Once Upon a Broken Heart

Currently 7:30 in the evening, and I just watched the first toss-up for "Wheel of Fortune". Today's "Jeopardy" was so close! Well, it didn't end up being so, but...yeah. That Daniel guy was so awesome. I love how atrevido he is, risking $12,000 for one question! He lost about sixteen grand during the final round though, so...whatever. I'm boring myself already.

How you changed my world you'll never know
I'm different now, you helped me grow
You came into my life sent from above
When I lost all hope you showed me love

I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?

I was talking to my friend earlier and telling her what I did today:
ribbons221: walked to the bus stop at 6:45, waited about ten minutes, got on the bus, studied on the bus for my anthro test, got to school at 7:25, went to the nearby bookstore on the way and bought my anthro book, surprised that it was open so early, then went to the restroom but it was closed so i went to the writing center to study then walked to class at 7:56 and sat in my seat, then after ten or so minutes began my essays test which i'm not sure how i did on because i had done the essays yesterday but never memorized them because really who goes and memorizes essays. and then i came out and went back to the writing center, then roger called me and we met up at the usual place, walked to the lunch truck where he bought cookies and a drink and then we saw jonathan eddie and justin and we all stood there for a bit logner then roger and william left to class and i stood there waiting 'cause jonathan wanted to buy food too because he didn't have any today which was a surprise but yeah later the four of us walked to econ and i just sat there so frustratingly bored because the teacher is boring and i was sleepy, that's why i was kind of frustrated then finally class ended and then i went to PE, et cetera, i am tired of typing...

That's only half of it, a bit more, perhaps. Like I said, I was tired from typing.
Well, I stayed in PE for about an hour, exercising (or working out, whichever form of the same thing you prefer using) mostly my legs this time... Actually, it's almost always my legs, because...yeah. Um, let's see. It was hot! Well, when I first got there, one of the coaches was almost soliciting, it seemed. He told us to stand there and wait to have our fitness test, in which we measured out heartrates, weighed ourselves, did the stretch to see how far you can go thing, gave our heights, and then did the body fat percentage and BMI. It was a pretty intriguing process.

Now 8:59. Lots of time lapses between every paragraph or so because I've been chatting online and watching television. It's kind of fun to watch the "High School Musical" auditions or whatever. Some of those kids (most of whom are near my age) are pretty good! And now I am simply chatting and listening to music. I've found lots of new old songs lately. I love old songs; they're generally so much better than these new songs that have such nonsensical because they're trying so desperately to rhyme lyrics.

Hmm, I'm kind of very sleepy at the moment. I hate having to wake up before six every Monday through Thursday. Who does that in the summer?! Besides those who are actually willing to take the school bus just to attend high school summer school, where it is raging hot and where hormones are raging because of the heat. Or whatever. Never mind. If you haven't noticed, this is one of those times that I shall be ranting about everything but really nothing in particular, thereby not making much sense. You can stop reading now if you want.

Speaking of reading, I really haven't read much lately. Unless subtitles from the television and IMs from the computer count, which I highly doubt. Grr, I hate thinking about summer assignments, none of whch I have begun, unsurprisingly. And then for Deca... Huh. I hadn't thought about it until a few days ago when my battle buddy asked me when I wanted to battle buddy! And here I had hoped to be able to get away with it. Darn. Well, it's good to battle buddy, though, because then I can actually feel like I've done something pertaining to Deca, though I don't really gain much knowledge from the sessions because it's VIRTUAL, so...yeah. And one must take into account the many distractions around me. Like...the Internet, per se. Why is "internet" capitalized anyway?

Economics class is interesting from time to time. The teacher is so extremely boring, though. She keeps going over the same things over and over. Which, I guess is a good thing. But it bores me! Just because I have a bit of background knowledge from having read the economics basic guide for Deca last year. Or, you know, a part of it. Anyway.
We had our first test in anthropology today. It was all essays, which should be a good thing for me, because I suck at subjective testing. In other words, multiple choice. Anyway, we're allowed to have notes on a 4x6 notecard that she hands out to us the Thursday before every Monday exam, and I had barely filled it out right before class. Well, I'll see how the result is when the time comes, sometime next week, I think she told us last week.

Um. Hmm. I've been consuming quite a lot of (no sugar added) ice cream today. At one point earlier, I felt like there was an ice cream machine in my stomach. Ha. And I just had a bit more. No more for tonight! It makes my throat kind of hurt, because it's so cold, I suppose.
Milk still makes me have some sort of a stomach discomfort or whatever. I blame the European history teacher because he once told us a story about one of his friends who in college chugged a gallon of milk and then threw up, et cetera, et cetera. Goodness.

"House" is on, but the television is not. I need to read chapter 3 for econ. I wonder what it's about... Hmm. I don't know, but it seems we're taking way to long to work on one chapter. I mean, one week out of five has already passed, and I think we finished chapter 1 only today! I wonder, I wonder...

I had trouble falling asleep again last night. Not good. Um, hopefully, after having blogged, I will be able to sleep better tonight.
You know, I've been thinking of writing letters to...certain somebodys instead of actually talking to them. Or just to somebodys with whom I no longer speak much, given current and future circumstances (mostly distance). And then just keep it myself, most likely. And if, per chance, I meet them again say ten years later, I can show them what I wanted to tell them but never did. It's interesting, isn't it? How sometimes what you really want to say, you can't find the courage to, so you might end up putting it in words. But keeping those words to yourself, because you still can't find the courage to hand them over to their intended recipient. From time to time, I seriously wonder whether or not I will keep in touch with the people I know now, if I'll ever meet again with people I knew then, or just whether or not I'll remember their names. Some people, I know for sure, I will say, "Oh, him/her! Yeah, he/she..." once I see or hear their names.

Speaking of which, the other day... Yesterday, I (had to wake up early again!) went to lunch with friends for the first time (probably never again, I'm not that social, or I just don't like to be). It was actually with a friend who came to visit us from some other land that seems foreign to me because it's quite far away but still in the same country. And as I arrived and saw the people I recognized at the table, I thought, "Oh, it's just them, okay." And I saw this one girl who I thought was one of their cousins. So I didn't really say hi to specifically her. Then, after like, five minutes, I finally somehow realized that she was my classmate in fifth grade! I thought, "WOW!" I hadn't seen her in...half a decade! Literally! It was truly surprising. She looked different, but not so much that I couldn't recognize her after some serious speculation. Omit "serious"; just kidding about that one. But yeah. It was nice to see somebody I hadn't seen in such a long time. And she talked in just the same manner as she did back then! So enthusiastic and all that. Cool.

So, I shall admit that I have been trying to distance myself from certain people this summer... as I do every other summer, I think. Just certain people. Like, if I don't need to talk to them, then I won't even try to fill them in, much less have them fill me in. Or whatever, you know? Nah, probably not. If you haven't noticed, I tend to be very vague when it comes to particular topics. Such as this, I suppose. I guess maybe it's because I don't exactly know how to put it into words myself.

Things were so coincidental on Sunday. I mean, yesterday. It seems so long ago. So I had this kind of weird but pleasant dream in which I reunited with somebody with whom I have not talked for a while. And then my "twin" just so happened to mention that she had had a conversation with him about me a few weeks ago. Later, we were talking about one of the people she carpools with, and then we saw him walk into the restaurant! Um, I seem to have forgotten the last instance, but yeah, so very coincidental. Wait, one more, yes. So the night before I added new songs into my MP3 player because I was too lazy to make a CD but wanted to listen to some songs before I slept, and when I turned it on, it turned off, meaning that there was no battery. So I opened the battery compartment and thought, "What is this?! This isn't mine..." Then it occurred to me that I had borrowed that from a friend on like, the last day of school. Or even before then, probably. I was pretty surprised that he hadn't asked me for it, and I thought that he'd probably forgotten it and thought he'd lost it or something. So I brought it with me to the restaurant yesterday, thinking I would "surprise" him. When I gave it to him, he told me that he'd been thinking about it just the night before! What a coinky dink, huh?! It was funny. At the moment. And...yeah. And FYI, it was a rechargeable battery. What reason would I have to return a battery without battery, huh?

I kind of want to drink milk. Though not really, because it eventually becomes a laxative of some sort. Eh.

What ever shall I rant about now? Hmm. I want to say, "I want to go home!" It's just something I tend to exclaim when I am in lack of anything else to do or say.
Oh, right. I have to read for econ. And reread for anthro, because I just got the book today, and I clearly remember the teacher telling us that everything in the class is cumulative in that if you don't understand something from the beginning, it will be very difficult to understand new concepts later on. Which makes sense.

It is now 9:46, and I shall get going. To read and then sleep. I feel so very sleepy right now. Have been since yesterday! Gosh. I hate waking up early just to go out to eat. It's so pointless. I mean, I'm gaining calories for the sake of...nothing? I mean, I could just sleep and not intake calories and just be content with that. I'm being nonsensical again.

Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand.
-Emily Kimbrough

Lust is easy. Love is hard. Like is most important.
-Carl Reiner

A lot of times, it isn't until you know the name of a person that you start caring for them.

No road is long with good company.

People change and forget to tell each other.
-Lillian Hellman

Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you're really strangers.
-Mary Tyler Moore


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