My Love Will Get You Home

No, it really won't. I just thought I'd utilize that, since it's kind of stuck in my head.

Last night I went to sleep at midnight-ish. I couldn't fall asleep for the longest time, though! I kept tossing and turning, and by 1 A.M., I decided to just turn on the lamp and write something to make myself fall asleep. After about half an hour of writing some nonsensical lines and paragraphs, I finally turned off the lamp and fell asleep a few minutes thereafter. Then at 5:47 I awoke and instead of getting myself to fall back asleep, I began to write. What was it...? No, wait. I got my yearbook out from under my bed, read all the comments written in it, and then began to write a letter to myself to be read by none other than myself in the future, whenever that may turn out to be. I did that only because a certain yearbook signer suggested it. At first I had no clue how to begin it, because it's not everyday that I write a letter to myself. About two minutes into it, I got more comfortable and I began to write and write endlessly. Well, until about 9:30 anyway. I folded it up, all three full pages of it, and inserted it into one of those yellow-brown envelops and then taped it up and everything. And...yeah. Who knows when I am going to read it? The future is so conspicuous and unspecified. I then proceeded to actually write in my journal! I hadn't done that since May 25th, I think. This whole time, I've wanted to continue what I was writing then, but every time, I just put it off because I felt that I had so much to update on. Turns out, though, that I didn't have that much to tell anyway. I had already mentioned bits and pieces of everything, so it was a lot simpler than having to write out the story for every little event that has gone on in the past few months. I wrote until nearly eleven, when we were to get ready to go out for lunch. After this, I plan to write more. More like transferring stuff on scraps of paper into my nice purple journal. Anyway, today was our third day out for lunch this week! Something has gone wrong... But it's nice.
When we got to the restaurant parking, it was obvious that there were a lot of people waiting already. So I rode up the elevator with my grandparents. There were SO MANY people in that one elevator! It was almost overcrowded!! I was standing two inches away from complete strangers. Talk about invasion of privacy. Gee, if I was REALLY claustrophobic (as I constantly claim I am), I would have had an attack in there. And the elevator kept stopping and people kept getting on, too! It was HOT in there.
Then when the elevator finally arrived on the fourth floor (the restaurant), I was greeted with yet another huge crowd! How did people know I was going there?! Just kidding. Anyway, there were SO MANY people waiting in line to get a table. SO MANY! While we waited for that long hour, my sister and I kept going up and down the escalators, to and from stores. I bet people were annoyed with us, for a while. It was kind of fun, though. I timed the down escalator from the fourth to third floor; it took 22:41 seconds to get to the destination, without taking any steps while standing there. The up from third to fourth seemed quicker, and it was! 21:14 or so. Fascinating. I guess people need to get to their food quicker than they need to get to their cars.
There were a lot of people eating... The waiters are a funny sight. They're decent-looking, so to speak, and then they walk around yelling out what they're holding. And this one guy, he was just walking around the same tables two or three times! They're kind of rude, a few of them. This one lady was getting something from the cart, and he just plain pushed it so he could walk through! How rude! The tea was good... Yum. At the very beginning, I looked to the side and saw someone I kind of know. Then I saw this one girl my sister is "friends" with and two other guys. That was such a sight! One girl out for lunch with three guys... Okay, then. Why not?
Anyway, afterward we went to the dentist for...whatever. The toothpaste tasted good. What I dislike about it, though, is that after every "wash" when I bite down, I feel the crunch of the toothpaste... Kind of. So when I came home I brushed my teeth again.
And...yeah, now I'm blogging while watching a Chinese show on television. Yay.

Last night I went to the park with my cousins and we played badminton for about two and a half hours. Well, probably closer to two hours, and then half an hour or so actually in the sand place. It's nice being there at night, though it's also louder. So many more people come out at night than in the daytime, and I completely understand why. No need for sunblock! No worries about skin cancer! I suppose we're going again tonight. We were supposed to play water balloons today, but two somebodys couldn't come, and it's so different without them, so we decided to just do it when they're available.

We bought a watermelon yesterday at the supermarket. It's HUGE. I mean, it WAS. I had to use two hands (and arms!) to carry it to the door when we got home yesterday. Anyway, the watermelon is okay. It's a bit tasteless, though... And for a seedless watermelon, it sure has a lot of seeds! White ones, anyway. I wonder if those affect your body in any way. I saw a black seed while I was eating a piece at first, though! Rip-off. Goodness. I mean, what if the sign said "Seedless watermelon", and then when a consumer is eating it, he accidentally choked on a seed?! Oh, speaking of fruit... According to a news headline, tomatoes aren't the only culprit of salmonella! Or however they worded it. For those of you who do not know, salmonella (however it is spelled) is a...bacteria? Or a virus. Actually, don't take my word for it. I forgot. Honestly, we learned about it in Deca this year, but I never really paid attention to it. Oh, well.

I need to continue reading Bless Me, Ultima. About one-third way done!

I thought about a picture I have on my Myspace page. And here is what I wrote last night:
Yes, unfortunately at one point in my short-lived life, I decided to do the ever so evil deed of conforming with the so-called trend of attaining an online social network page for pathetic losers who are either too lazy to use real, better forms of communication or cannot make friends otherwise, egocentrically named by its creators "Myspace".
But fortunately at one point in my short-lived life, I decided to deviate from the vastly overrated norm of "commenting," "messaging," and posting "bulletins" that nobody in the world cares about by creating an online journnal called a weblog, or a "blog" , in online lingo, for the sake of my ever-occurring lack of time and patience to actually pick up a pen and write in my real journal as well as the sake of my ever so conspicuous laziness, in which I frequently mindlessly type and tell my readers about my life, which they most likely do not care much about anyway.
And yes, I actually took the time and effort to think this whole facade out in the middle of the night due to an apparent, self-diagnosed slight case of insomnia that I have had for the past few days, or more appropriately, nights, during which I sat up in an awkward position in my bed with a desk lamp on to write stuff, put simply, until I fall asleep. Now 1:39 A.M.

And... I suppose that that shall be the conclusion for today's escapade of a rant.

Realize and optimize your potential. Don't live your life now in such a manner that when you grow old and look back and reflect on your youthyou have to cry about what could and would have been had you only done this and that, had you only tried harder.


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