A Midsummer's Night

At last! The computer is working. Well, it's always worked. It's just that we finally switched the keyboard and mouse with those from our old computer. (We were just too lazy to do it this whole time, until our cousin came over today to help us resolve this dilemma.)
It is currently thirty-seven past nine in the nighttime (that rhymed! again!). For the past few weeks, I have been having constant episodes of self-diagnosed slight insomnia, and last night about half past midnight I figured out that on nights that I blog or write, I fall asleep so much better! And like I've said once before, it doesn't help that most days, I wake up in the middle of the night due to a case of havingtogoeatfoodtoresolvehypoglycemia. And...yeah. Hmm.

This week has been rather crazy. The craziest, busiest week of the summer so far. So far! Goodness. Taking the bus is something that I'm getting more and more accustomed to day by day, which is only right, because if after a certain number of times I still don't comprehend the system, then something must be very wrong. In a way, we have more freedom taking the bus... We can come home whenever we wish and then blame the busses for delays! Not that we've done that, nor do we plan to.

Anthropology. My Spanish teacher from the past two years majored in that. Even after having learned a tiny bit (and then more later on) about only one branch of this subject, I still find it a "random" one to major in. It's a lot like biology. Maybe because it's "biological anthropology"... Huh. Go figure.

I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?

That was my twenty-minute obsession about ten minutes ago. Ha. Hmm, that reminds me. I need to start writing again. Like, actual, real stuff. Not just this. Because this doesn't exactly count as exercising my brain, because only half the time do I actually think about what I'm going to write. If that made any sense.

Agh, I seriously need to do at least a bit of my assignments. I'm just going to skip the introductory for The Scarlet Letter, as per one of my confidante's (not really) advice. I don't know when I will resume the book, though. Soon, hopefully. For the good of my health later on (a week before school begins again)! The SATs! Oh, goodness. I need to sign up and study. Because we all know that I am not going to study if I don't sign up. Heck, I may not study either way... Oh, that'll be a good precursor (anthro notes!) to applying to Princeton...

Wedding songs... So I was looking at the KOST 103.5 website earlier, and there was a list of "top wedding songs." And it occurred to me that, if I EVER have a wedding (or two! ha!), I will not stand for just one song; instead, I will have an entire playlist. Why conform when I can deviate, right? Then I can say to my other married acquaintances, "Oh, this is my wedding song!" at the cafe, "Oh, this is mine and my husband's wedding song!" at the mall, et cetera, et cetera and confuse them each time. Unless, of course, they attended the wedding. If there ever will be one! This paragraph did not make sense at all. Please disregard my utter lack of eloquence at the moment.

Flash flood warnings. What a joke. There were supposed to be "thunderstorms" last week, but no precipitation from the vast blue by day and navy by night sky ever occurred! So what's the difference between a flood and a flash flood...?
Several years ago, probably back in elementary school, I aspired to be a news forecaster. What are they called again?! Newscaster? Oops, news reporters, according to my sister. Haha. And lately, whenever I watch the news, that comes back to me. So, we'll see. It's still journalism--broadcast journalism, I think it qualifies as.

I am boring myself.
Yesterday, though it's kind of late to talk about now, was an awesome day. Probably the best I've had all summer. Speaking of which, I haven't been to the park in the longest time! Friday, we shall most definitely go. I can't wait. CVS to buy snacks, and then park to burn calories and then replenish ourselves. With food. Haha. We always burn calories, eat, burn, and then come home and eat more. But at least some exercise is still involved. Exercise is very important, I'm sure you know that.
We need Costco! I cannot and will not endure sixteen more days of having to purchase outrageously overpriced snacks when I could simply go and purchase much better and more economical ones fit to my income range. Which is...zero. Fine, fit to what's in my parents' wallets.
Gosh, I have begun carrying a wallet (from years ago, but still new, never used til now) for the sole reason of preventing loss of...whatever belongs in a wallet. I've already lost two of my student IDs, and I will not stand to lose another! Not that I really have another... Yet. Well, the one I currently obtained won't count much, because the only relevant information on it is my name. I cannot wait to see how idiotic I must look in my California ID photo when it comes in the mail however many weeks from now. Yesterday when I was making a purchse, I reminded myself of my mother while looking through my wallet for four pennies to accomodate the $1.89 total that the cashier claimed I was to pay. I just don't like carrying pennies. Gee, I just don't like carrying money; the responsibility is just too much! Hahaha. I wonder what effect this will have in the future...

I have a feeling that my throat is about to hurt because I have been eating too many Club crackers. I keep injuring myself! Whenever I eat, I end up biting my lip on the inside at least once. At first, while I was getting up to leave the room, I bumped my knee into the door. And then as I was coming out of the restroom, I bumped my leg into the fan on the floor. And that's just today! Goodness. Talk about self-inflicted pain. Fine, admittedly, it never hurts that much, but you know, internal damage!

Tuberculosis is a scary disease... Aren't vaccinations available for it?! I hope I had one... I mean, you never know if you have it if it's latent! It's an evil disease with microbes that multiply so quickly and eventually develop a resistance to multiple drugs! Dangerous stuff there. I'm telling you, from now on, whenever somebody around coughs, I'm going to hold my breath for at least five seconds...or at least turn away. For my own and others' well-being!

I realize that my blogs have been considerably shorter lately. But hey, I'm busy during the daytime, and when I get home, I am extremely tired. (Yes, too tired to log on here and rant about stuff for your information about my life.) But at least I still keep it up.
Hey, you know, I think I'm kind of getting the hang of the commitment thing...for now.

I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.
-Henry Ward Beecher

The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change.
-Eng's Principle


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