
Showing posts from May, 2010

12:08 p.m.

Good...afternoon, all! Less than twelve hours later, here I am, blogging again, simply because I don't feel like doing the heavy duty lifting and moving yet. Okay, piles of paper and notebooks and small electronics aren't exactly heavy duty. But still, going up and down the staircase gets exhausting after a while, you know. Oh, how pleasant fresh laundry smells. This means I will have to fold it later. But that's okay, I actually like folding laundry. However, that does not mean that I will take over household chores and become a (desperate) housewife. Never, ever shall I do that. I absolutely refuse. Yesterday at the luau, I offered to throw A's trash away because I was getting up to throw mine away, and he would not let me do it! He insisted that he do it himself and even offered to take mine for me, but I had already gotten up and started walking toward the trash can anyway, so that didn't bode too well for his offer, haha. But I like that he did not let me take ...

1:12 a.m.

I'm sleepy, but I don't want to sleep. For the past two or three days, I have been waking up around eleven, yet I am still sleepy when I get off my bed! Ugh. I can't wait until I next wake up AFTER eleven, which, hopefully, will be this next sleep, since it is so late (early) and I am still awake and active(ly typing). ROCK Luau was wonderfully nice. The performances were pleasant and/ or amusing, both very likable, enjoyable characteristics. And the food was okay. The pineapple "appetizer" was the best pineapple I have ever eaten. I usually avoid the fruit, but today, I just thought I would try it. Good thing I did, too, or else I would have missed out on some good fruit tonight! So we are nearly done with moving everything out of 617. Subsequently, it's a mess here now. There are boxes and piles of stuff strewn around the living room floor as well as around the upstairs closet. Have I mentioned the garage? Oh, goodness, the garage is just full of things we d...

Barking Turtles

I miss the August of 2008. All those :]'s and "haha"s and "if you're lucky"s. Where is all that now?! (Only you can tell me, and you know who you are!) I was supposed to actually write in my journal today, after almost a year and a half of hiatus. But that didn't happen. I ended up reading, and now I'm here, at 12:19 a.m. I'm sleepy. The first sentence was all that I wanted to say, really. Now that that's done, I shall go to bed. More tomorrow. Thank you, furlough day.


I came over to D's room to use her computer with the intention to blog. That was about an hour and a half ago. And I have just been on Facebook the whole time! And now that it's time to return to my abode about ten feet away (outdoors), I shall blog a quick blog just for the heck of it. So I was feeling pretty down and stupid before I came over here. Well, before I came over here, I also listened to music on my YouTube playlist, so that made me feel a bit better already. Then I spoke on the phone with S, who told me she met Joseph Vincent! So that was quite exciting, even though I was not personally, physically there to experience the whole circumstance. Nonetheless, yay for S. And then... I kicked D off her own computer (ha) so I could go about my Facebook business. And now here I am, feeling hyper and hypoglycemic... I like the former more, though. Some very stupid things happened today. And I would just like you all to know that I really don't appreciate being lied to, b...


It's been about a week now, and I still have a cough. Darn coughs. Earlier, I opened this up, thinking of all the things I could write about. Now, a few hours thereafter, I have no idea what to say. But I do have plenty of ideas regarding what I could and/or should be doing instead of blogging. Oh, well. On Sunday (yesterday), two moving men came and, for two and a half hours, moved all the big stuff from 617 (e.g. piano, television, shelves) into their truck to bring to 3410. I was so very scared when they were transporting the piano--my precious, darling piano--down the 17 steps of the staircase. But whew, they got it down and here fine. Now it just needs some tuning. Okay, a lot of tuning. So 617 is pretty much void of furniture and now full of old stuff, including a plethora of paper that I do not look forward to sorting through for the rest of this week. To make an even longer story (paragraph) short, "home" will be 3410 only from now on, and 617 will be a memory. Wo...


"Get over yourself." Really? Nobody had ever said that to me before. I don't think I deserved to have that said to me. Sorry I care to have good conversations every once in a while. I'm still a bit upset about those three words. Every time I woke up between last night and 11:53 today, that was the first thought that crossed my mind: "Get over yourself." If I were all about myself, things would be SO different, because I'd get everything I want. And that is clearly not the case here. Or else I wouldn't have those three words to think about. Hmph. Today was my second day staying home, and I must say that sleep really does help. I woke up at 11:53 today and felt considerably better than I did yesterday. I ate lunch, watched my soap opera on television, did whatever, then did P90X cardio, which was completely exhausting. I'm sore now. Then I did more of whatever. Ate dinner, and now here I am. I wonder if the Lakers will win or lose today. It is the ...

Sunny Saturday

Today, I woke up at 8:38 a.m. and couldn't fall back asleep because my blood sugar was too low and because I was afraid that if I did, I wouldn't wake up to my 9:00 alarm. I slept at almost 1:30 a.m., too. Anyway, I gave up at 8:48 and slowly got ready for my interview. My appointment time was ten, and I arrived at 9:53, waited seven minutes, then went in and was greeted by one of Castelar's fifth grade teachers, Ms. D. She said hi to me and said, "You were never my student!" But she remembered me anyway. I was very well-liked by teachers then...and still am now! :) The fifteen-minute process felt like exactly what it was: fifteen minutes--and short. I really like interviews, but today, not so much, because I hesitated so much more than I usually do. I could have done a lot better, but it's all been said and done, so it's all good. I went to 617 and packed stuff (mostly books) into boxes for about an hour, carried said boxes down the stairs, and then came ...


I have finally returned. I've actually returned twice before now, but I just didn't know what to say those times. Now, I have nine minutes to say what is on my mind--what I don't mind sharing, anyway--because "Vampire Diaries" will be on at eight. Actually, disregard that. I'll just go back and forth between television and computer. It looks like I'll be eating dinner very late tonight, since my mother isn't home from home yet and there's not even any food to cook. Oh, no. I just realized that I'm a bit hungry... I suppose the show will have to suffice. After all, it is the season finale. Let me just point out how ridiculous lit has been. You would think that after the AP exam, the class is over. Most AP classes function that way. But no... not lit. If anything, she's working us even harder now than the few weeks before the test. Blasphemy, I tell you. But I honestly do not give a slightest darn about any of my classes anymore. Sure, I'...


Twelve hours from now, I will be working on the multiple choice section of the AP English Literature and Composition exam. And I just realized that I haven't practiced multiple choice in months and months... Not good. Nonetheless, I'm just going to continue with Sparknotes on a few more literary works so I can write my way through the essays and so be it! After I shower. I just wanted to mention what Ms. G said in Spanish today, the day after the test. I'll talk about all my AP exams later on. So, she asked who is interested or who plans to take AP Spanish Literature next year, and she tried to encourage more people to take it because it's important for college and the future. Before I knew it, she went over--in Spanish, of course--the course of life and time: When you're five years old, you think about what you will do five minutes from now. When you're ten years old, you think about what you will do tomorrow. When you're twelve, you think about the weekend...

Photo Printing

Here I am, another Monday afternoon, printing more photos for AP Studio Art portfolio and listening to songs on YouTube. I actually enjoyed this Monday because it was (relatively) warm in the morning. I like (relatively) warm mornings. This means that it's really spring now! And summer is approaching. Yay. I can't wait to have tomorrow over with. Then I can focus on lit and bio... mostly bio. Not that I've been focusing that much on Spanish either, haha. Gosh, I really suck at studying and staying on task. But I know I'm not alone in that one, so it's okay. But really, though, I shall be so relieved after the Spanish exam tomorrow. I don't know if I'm even going to pass, but who does anyway? Nobody! Hmm, this shall be all for today. Or, for now. And remember, no matter where you go, there you are. --Confucius

Us Against the World

Us against the world Against all odds, no bad thoughts Hands entwined, Everything fine