Truth and Promises

Currently 4:56, post meridian, I think it stands for. It's only afternoon, and I'm already sleepy! Been so all day, actually. I seriously dislike having to awake so early in the morning during the summer. Catch up on sleep. Ha.
Well, at least I've been "exercising", which, obviously, is very beneficial. It's cool.

Let's see... Today I finished reading one packet for Deca! The economics resource guide on the economy of Mexico. (This year's topic is Latin America.) Granted, it is only 13 pages, the shortest guide of them all... But hey, I figured since I'm learning econ, why not, right? For two and a half hours, I was at the library, first reading and then "napping". It's so cool sleeping there. Then again, one cannot to any extent effectively attempt to deny the number of people who do sleep on those couches. I don't like to think about it. It makes me uncomfortable, haha.

"Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2"! I want to watch that. The first one, I've watched quite a number of times (yes, multiple times!) and every time, I cry! So I'm rather excited to see what's in store on August 6th. I mean, what's in the theaters. Or just that particular movie. Um, yeah.
And then "Gossip Girl" and "One Tree Hill" start again on September 1st. Season premiere! Yay. I wonder who Luke is going to ask to marry him. Such a failure. First he asked Peyton, who said she wasn't ready. Two or three years later, he asks Lindsey, who says yes, but then leaves him at the altar after having just figured out that "comet" in his new book was actually an allusion to his first, former love Peyton. So he's left single and sad again. And then...for this new season, who knows? Commercials and previews are so deviously misleading. See, I bet that the majority of viewers are excitedly assuming that he's going ot be proposing to Peyton again, his "right choice". But then because of that, I myself am led to predict that he will be asking Brooke, the least likely "candidate" because of their history. Though, to be fair, he has a history with all three of 'em, at this point. But he has been through so much for/with her! And they're like, best friends, which sort of already qualifies them. I highly doubt it's going to be Lindsey again. I mean, pft, come on. I don't really like her. Jealousy ain't pretty. Well, not that that really pertains to anything.

Imagine that an hour has passed. And it is now 6:44.
I just returned from el banco, el mercado y el restaurante de comida rapida! however you say it, with my mom. And...yeah. The bank is a fascinating place, I tell ya. Well, the one I went to with my mother, anyway. Ha, the person who was helping me had such girly fingers! Hands! Man... He could be a good pianist. Or, you know, just for show, what with such nice fingers, hands, whatever. I don't know, I just couldn't help but notice, somehow. I am not weird.

It kind of bothered me a bit that I didn't know how to say fast food in Spanish, but I looked it up, and I did say it correctly. Albeit the lack of the accent mark over the former "a" in "rapida". But now you know it's there. Goodness, I need to practice my Spanish. Ha. We both know that that isn't going to happen. Not by a long shot...

I want to go to Office Depot tonight. Well, every night of this week, I've wanted to go. I want one-cent folders! Actually, the ones at Staples are so much better, but I don't believe that I have coupons for there, so...yeah. Hmm. I feel kind of bad for asking to go shopping so often lately. Just 'cause it's summer and I keep trying to dissuade myself from doing summer assignments. That's not good either.

Another thing that I cannot help but notice is that on "Millionaire", whenever they phone a friend, the person ALWAYS answers on the very first ring. How does that happen?! And they always know who "Meredith" is! Goodness me.

Oh, yesterday, I actually practiced piano for a short while. Well, not so much "practiced" as "played". Um, yeah. I found a few songs online, and since I listen to those songs on a regular basis, I was somewhat excited, to a very limited extent, to get to play them. It's cool.

I think I'll start reading Lang&Lit for Deca now. Well, not now. But later now. Ha. And I am "proud" to say that I have already begun that. Right after I finished reading the novel, which, again, was relatively superb, relative to what I had expected. Oh, that reminds me... The Sparknotes or whatever it was I ordered from Barnes & Noble online had better come soon. I almost forgot about that. Until I almost mentioned Sparknotes. Man, I could end up being on of those people who easily gets ripped off! That would suck. Don't take those statements to your advantage, though, because then I'd be aware of it, and you would fail. If that made any sense.

Oh, several minutes ago, I'ed the word "patronize" just for the heck of it, or well, just to make sure I've been using the word right this entire time ("Don't patronize me!"), and it turns out I have. Its definitions are so interesting, though, in that they're so highly contradicting! I'll save you the evidence; look it up yourself. I already gave you the website AND I spelled the word for you!

I want to watch "Dark Knight". With or without the "The", I do not know. Either way, same difference (oxymoron). Oh, did you know that "the" is the most used word in the English language? According to what I heard from an intellectually trustworthy somebody (really, somebody; I forgot who it was) quite a long while ago, anyhow. Pretty intriguing, huh? I'm going to Google that one day, possibly later on tonight: "most used words in English language". I've always wanted to do that, quite frankly.

Gosh, I hate having conversations with certain people. It's just so hard! With certain people. Who like, want to talk but don't know what to say, and then it makes it hard for the talkee to have to try to make conversation just to be...well, not polite, per se, but just to keep it alive, I suppose. I keep lower-casing my "i"s today. And I have no idea why. Anyway...and sometimes I try to evade from initiating conversations with certain people because I know it's going to be filled with a whole bunch of SILENCE, and it's not even awkward silence. I hate not knowing what to say. In a different light, I hate not knowing what to say when somebody tells me some bad news about his or her life. Not that I mind being a confidante, because I do not at all mind. But it's just that I've lost my touch of condolence and consolation. I mean, if you were to present your problems and troubles to me back in middle school, I would have given you some pretty good advice and stuff along that line, but now, all I can do is pretend to listen while looking around for hot guys! Hahaha, just kidding about that last part. Seriously, though, I suck at giving advice nowadays; seemingly, all I can do is listen! And, truthfully, I don't fully listen the whole time all the time, but hey, I get the gist. Okay, now I realize how terrible I am at listening... Still talk to me, though, 'cause I'll still try. Though I can't promise that I'll try my best, unless you're worth my time and audio ability! Okay, I'll stop.

You don't know how much you mean to me
Whenever you're down, you know that you can lean on me
No matter the situation,
I'm gonna hold you down

I used to be obsessed with that song. Heck, I'm obsessed with almost every song for a certain time period, and then I move on. And that time period is usually very transient. Eh.

I'm tired. But I'll sleep later on tonight. Obviously.

Vamos a ver... Today is Thursday. This morning a few minutes after I got on the bus with my sister and cousin, I asked them what day it is, and my sister told me Thursday. I saw that it was the 24th on the screen thing at the front of the bus, and I was so extremely astounded. More perplexed than astounded, really. So anyway, I was so perplexed because I still thought it was Wednesday, because I didn't remember it ever being Wednesday this week yet! So I checked my phone, and it confirmed that today is Thursday, June 24th, 2008. I turned to my cousin, who also thought that today was Wednesday. And then I kept exclaiming, "But Wednesday never happened!!" Seriously, yesterday I thought it was Tuesday. And then...I don't know. Maybe I never actually experienced Tuesday. Or maybe I was so out of it yesterday that I lost the opportunity to experience a Wednesday on the week of June 21st. I lost one day of my life! I think that makes sense, in a very...subliminally inconspicuous way.

I hear a smoke detector going off. Speaking of that phrase, should it not be "going on"? Because, you know, it's being activated, not the opposite. I don't get these kinds of phrases sometimes. They can be rather confusing. I mean, if your alarm sounds, should you not say that it went ON rather than OFF? Because if it went OFF, then you wouldn't hear anything, right?! Or am I being too literal again?
Up until a few years ago, I had always been under the false conception that "smart" is the same as "intelligent". But it isn't! Just thought that I would point it out. I'd rather meet a person of the latter than the former, quite honestly. So I can feel good about myself! Um, yeah, just kidding. Really.

On "Reba" today, Barbara Jean said something hilarious, like always... Well, it's actually usually Reba who says the funny stuff. Anyway, BJ was talking about Brock's quirks, simply put:
One day, I caught him looking in the mirror, and he said to himself, "Okay, enough about you. Let's talk about me."
Hahaha, I found that just plain hilarious. I don't know if you did, or if I "killed it" for you, but...yeah. Again, just thought I would mention it.


I guess we won't be going to Office Depot tonight, after all. I mean, it's now 7:30, and we're all still home. Oh, well. I just want the wireless keyboard and mouse. Among a few other things, of course, 'cause I'm a girl, and I like to spend money. Just kidding.

I'm tempted (oh, no!) to attend Illinois University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. (I just copied what was on the envelop.) They tell me that I BELONG, and that I am one-of-a-kind. Or perhaps they're talking about their school. Who knows. But I just noticed, after how much stuff I've received from 'em?, that their colors of that of Chatsworth! Except they're better, because they're so much more well-funded, obviously. It looks like a violet-blue, blue-violet, either one. I can't tell very well in the dark right now.

Anyhow, I suppose that I will end here for today, after a few other things (yet again)...

The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.
-Anais Nin

Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.
-E.L. Doctorow

I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo, and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of hunger for life that gnaws in us all.
-Richard Wright, American Hunger (I like that quote, so maybe I'll check out the book one day.)


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