
Today is the first official day of the wonderful season of autumn, during which leaves gracefully fall from their branches and during which trees are so normally bare (and cold!). If that even made any sense. I forgot that it's even autumn until I went to Google and saw the design of "Google." Yeah, it's nice. It was actually legitimately cool today, too! Yesterday, as well, I suppose. I'm looking forward to the winter, even though it means that I probably have to go out and buy a few sweaters or something.
It's almost October, too! Time passes by oh so very quickly, as I am certain you already know.

Gee, sick people these days! I hate it when my sister leaves all her used tissues lying around EVERYWHERE, at both the computer desk and at the laptop and the desk that it is on. I have to remember to not touch my eyes or anything when I'm around here until after I wash my hands or something. I even use a tissue as a way of "protecting" my hand when I use the mouse! And today in journalism, somebody kept coughing into his hands and wiping them on my stuff! And me, eventually. Dis-freaking-gusting, man. Seriously. After sixth period, I sort of hurried to the restroom and washed my entire arm, because really. It's not like I take pleasure in walking around with somebody's sick germs on my hands (literally). Despite what you may wrongly think, I do not have a desire of any sort to get sick, okay? Geez. Which reminds me, I need to go get a flu shot soon! In fact, I just turned around to ask my mother (who is yet again watching yet another Chinese show) and she told me to call and ask. Have I ever mentioned how much I despise going to the doctor's office? Especially the one I go to for shots? Unless there are no other people, of course, then I don't mind. Otherwise, I just hate being there. Then again, I hate being sick even more!
Haha, so today while I was in the nurse's office during lunch, one of the ladies who's there really just kicked people out! She said something like "I don't even like being around these sick people" in an irritated voice. Then again, she's always cranky. But, yeah, how mean! Just because you're in the health office, does not mean you're sick! Oh, well.
So, yeah, I just get really paranoid sometimes around sick people. Sorry if it offends you, but you must understand! I must protect myself from the harmful bacteria and viruses (hopefully not the latter) in order to be a fit organism and be born (done) and reproduce and then die.

It's quite depressing, really, how our Deca coach puts it. Something along the line of, "You guys, as a living organism, your goal in life is to be born, reproduce, and die." Talk about a meaningful life, eh? But hey, it's the truth, in a way; it's just that so many other "trivial" things happen in between those three so-called milestones!

Speaking of "miles," I finally took the moment to look up the directions from here to a certain much desired university up in New Jersey, and it is 2754.31 miles away! What a way to go. And I say that both literally and metaphorically or whatever.

Seriously, people these days are just so inconsiderate! You know what? If you're sick, just don't even come near me unless I start talking to you first, okay?
And I am not a germophobe! I just like to avoid the illnesses that can be avoided, alright?
Oh, and I was just kidding about that don't talk to me if you're sick thing. Kind of.

"Gossip Girl" is on right now, but I'm not watching it, surprisingly. I don't care that much for it anymore; only when it's on and when I happen to be at the channel do I begin to "obsess" about/ over it. Otherwise, nah. Not saying that it's not a good show, because it totally is! It's just that "One Tree Hill" has captured the majority of my television attention away from "GG". Too bad.

Gee, I may just have to go get one of those bubble suits or whatever. The ones that supposedly keep all germs out. The ones that spread and cause you to be sick, anyway.

Anyway, I am going to end here for tonight, because it is a quarter past eight and I have not yet really begun any of my homework.
As a reminder to myself... (not that I ever really read my own blog):
26th satreg
30th questreg

Okay, there I go.

Until next time,
buh-bye :)


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