ToMerlino & CraigWestphal

Man, those guys are my heroes today! And probably for the rest of the week! Oh, goodness! I get so very excited when I think of either of them! More for the former than the latter, because the former is much younger, and he's way cool! Not saying that the latter isn't, 'cause he did buy both a minivan AND a '72 Camino, whatever that is (I at least know that it is a car...).
Okay, so here's a brief for you, but knowing me, you'll probably end up reading about the two (or more...) for an excruciatingly long time!
Today, I watched "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" before dinner, as usual. I didn't catch the very beginning of it, but I started watching as he went for $16,000. Good thing he hadn't used any of his lifelines yet, because on that one question, he had to use poll the audience AND phone-a-friend (because the poll was so very close). So he called his friend and got the right answer, which was D. And then he went on and on, and he had used all available lifelines, risked and gambled, and believed himself. At one guess, Meredith was saying some pretty negative stuff, making everybody think that he had lost, but then all of a sudden, she exclaimed...something that said he had gotten the answer right! His agony immediately turned into a ohyou'regoodi'mgonnakillyouforplayingwithme! look. Hahaha. Anyway, he had $250,000, the farthest that anyone has gone in the longest time, and he was going for $500,000. No more lifelines, but still a lot of confidence. Or, so I had hoped. He didn't really know, but he was leaning toward C. He had a bit of time debating with himself, and then he declared, "You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna gamble. C." The audience cheered, and I yelled, "Yes, do it! Yeah!" Then he asked Meredith, "How's my dad look?" (His dad was in the audience as well.) She told him that he's in the hot seat, and that it's his game. Blahdeblah. STUPID MEREDITH! SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE TALKED! He decided to walk away with 250grand. And later she's like, "I hope the answer's not C!" IT WAS FREAKING C! Stupid Meredith! I am soooo very very extremely intensely mad at her! HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN TO A MILLION BUCKS! He had been preparing all his life to get on the show, and she completely ruined it for him! I don't care if I'm being "biased" or just plain insane. I BLAME MEREDITH! Grr-roar! Seriously! Man! He could have been a freaking millionaire. Tom should have been selfish and arrongantly confident in himself. It's not even selfishness anyway! Goodness gracious! He should have gone with it, he should have gone with it, he should have gone with it! Now he's going to live his life regretting not having said "Final answer" after he declared "C", and the girl he proposes to is going to reject him because he is so apparently indecisive at such important matters, and he's going to be pathetically miserable his whole darn life filled with remorse for having listened to some lady who probably rarely knows any of the answers to a question she asked him anyway! All this misery over ONE QUESTION!
Yeah, I'm obsessive about this! I was so mad! Still am, really. I don't know why, but it truly upsets me! But fine, I shall be rational now. To be fair, I know that if I was him, or if it was me up there (someday, maybe...) and I had gotten up to that point and had no lifelines left, I would have walked with the money I had as well. I mean, it is very nerve wrecking, and 250 grand is a lot of money already. Why risk it for a guess? I mean, I know that with my wavering confidence, I would surely have left. But still. Isn't it worth it, though? However much you have gained, or lost from what you've supposedly gained... it's still so much more than what you walked onto that stage with to begin with, right? So why not take the chance? Like this Tom guy, you could have been right all along, and you could be only one more question away from being a millionaire. And you could feel good about yourself. Like a friend said today...or, something like this: "Pain is only temporary. The conquering of it (the challenge) is forever!" Seriously.
Next, the Craig dude. He's Asian! Very intriguing surname, really. So this week on "Jeopardy!" is tournament of champions.'s a competition between THE BEST OF THE BEST'S BEST. The cream of the cream of the ripest crop. Anyway, he started out very well! At the end of the first round, he had a $2000 lead. Then he did a true Daily Double and got a large, large lead. At some point, he got down to the 9000s, but he came back up! He resurfaced and surpassed those two losers! Yeah! And...he found ALL the Daily Doubles. That is pretty amazing. And yeah, he's the one who bought both the minivan and the Camino, whatever.
I wonder if Larissa Kelly is going to be in this tournament! She was my hero(ine) for like, two or three weeks. She is awesome! I Googled her, and she graduated from Princeton U (Princeton!<3) SEVENTY-FOUR games in a row before some nerd defeated him (at his own game!). In total, he had won over $2 million! Man, he's awesome. And apparently... both Jennings and Kelly had been on their college's Quizbowl! I'm going to do that. Deca and Quizbowl!<3 DAVID COOK. (Bartenders!) Tom is the trivia-smart version of David Cook. David is the singsong-smart version of Tom Merlino. Well, more of the former, really. The latter just doesn't feel right to say. But seriously! Tom Merlino = David Cook. Not the other way around, though. Don't ask why. I am so proud of ToMerlino and CraigWestphal. And Larissa Kelly! Ken Jennings/ Jen Kennings is so overrated. Though he's undoubtedly awesome anyway.

Ha, I guess that wasn't so much of a brief after all...
I can't help but listen to "Time of My Life" after all this. I think I've played it almost five times in a row now. I do not at all mind.

Earthquake today! It was the first real earthquake I've felt since...a long time ago. Aside from all those rip-off mini ones. I remember years ago, one night while I was sleeping, I felt a jolt. I immediately awoke, though I wasn't at all concerned, because I thought that it was just my cousin (another one, who moved away long ago...) stamping her foot or something. Then my mom came in to get my sister and me, and at first I didn't understand why... Until the adults kept saying something about an earthquake, and finally I realized that it wasn't my cousin after all! We stayed near the table in the living room for a few minutes before my sister and I went back to sleep. And then today... Wow. I was just sitting in econ class, "listening to" the teacher discuss something about supply or demand...whatever, when at one point, I felt shaking. Really, I thought that it was the guy behind me shaking his leg/foot on my chair. Then it got more intense or whatever, and I thought, "Okay, gosh." A second or two later, people started screaming and ducking down; I thought again, "Okay, wow. He's shaking his leg pretty hard! People are reacting to it!" And it finally occurred to me that it was an earthquake. I turned around to look at him, and he was just sitting there, doing nothing. I was about to go down too, but then it stopped. So after everybody realized what had just happened and after everybody else in all the other classrooms evacuated (another evacuation!) from their classrooms, our class finally came out. (Gosh, we're slow. And NO, IT IS NOT ME SLOWING US DOWN.) The majority of the students were on their cell phones, as was I. After a few minutes, a lot of people had left, but then our teacher told us to go back to class (what the heck!). So right when we got back in (a few people were gone), she resumed the lesson! I found that quite unbelievable, but then again, some teachers didn't let their students out of the classroom, much less off campus. At one point, she made fun of a guy who couldn't answer a question right by asking if the earthquake had shaken him up so badly that he couldn't get over it even then. And later, she claimed that there was nobody even outside. And I thought to myself...or I might have muttered it..."That's 'cause they all went home!" Whatever, though.
After that, there was barely anybody at the fitness center, which I am not complaining about, because it's nice to have almost a whole room full of exercise/work-out equipment for only a few people. An oligopoly! There were free (as in, unoccupied or vacant) treadmills the entire time, which rarely ever happens on normal days.
Speaking of normal, this morning the anthro teacher mentioned how weird the weather was, that last summer it was hot like heck, and these days it's so hazy and cool in the mornings. It was weird, because I myself was thinking how weird it was. And what do you know? An earthquake occurs three and a half hours later. Talk about clairevoyance (not too sure about the spelling there, but won't check because I am in the middle of a rant!)., I got interrupted by my sister exclaiming, "Whoa...'Kitchen Nightmare'!" which appears to be just like "Hell's Kitchen". And obviously, it's still Ramsey. Anyway! Earthquake. How strange. It was on the news on all the channels...INCLUDING "Reba"! I mean...yeah, you know what I mean. So apparently, there is for sure going to be an even bigger earthquake occurring soon. In November-ish, I guess. I didn't hear that part; my sister did.

Currently watching "Celebrity Family Feud." They're not even least, not in my book! It's so cool, though, in that the whatever family stole the Chos's points, but now, after the triple round, they're in the lead! The last topic was "Name something that is rude to ask somebody about." I love the answers! Age, salary, weight, love/sex life. In that order, according to surveys or however they get their stats. Well, the last lady didn't exactly say "love/sex life." She was perplexed! And the host, however the heck he is, said, "Three seconds" and she just said, "How many times they've been married!" I truly laughed out loud at that. Hahaha! See? I was not being the least bit sarcastic about that, haha. That was cool, though.

"Wipeout" is such a degrading show. What is with all these dumb shows these days?! Tell me, what good use is watching people do these crazy stunts? Does the audience not have any conscience or compassion? Huh? Geez. Show "Recess" or something! "Recess" was so awesome. Or do more trivia shows; teach the public a few useful things, why don't you. Goodness.

This version of 'Family Feud' is so interesting! The Bersen family sons are hott! Hahaha. Just kidding. But really. The topic was "Name something that men do when they run out of underwear." The answers in order according to the survey were: wash them, go without, buy new ones, wear 'em anyway, turn inside out. Hahaha. These topics are so fascinating! Much cooler than the ones for the regular "FF". Seriously.

Oh, oops. I need to shower and study for anthro and econ! The test is the day after tomorro! No! Gosh, I hate how they just had to end up being on the same day.

Anyway, I guess I'll stop here for today.
So very obsessed with these trivia game shows. Or...maybe it's just TomMerlino and CraigWestphal.

I want food.

You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you, indefinitely
(Boy) don't you know you can't escape me
Oh, darling 'cause you'll always be my baby


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