
It is currently two minutes past ten in the P.M. (That rhymed!) I am playing Scrabble online...for the first time ever! It's quite fun, surprisingly. Any word game is fun, actually.

Three days of school have passed. I feel like it has been three weeks! Months would probably not be an exaggeration either. I still don't like my schedule, but the dislike is not as strong as it was however many days ago. I don't think I'm going to even try to switch out of fourth period English anymore despite my lust for the vocabulary given by the third period English teacher. Dagnabbit. Haha, in chemistry, I sit right in front of the teacher now (unlike last year, during which I sat in a back corner, practically), which means that I can never fall asleep anymore! Yay, me! That's a good thing, though, obviously. I can't ever fall asleep in math either (not that I ever did since math is OH SO VERY EXCITING...) because it's so bright in there! I love having math (early) in the morning. History class...what a joke. I like it, though, because while I do not really have anyone to talk to, I still have one or two accomplices with whom I can chat so as to deviate from absolute boredom after I finish my work. Most people just talk, as well. That class resembles study hall...a loud one! And then Spanish is just Spanish. I find it cool that the teacher actually speaks Spanish to us! And cool that sometimes I actually don't understand, because it has been way too easy for me these past two years. Journalism is perfectly good. So, yeah, it's all good, despite my initial incessant complaining and whining. Haha.

So this weekend I have a lot of homework to do! Even though it's not all due Monday. But still. I realized just this week how good it feels to get things done before their due dates! Hahaha. It's important, too, of course...

It is now nearing 10:30, which means that "Vigilante Force" is almost on! Yay! Not that I ever really pay attention to it anymore. Some things just get old after a (short) while.
Others simply do not.
Speaking of shows, the season premieres of "Gossip Girl" and "One Tree Hill" were just plain awesome! The latter was far better than the former. While watching it, my sister and I kept jumping up and down and screaming at what was happening! It was such an exciting event! Seriously. I cannot believe that Brooke's mother hired a man to beat up her own daughter! At least, that's what we inferred. What an evil witch! And that nanny... Wow. beeep!! Who's like that?! They really ought to die together. Soon, too!
And it is not just a show, okay?

I've been getting to the bus early in the mornings now! Yay, me! But so very late in the afternoon. Goodness. I hate how all the freshmen are "bullying" us! As in, they just CUT their way through. What the gayy! Where are their morals and values, huh? Or anyone else's, for that matter. Golly gee whiz.

It is now half past ten, and I shall go sleep or whatever I need to do. Yeah, probably sleep. I've been so very exhausted this week, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Hmm, well, until next time...

Goodbye. :)


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