do today and tomorrow.

I seriously need to find my student ID from ninth grade. Evidently, I lost it a few days ago. Possibly a few weeks ago. Who knows? See, this year's student ID, I lost while walking along the street, most likely. Last year's, apparently, I've lost at home. I've looked in all the possible places in which I might idiotically put it, but to no avail! Unfortunately, I have deprived myself of any kind of legitimate identification so as to register for classes that will undeniably enrich my education and enhance my life in the long run. I mean, I could try showing them my passport, but that expired. Like, almost a decade ago, probably. The photo definitely is from that long ago, if not longer. Gosh. What am I going to do?! It's so stupid how one needs an ID to obtain a student ID. Goodness. That kind of defeats the whole point of going there, does it not?!

Yes, half an hour until I can leave with my "dear, dear" cousin.
Yesterday on the phone I said "Bye, dear" as the person was saying bye to me. His reaction was funny. (You know who you are!)

Yesterday around noon, I finished reading Bless Me, Ultima. It's a very good book. I actually understood everything, despite that few Spanish phrases. Much more comprehensible than last year's Red Badge of Courage (that book just confused the heck out of me). So now I can honestly say that I have officially done something for Deca! Yay! And I can also legitimately say that I have begun my work for AP Lang. I am four pages into The Scarlett Letter (or however it's spelled). As I was reading the first two pages of the actual story itself, I was so deeply perplexed. I gave up and succumbed to the author's introduction. Good thing, though, because after I read the author's intro, it became that much easier for me to comprehend what in the world the author was trying to convey through chapter one. It's actually quite humorous, when you understand it. And the sentences are SO HUGELY LONG!! SO LONG! Lots of "big words". If you plan on reading it, be sure to have a dictionary beside you. It'll come in handy indeed.
I remember in second and third grades, I used to write extremely long sentences just because I knew that I could without making the sentence all awkward, but my teacher always reprimanded me for it, because she said that they were run-on sentences, which, after so many more years of education, now I realize were not at all. And now I also know that Nathaniel Hawthorne does it as well! And he is a renowned author! Anyhow...

So, so bored. I haven't been to the park all week. We're going today, though.
You know, it's weird. The weather, I'm referring to. First, it's extremely hot. And now, there are chances (supposedly 20% for today) of showers or even thunderstorms (or T-storms, as weather forecasts show) in some areas.

Agh! I need to find myself some kind of identification before Monday!!!
I shall hope, hope, hope that they will accept my passport... Gosh. So strict about these things. I've been wondering if it would be effective bringing in a ton of people to testify that you are who you say you are. Goodness gracious me.

The other day, a thought came to me:
Short people. What they lack in height, they make up for in NOISE.
In a lot of cases, most of which are...females. Um, yeah. It's just one of those generalizations that may seem unfair or perhaps untrue to those who are of the subject. Oh, well. I'm just stating my opinion.

This was probably a day or two before that previous thought:
If a guy was gay, and if a girl was gay, wouldn't it be possible for that guy and that girl to be together? Because, well, they're both gay, and they'd be a gay couple...
Interesting thought, huh? My sister disagreed. She said it doesn't make sense. But it makes perfect logical sense! If you don't think too in depth about it, but also if you don't think too less about it. It makes sense! (Yes, I will keep believing that.)

These past three weeks, I have been watching an abundant amount of television. I tell you, media kills. Let's see. I've been watching a lot of soap operas. The other day, I asked myself (and somebody with whom I was speaking online) why they're so named. So I Googled it, and inevitably, I got a Wikipedia link, so I went there, and it said right in the introduction that it's because when they first came out, they were sponsored by soap companies. But that still leaves another question lingering: Why "opera"?! I doubt I can find that, though. Or perhaps if I Google "soap opera origins"... Hmm. Well, anyway, my favorite at this time is "General Hospital". I don't even really care about "Days of Our Lives" anymore. Well, this sure impacted YOUR life!

Ah, it's getting rather chilly in here! I like it, though.

I haven't read any of the book that I brought with me. I had brought it, in anticipation of absolutely nothing to do because I knew that since I don't have a class here, this is practically the kingdom of boredom (I had to find a way to say that, even if it was lame). Well...looks like I found something to do (THIS).

I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles on Wednesday to obtain a California identification card. No use, though, since it doesn't arrive until SIX WEEKS later!! What am I going to do with it in six weeks, huh? Honestly. Gosh! I need to sign up for classes!! I shoudl have gone weeks ago to at least attempt to get it. Well, it doesn't make much of a difference now :( Anyway, I was going to complain. So before we went, my dad said that there wasn't going to be that many people there because it was past four already. So we went there. The moment I went in, I was disappointed, because there they were: a whole, large crowd of people! Well, not a crowd per se, but there sure were lots of people, and a few lines (lines, ugh!). I waited for about half an hour or so, then finally my number was called. When I was approved and went to take my photo, I got kind of annoyed at the lady, because she like, muttered her directions to me, and I had to ask her to repeat every one. And then the stupid photo. So I took off my spectacles; she told me to look at her, but that was kind of difficult, seeing as how I couldn't see! Gosh! She made me take it thrice! I bet it was a horrible photo to end with. I guess she was cranky because she had been working all day and it was almost time to go home but then there were still so many freaking people in line. I would hate working there. A tiny cubicle all day long. Claustrophobia! Seriously. And then having to deal with cranky customers all day long, as well. No, thanks.

Okay, so the teacher just gave me something to do, and I cannot possibly decline. So I shall do that task and then I shall be on my way to home, sweet home. I'm hungry!!


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