Six Tomorows Later

Yeah, it's been that long, and last time, I said I'd blog again "tomorrow." And now here I am, six of those tomorrows later. Nice to reacquaint with you! (Not really.)

It is currently 21 minutes past ten at night, and I have been so very sleepy. Around nine, I decided to begin homework (for once, on a Friday night); after a bit of organizing, I opened up my math book, started problem number one (out of five), and gave up after having unsuccessfully sought a method for linearization or whatever. Since I had apparently given up (what a loser I am), I decided to do something useful on the computer (for once, again) and go to the "useful" websites that the English teacher persistently reminds us to visit and be familiar with. Yay, college. There are so many things to take care of in order to ensure a secure spot in college. Eh, if that made any sense. I'm just really tired right now, so please excuse any incoherence I may be evoking.
Well, after having said all that, I shall conclude this topic with: I'll just start homework tomorrow. Homework, homework all day long. Chemistry (and a whole lot of it, too!), math (five problems, but very difficult to understand at the moment), English (what a joke of an assignment), and journalism (which cannot be done at home because we have to quote teachers, and I most definitely do not have any teacher's contact information...that I wish to use, that is). Golly gee, I haven't studied anything at all for Deca in the past however long! Independent study. Ha. More like independent nonstudy. That was lame.
Speaking of Deca, we have a varsity member now! One more varsity, and we can compete. Yay, us! I'm actually not that excited about it. The new member came to me as a surprise... Now that I'm never actually in the class anymore, I rarely ever know what is going on. So you can imagine the shock that registered in my mind when I saw that person come in and inquire about what we were doing yesterday after school. Or not. But, yeah. So in case you are a C or lower average student, we want you! (Yes, this may come as a surprise, but Deca does love...and need C students!) Oh, hey, I was "propagandizing". Not particulary, but kind of.

Hmm, there's nothing good on television at the moment. I had been hoping that CSI would be on, but it isn't! "Friends" is on at eleven, but they're all old episodes now, because unfortunately they have stopped with the new ones! I love that show, though. I need to catch the rerun of "Gossip Girl" on Sunday at six! I saw only twenty minutes of it on Monday; then again, I probably won't have to watch the rerun since I already know how the episode ends anyway. Oh, well. I'll go with the flow. And most likely not watch it because I will most likely have some leftover homework to do anyway. Speaking of re"runs", I'm running on Sunday! Which is why I have to do homework all day tomorrow. I'm not going to be running for the entire day, though, because it's only two miles (I'm not that slow, contrary to much popular belief... just kidding with that dependent clause), but I'll probably be out until mid-afternoon or so, and I don't want to be doing homework for the rest of the day. Or whatever. So, yeah, we'll see how it goes. And then I'll just go along with whatever happens, because it's not like I can help the future. Or the past, really. Not that anything horrible has occurred over the past however long that I have been utterly indescriptive and vague here. But, yeah, I can't wait til Sunday. It shall be fun. Oh, yeah, I should wake up early to run tomorrow morning, too. And then again twelve hours later. I have recently discovered how cool (literally and the slang-meaning) it is to run in the evening, just about an hour before the sun sets. Thus, I shall tend to my new fondness of such an activity and do that tomorrow. Again, if that made any sense.

So, classes. We had a test in chemistry Wednesday and yesterday. Wednesday was a qunatitative problem solving...problem. I knew how to do everything! But I got 8 out of 10 just because of stupid r(squared). Gosh. Oh, well. At least I know I knew how to do it and will fix it the next time around. Good thing we have "enrichment" days again, though. I liked those days, good review and an extra point, so yay for enrichment days! (What a run-on.) And yesterday's multiple-choice and lab essay (ten points for each) was just plain...not good. We get the results for that on Monday. So, as of now, I have a B in chemistry. Way to start it off! Oh, well. Calc... I shouldn't be laughing, but I shall laugh (here's me laughing) and straightforwardly say that I completely failed the first quiz. But I rebounded and B'ed the second! So now I have a C... Not the best grade ever, but it's the best I've done for now. History... I always forget about that class! I wonder why. No, not really. I like that class, actually, because it's so stress-free. But I actually kind of learn! Well, at least for the past week or so, I have. English. Goodness. I have been utterly failling all the tests pertaining to the books we were supposed to have read over the summer. I thought I knew Scarlet Letter, but I ended up getting 69 out of 100 on the test Monday! I never even read Huck Finn, and I got 59 out of 100 on Wednesday. How gay is that?! Only ten more for the one that I actually understood?! That just ain't right. Oh, well. I get out if what I put in (which wasn't much, admittedly). Spanish now, I actually have to learn! I mean, yeah. And we have real homework almost everyday, about which I am most definitely not complaining, because it's about time Spanish felt like a real class and not some joke. At least, in my opinion. Journalism is fun; we began writing a story about our interview with the principal from Monday. We currently have about four paragraphs and several quotes down, so it's all good. News editor! :) Now I shall really begin to write again. I hope...

For English, we have to read A Lesson Before Dying by whenever soon, I guess. I think I might go to Borders to buy it tomorrow, even though my hold is already at the library. It's just because I'm spoiled like that, okay? Nah, not really. I just want to have my own copy of some books, because my sister has to have them next year, as well, so why not, right? I need to get some PSAT prep book anyway. It's for English, too. English... sigh.

Hmm, what now?
Well, it's ten til eleven (ha), and I still have a thing or two left to do (that rhymed!) so I shall end this here. And to avoid possible disappointment in some of you, I won't even say that I'll blog again "tomorrow." Because you never know when my tomorrows will be! Unless something's really that important, then tomorrow means tomorrow.
Hence, until next time...

au revoir!


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