As If

Currently three minutes past nine in the nighttime. Hm, I just realized something, but immediately forgot it... Wait, behold! I remember. "Heart of Greed" is over! :( I never even got to watch the last episodes! Man, that sucks. I would ask my mom how it ended, because I am so very sure that she watched all of them, but then I don't feel like asking at the moment. I recognize that it is very bad that television has become such a source of obsession for me lately. I really ought to read The Scarlet Letter or something instead. Anything pertaining to the world of education pertaining to a high school whose colors just so happen to be orange and blue, to whom it may seem a most peculiar combination of hues.
It's not even ten yet, and I already have a slight headache and I am extremely sleepy. Not surprising, though, since I fell asleep at nearly two last night! Up until midnight or so studying (but to no avail, after my day today), then my sister and I engaged ourselves in yet another one of our late night school night conversations. I pointed out how "funny" (not comical funny at all) it is that we talk so much at night when we should be sleepy and we barely have such conversations in the daytime. I guess we share a "nocturnal conversationalist" relationship or something. Not that I mind at all; it's cool. Just not the lack of sleep and the subsequent sleepiness and lethargy. Goodness gracious.

Today's "Jeopardy!" was boring. Contrastingly, "Wheel" was rather intriguing. Spenser (yeah, with an s) dominated! He solved almost all the puzzles (not that there are that many to begin with) back to back to back; he rarely ever needed to buy vowels! Man...if I was as anally suspicous as the econ teacher or my math teacher, I would suspect him of having relations with a person who works there, and then claim that that person gave him answers, or just very big clues. Like for the bonus's like he knew exactly what it was before he even chose his consonants and vowel! And he proceeded to win an additional $25,000. WOW. That's pretty rare, that anyone dominates in almost all the puzzles and then actually wins the bonus round. His brother's name is Cooper! I once read a book with a main character named Cooper. I was obsessed with Cooper Cartwright for a while. Yeah, I used to be obsessed with fictional characters. Rarely now, though, since I don't really read as much anymore. The last book I read for pleasure was... Well, I started Change of Heart, but I lent it to somebody who hasn't returned it to me; nor has the person bothered to contact me! Anyway, um... I guess I'm "getting better" now, though, because instead of fictional characters (who are not even the least bit real, much less...tangible, or the other way around, I guess I could have put it) I now have REAL people (e.g. David Cook, Tom Merlino)! How out-of-the-world cool is that? Ha.

I just told one of my friends that I'm blogging, and he sounded pretty surprised (we're on AIM). He said that I don't "look like a blogger... more of a booger." Ha. Anyway...

I'm really sleepy!

Oh, oops. I was sending photos to a friend and forgot that I was blogging. I need to go to Costco and print them! Geez! I love printing photos. I mean, what with the digital stuff and those computer screen touch-screen thingys, it's fun! And there's always something to look forward to...after forking over some cash. But yeah, it's cool. About a minute ago... well, now it's been like, five (I'm chatting), I had an epiphany sort of thing. I shall make a movie! On Windows Movie Maker. For some very frustrating reason, I can never get it to burn onto a DVD. I have an idea of perhaps why, but it still frustrates me. We have a whole whateverschpiel of DVD+Rs, not one of which we have really used. So gay... (I haven't used that word to describe something in a long time! Except this afternoon to describe the econ test...) Anyway. Um, my point... Oh, yeah, to put together all my favorite photos (no, not the ones of myself) and..yeah, I think you know where I'm going from here.

Seriously. My use of exclamation marks has been rather pervasive (I know there's a much better word for it, but I can't come up with it right now!) (there I go again...) since a few months ago. And I know exactly how and from where I acquired such a trait. I should get rid of it, since it's not at all affecting my chances of reproductive success. Oh, I have the word now. It's excessive. Disregard the first word I came up with; it totally does not even fit the situation. Anyway... Biology is quite interesting. I just hope that that thought of mine will last at least until next January, early February in time for Deca competition. Golly gee! Only six months away... I was only saying six for the heck of it, but now that I've had a second or two to actually calcuate it in my head, yeah, it's six. I remember that last year, whenever I did write in my journal, I'd say, "Six more months until Deca competition! I need to cram!" And then not study at all, and a few weeks later say, "Only five months until Deca competition! Time is passing by too quickly. I need to study." And I hope that you are smart enough to be able to figure out the pattern. A clue: I procrastinate. Quite terribly. So when somebody calls himself a "terrible liar", does he mean that he's terrible at lying, or terrible with lying? This question also applies to any other noun--procrastinator, per se.

Today was such a messed up day. First off, I didn't get enough sleep, and I was stressing last night about the two tests I had today. And then when I woke up, I had a slight stomachache, if I remember correctly. It doesn't even matter now, but yeah. And then my sister was rushing me to let's go already because she paranoid-ly thought we were late, which we most definitely were not because we have been consistently leaving home at 6:50 or :51 for the past week or two and have not been late for the bus that usually arrives at 7:03-ish. Blah, blah, blah. I'll skip the details that I've already told one or two persons, because I am so sleepy and don't feel like being so...agh, what's the other word for detailed?!... Anyway, um, it wasn't that bad, but it was obviously far worse than the first one, and I am hoping that she will still drop the lowest test score even though we're going from the initially planned four exames down to three due to shortage of time and whatnot. I was one of the last ones to leave class, unlike for the first exam two weeks ago. Maybe it was...yeah, it was actually last Monday. Um, let's see. And then the econ test was almost exactly nothing like I had expected, though quite frankly, I wasn't really expecting anything, because I was so hung up on...nothing at all, in a way. I don't even know what I am saying right now. I am like, mentally unstable at the moment. So yeah, as previously mentioned, that second test was just gay. The teacher is so anally suspicious! She did the seemingly standard procedure of putting bags in the front of the classroom, all pencil pouches, et cetera away. And then she had to go and tell us to take away the covers of our calculators, as well! I thought, "WOW." Just plain wow, really. Not that I really cared, since...yeah, it didn't affect my life in any way, nor did it have anything at all to do with my chances of (reproductive) success in the future, so whatev, you know? Yeah, I'm kind of obsessed with anthropology, too. And you would think that that obsession would make me want to study, right? I rarely ever even open the book. Buying that book was such a waste of five minutes and $108. I could sell it with the description, "New, rarely used!" But that, to a smart enough person, is so obviously contradicting. Or I could sell it on Amazon, which reminds me that I have not yet received my refund from that cheap, rip-off "introductory reader" to this textbook! How gay. Oh, oops. Twice in a day... Thrice? Did you know that thrice is actually a word? I think it originated in Shakespearean language or something. Shakespeare's the bomb. I want to be as renowned of a writer as he is one day. Or...yeah, probably not that big. Anyway.

I'm just sitting here typing, not really thinking much about what I'm going to type before I type it, just doing it as I go along, whatever it is I am trying to say right now.
So today I went to the park! Yeah, on a Thursday! But today was different in that we didn't go with our cousins, but my sister's friends. And we actually rode the bike there! Well, I did, anyway. What pleasantly surprised me was that I could ride the bike up the hill where we live. I remember last summer when my sister and I could keep trying and trying to ride it all the way up to the stop sign at the corner (how redundant...), and we'd get like, three-quarters way there and then be depleted of strength. And today, I did it so easily! So cool. I "blame" the fitness center :) Then I just kept biking around the block the includes the park, and when my bottom began hurting (the seat isn't all that comfortable, you know), I stopped and joined my sister and her friends for football! I hadn't played in a few years, but fortunately I stilled remembered a few key points. It's fun. After one guy got injured, though, he left and the rest of the group essentially dispersed, so my sister and I just threw the football back and forth between ourselves (a "game" commonly known as catch). Eventually, my right arm started hurting and we played badminton. I used my left hand (because I am left-handed...), thinking that I could try to balance out the stress I put on each arm, whatever. Then I just biked some more... And, yeah. I do realize that whenever I begin to talk about my day, I start telling of all these details that really do not matter (to you).
And your point is?
Yeah, don't have one.

It is so hot right now! I think I've lost sleepiness.

I made a new playlist to listen to whenever I'm at the computer yesterday. And I just noticed that it has 59 songs... That's a good number, because it means I won't get bored with lack of variety! That sentence did not even need an exclamation mark...

I have to go the Union Station tomorrow for bus stuff. The bus we took home this afternoon... Dude, such weird people! Really... When I got on, the first thing I noticed was an old lady talking on her cellphone in Mandarin. And she was wearing a dress...and was sitting with one leg up on her other, like with her right ankle on her left knee, however one describes that position. It was kind of odd, and when I pointed that out to my cousin (who was sitting next to me at the time), he said that she looked like his calligraphy teacher from years ago! Then we observed some more, and we were pretty sure that she was the lady he guessed she was. Not that I ever knew her or anything. Okay, fine, maybe it wasn't weird people; it's just that I have gotten somewhat used to having that particular bus driver at like, 2:40-ish. But that one was nice, too. One passenger was engaging in quite a conversation with him... And then my cousin pointed out the sign right in front that says that unnecessary conversation with the driver is illegal. Ha. Okay, why am I telling you about my bus excursions?

It's now 10:16, and I shall begin to get ready to go to sleep (doesn't necessarily mean I'll sleep).

Until next time,


Anonymous said…
hi wendy
"Did you konw that thrice is actually a word? "

if u dont mind being
this is judy! and im in summer skool right now

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