
I wasn't really planning on blogging here tonight, but I was in the mood to, so why not, right? Might as well satisfy my own desires myself while I can. Whatever sense that may or may not have made.

I went for a run earlier tonight. In the dark. Well, it wasn't yet dark when we began, but it soon got to be! But it was fun, sort of, not really. The person I was running with pushed me to keep running even if I was tired because, well, here's a good point: if you stop when you're tired, you're going to remain tired and not want to run anymore afterward. And, yeah, I actually ran around the park block twice nonstop. Maybe twice point five, I seem to have forgotten already. All I know is, I felt pretty numb while walking back home. But it was cool. Not literally. I was actually sweating quite a bit! Oh, wait. Too much information there.

Hmm, so today I finished the chemistry homework that is due on Monday. I'm supposed to be doing the questions that are due next, but obviously, I am occupied with things not pertaining to school. I know that there must be something else due on Monday, because only chemistry work seems way too good to be true.

Tomorrow is the 5k run. I used the unit converter on my phone last night and found out that 5 kilometers is 3.107 miles, which isn't bad, considering that it's probably only twice (and a bit more) as much as last week. Have I mentioned that I actually like running now? Hmm, for some reason, there was a while during which I hated sweating, so I didn't like to exercise very much, much less run. Before that so-called phase, I didn't mind at all. But after this summer, I don't even care anymore. I realized how good exercise is! (Yeah, I shoud probably be ashamed that I learned that after only 16 and a half years of my life...which is, my entire life there. Minus three months and two days as of today, haha.)
I just noticed that I was supposed to be talking about the run tomorrow. Oops. So 5k sounds long, but you already know how long it really is. What do they expect, though? Who in America uses kilometers? Miles is what it's all about! Kilometers is so Great Britain/ United Kingdom/ England (why can they not just pick a name already?). And then breakfast afterward with a few dearest people. (Kind of.)

Hmm. So I think that today's post is going to be a bit shorter than the last because I don't have that much to talk about because really, I didn't do that much today anyway. Except go to the library at 11 or so, come back around 1:30, eat lunch (corn and fruit), watch a bit of "27 Dresses" (which reminds me that I have to finish that tomorrow because we have to return it to the library on Monday), talk on the phone, do homework, eat, continue and finish that homework, go run, shower, type some things, chat online, and do this. And continue to chat online, of course, because I have a social network to tend to! (Somebody told me earlier that I have quite the "egotistical mantra". I replied with, "from time to time, in a joking manner, yes I do." In a joking manner, of course.

Yeah, I'll end here for tonight, because I have conversations to revive. Kind of. Haha.

Until next time (whenever next time may turn out to be),
good bye :)


Anonymous said…
this blog is so comment deprived

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