Surprised Much?

Are you surprised?
You've seen all that I have done
And what I have not
I know what you expected
You gave me your advice and I listened
Now look how everything has turned out
Just the way you wanted it to
Surprised much?

I'm back! Well, I didn't really feel like doing anything else. Well, that's a fallacy. I do. I continued my "letter" to someone who is most likely not going to read it until like, months later anyway. During the ten minutes I was writing that, I had an urge to visit my journal, but then I ended up coming to the computer because my sister told me that I had two IMs. Not that that really matters right now, because it's not like anybody's replying to my responses. Much. Gosh, I came back for this?! I stop my important life activities for this? Okay, then. Whatever.

It's approximately 10:20 in the P.M. at the moment. And I am feeling rather sleepy. My eyelids are like, dropping over my eyes. Or whatever the phrase is. Or isn't. Whatever, either way, same meaning to me.
Google's awesome.

Oh, I forgot to look up that thing I said I was going to Google probably tonight. I guess I'll do it now, since apparently I have been evicted from the bedroom I share with my sister. Not really. She just turned off the light and closed the door, so for once, I shall be considerate and not barge in and turn on the light and disturb her from her sleep. Okay, fine, it's simply that I'm too lazy to get up and go do something else. But you know, seeing as how I'm already here.

I am now officially confirming what I said earlier, that "the" is the most used word in the English language, in Britain, America, AND Australia! Oh, gosh, I am going to be so obsessed with these lists of most-used words in the English language. Surprisingly, "actually" isn't on the list of the top 500! Maybe it's on my top 100 list. In this case. And "I" is number 11! Wow. This is fascinating. I am beyond intrigued! Okay, just intrigued. But seriously, this is so...mind-bogglingly awesome.
I have spent that past half hour browsing through this list of an 86800-word archive. It is so completely... One of the best things ever! On the Internet. I think I have found "true love"! "Wendy" is number 8453; I think that they must have mistakenly added those first two digits! Ah, point is, I am fascinated.

I am so sleepy right now, twenty until eleven in the nighttime. I guess I'll have to hold off on the journal. Until tomorrow night or something. Oh, yay. Park tomorrow. It's sort of become a Friday ritual now. At least, for the next five or so weeks. Ah, I'm going to miss this. Only this summer have I realized how fun exercise is! Ha, that sounded so lame.

So very sleepy, I won't even bother with anything else.
tired: 2442


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