To "Conversate", third blog for today. (Don't ask unless you already know.) I don't feel like I've said enough today, I guess. Or, well, at certain points, it's been enough, but then more comes to me.

I am currently talking with (I realized today that there's a difference between "talking to" and "talking with"... think about it) somebody I haven't spoken to in a while. Man, that didn't make very much sense. At least, not to me. And I'm eating something from yesterday morning, and it tastes kind of sour, so I'm debating with myself about whether or not I should continue eating it. I just looked down at it, and I decided to not continue. So when I finish this paragraph, I shall get up and bring it to the kitchen. Eh, let's end here.

Now consuming a green plum, or, as it says on the sticker, pluot. For those of you who don't know, a pluot and plum are approximately the same thing. It's good. There are also reddish pluots, as there are reddish-orangish apples (a.k.a. gala!). Which reminds me that I haven't eaten those in quite a long time... Fruits are yummy! I don't like pineapple, though... I'm sure there're a few more fruits that I am not too fond of, despite my fondness of fruits overall. Haha.

Have I mentioned my obsession for chimpanzees? Yeah, I became obsessed last night, after having read quite an excessive amount of information about them, not that I really retained much of that information. But, yeah. Chimpanzees amaze me, in case I haven't mentioned that either. They're awesome! So in the event that for an impromptu speech my topic turns out to be "If you were to be an animal for one day, what animal would you choose to be?" I would most definitely choose chimpanzee! And name myself Bobo or something. Haha. That would be really cool, no joke. I could poop anywhere I want to, too! Hahaha, I would say that I'm just kidding about that, but it's true! It's a social norm.

Again, I am very sleepy right now. I wish to sleep. After a bit of studying that I haven't done today! Goodness. I seriously need to focusfocusfocus. Direct my current focus on stupid useless stuff to serious academic stuff so I can get into Princeton! Or, you know, UC Berkeley. Hmm.

Yeah, um, let's see. What ever shall I blab about now? I can't wait until the fifth Jessica Darling book comes out! Hurry, hurry, MeganMcCafferty! I highly anticipate it. I love all the JD books! So very much. It's one of the very few series books that I actually like. Hmm, I think it's the only one... Yeah, it's the only series I actually like (to read) and look forward to.

I need to keep my records straight. Or, just remember things more accurately or something. Sharpen my memory, something along that line. I have a knack for remembering the most randomly useless things! And forgetting the important things. Goodness. I don't get why I have to remember such useless things, though sometimes it comes in like, "stalk" people. Or whatever.

I am bored, and I am boring myself. I feel somewhat bothered, too...

You know what? I'm just going to stop. My "inspiration" for this one has long since gone, due to unstimulating conversations I've been having.

Every little thing I do
Never seems enough for you
You don't wanna lose it again
But I'm not like them
Baby, when you finally
Get to love somebody
Guess what, it's gonna be me


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