If You're Not the One

I just learned what CSI stands for: crime scene investigation. I'm watching it right now. I seem to have developed a fondness for shows like this. And quite a dislike for so-called "reality shows". Seriously. How "real" can they be anyway?

I'm currently torn between "CSI" and "Grey's Anatomy". Sarah Dessen likes "Grey's Anatomy" and "Gilmore Girls", among several other shows. Does "Gilmore Girls" ever even air anymore? I miss that show... I LOVED that show! So much better than "Gossip Girl" or "One Tree Hill". Why am I talking about this, again?

No school tomorrow. Yay! I have been walking around so much this week. It's good, though. Exercise is good. Today one of my friends point out that girls say "exercise" whereas guys say "work out". True.
Hmm, this episode of CSI is pretty interesting... So I shall direct my attention to that and continue after it ends.

Well, it just ended (now 10:02), though unfortunately I never even paid that much attention to it, because I was chatting to a few persons online. Darn.

I feel tired, so very tired. Going to sleep late and waking up early to take the bus is already taking a toll on me. You know, I think that I am back into sleep-late-wake-early all because of school mode again. Well, I guess it's my own fault, as SOMEbody would say to this complaint, because I really don't have to stay up so late every night. I don't even have much homework. I have a test on Monday! Four essays... Six of the topics have already been given to us, so I'm not expecting it to be that much of a difficulty. Hopefully I will get the textbook tomorrow. (I ordered it online yesterday, perhaps day before, I forget.)

If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?

And now "Fear Itself" is on. It looks interesting, too. You know, I'm thinking any show would appeal to me at this moment. Not that I'm bored, exactly. Okay, fine, I sort of am. These conversations I'm having aren't all that stimulating. People suck at "conversating".

I really don't have all that much to say today....

Tomorrow is Friday. I could head over to ELASC again, but I really do not wish to wake up early just to go and be with a whole bunch of losers. Just kidding. But really.

That reminds me, I think that one of my cousins, my sister, and I together could make like, remakes of Nigahiga (!) videos. Haha. She's really funny, that cousin.

Well, no matter. Anyway, I'm going to stop here before I bore myself too much.

Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins. We parry and fend the approach of our fellow-man by compliments, by gossip, by amusements, by affairs. We cover up our thought from him under a hundred folds.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

All of us are experts at practicing virtue at a distance.
-Theodore M. Hesburgh


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