This Time

I just sneezed! Not a good sign.
It is so hot right now. It was so hot today! What happened to the autumnal weather, huh? Is this our compensation for the strange summer weather (or lack thereof)? Darn it, global warming.

Anyway, it is currently 9:17 P.M. and I am willingly neglecting my homework to do this because I had meant to do it on Sunday and began but never finished. Sunday was wonderful, by the way! It is always great to be Alive and Running. Have I mentioned my "new" fondness of running? It is fabulous. Just splendid. Too bad I didn't do it today. Dagnabbit.
What did I do today, by the way? Well, I woke up at the ungodly time of 6:59 A.M. for the purpose of studying for the permit test that I planned on going to take at 8:15. I studied for about an hour, went there, waited for nearly an hour, and finally went through the whole process of obtaining a permit or whatever it is termed. So my dad and I were sitting there waiting. Last time I went to there obtain an ID card, I was Gwhatevernumberthatfollowed. Today, I was G027. What a coincidence, yes? Anyway, after having waited for however long (for that duration, I studied the handbook), my number was finally called, and I went to turn in my forms or whatever, then to take my photo. By the way, have you ever noticed that all the desk/cubicle workers are women? Why in the world is that? Back to the photo thing. The lady was so rude! Again. Well, I forget whether it was before or after the photo, but as I was standing there waiting for her to process the paperwork, she asked if I was over 18 (when she could have just looked at the paper and done some simple math instead of polluting the air with more carbon dioxide by talking, right?) and when I said no, SHE ROLLED HER EYES! Who does that?! What horrible service, really. Who rolls their eyes at clients, no matter their age, huh? Well, you know what, lady? I rolled my eyes at your rolling your eyes; I just chose not to show it the way you did! Rude. Gosh. Anyhow, I passed the test! There's a leeway of eight errors--I made five, so it was all good. Now I can legally drive! So if you have a car that you wouldn't mind an amateur totalling, you know where to find me!

I forget if I have already said this, but it's worth the reiteration, I think. The other day in journalism, our "adviser" told us that almost all the time, exclamation marks are unnecessary, because the words that you use should already convey that emotion or excitement, right? And, yeah, I just found that an excellent point. Yet here I am, using exclamation marks frivolously (I love that word).

Oh, oops. I just realized that I didn't even finish telling you about my day! Silly me. So I got back home around 10:10, and watched "Twitches Too" with my cousin and sister. It was quite an interesting yet unexciting movie... I had planned on beginning homework at 11:45, and coincidentally, the movie ended at 11:43. But instead of doing homework, I just ended up cleaning up for the next hour or so. And...yeah. Watched a bit (only a bit!) of television for another hour, then "Freedom Writers" until whatever time it ended. Finished up some math (not really), did chem (due Thursday), then English. For the English assignment (which is also due Thursday; what is with the Thursday deadlines anyway?), we are to choose a person (from a list she read us) who was shunned from and tainted by society and write about him/her. I chose Marie Antoinette, and it was quite interesting! Well, I won't tell you about her, because I don't really care either. Haha.

So since it's really hot, my mother told me to turn on the air conditioner about half an hour ago, to which I obliged. And I just told my sister to close the windows. She said, "What windows?" I gave her a stunned look and repeated what I said. "Oh..." Haha. Teens and technology these days. "What windows?" What a joke.

Also earlier today, somebody came over to do homework, and that person was holding a magazine cut-out-photo of Michael Phelps (the one and only freaking sexy beast of swimming!) and asked if I liked Michael Phelps. I said yes and saw the photo and went and grabbed it away. And instead it allowing it to be used for homework purposes, I pinned it onto the wall right in front of this desk that I am at. It would have been such a beautiful sight had that photo not been abducted! Goodness gracious. Guys should not be in love with Michael Phelps too. Just kidding!

I keep feeling like today is Sunday. I wonder why. So, in a way, there are two Mondays this week! How marvelous. Not really. And Thursday is back-to-school night. I don't yet know if I am going. Perhaps some people will be blessed with my magnificent presence. Perhaps not. We shall see. Haha, just kidding. And then Friday is a shortened day! Hallelujah. Kind of. What kinds of plans (or just what plans) shall I make for Friday after school before LA's BEST? Hmm. Oh, well. I'll think about it on Thursday night.

Well, it is now 10:03, and I shall continue on with some other homework so I don't stay up so late tomorrow night... I still have to finish reading A Lesson Before Dying (I know, it sounds so depressing) by the end of tomorrow to write the essay! Although, one of my friends just told me that you don't really have to finish the entire book to write it. Oh, well. I still want to finish the book sometime sooner or later, and seeing as how I've been failing all the HuckFinn and Scarlet tests, I really ought to do better on this one, don't you think so?
Yeah, whatever.

Until next time,
Good night to you all!


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